Status: Trying for a weekly update.

Planning World Domination

The Idea

Hello my name is Stephanie; you may not call me Steph, my name is Stephanie. Clear, got it? Good. As of today I am planning on world domination. I don't honestly know where this idea of world domination came from. But I like the sound of it. Imagine being in control of the whole world? Having everyone doing as you wish. I like power and I love competition.

I'm not the smartest of people in the academic sense but it does not mean I'm not smart. Really I'm cunning and manipulative, people may call what I do cheating but really they are just jealous of my skills. For example, I am running a race right. Ugh hate running but I wanted to come first. I had to come first. I could not let Suzie win. She thinks she's so good because she reaches nationals in every single running event since she was like a foetus. So you know what I did? I tripped her over. I had to take her down a notch, couldn't let her win everything now could I? Now I know what you are thinking, I like ran into her lane and pushed her over or something. Quite the contrary, I had to be sneaky about it. Before our race I placed a stick on the track in her lane. She always picks the third lane. She says it's her lucky number. Yeah right, there's no such thing as luck. Then during the race as she was coming up to where I placed the stick. I screamed suddenly, distracting her from her running rhythm and she tripped. I'm like a ninja I swear. I won the race as well just if you were wondering.

World domination, I most definitely need to come up with a plan. First I believe I need a cat. Every pure brilliant evil mastermind has a cat. Today being my sixteenth birthday, I'm going to get a cat. My dad is going to buy me one, after school of course. Going to school on my birthday, what could be worse? There's going to be rules when I become world leader. One of them will be no school on your birthday, just no. I hear my dad calling for me, I guess it is time. Time to face school.