Rise of the Guardian


"Daddy, look at the falling star!"
"They say aliens are the falling stars" The father said looking up with his boy.
“Aliens?" the boy asked. “Like space ships and stuff?”
The father laughed. "It's just a story though. It's not real"
"Really?" the little boy asked. "Aw, I wanted it to be real. Meeting an alien would be awesome!"
The father laughed and carried his son to bed. "Goodnight buddy. Sleep tight"
The little boy didn't go right to bed; he looked out his window and up to the stars. "If you are an alien, I'd like to meet you" He saw a bright light from the corner of his eye and turned around. His face lit up with a wide grin. "Hi"
The next morning he couldn't stop talking about it. "It was a lion! Poofy and all light up"
"Honey that's impossible,"
"But... but it's not" The little boy said. "I saw him! He talked to me too!"
The parents became concerned and took him to the children's hospital; the father was convinced that it was because he told the boy about the aliens but to him, it was just a story.
"Sir, could you explain what your son saw again?"
"A lion I guess."
"A lion in Florida?"
"The man shook his head "He's only 6 years old, so he can't be taken seriously"
Kami Wilde and Jackson Sineway, paranormal hunters, exchanged a look. "Could we speak with your son?" Kami asked.
"Yeah, I guess. I don't see what's there to ask, he's only 6"
"We just wanna get everything" Kami said. "It helps" They go upstairs and see the little girl playing in her room.
"Hey" Kami said.
"Hi" the little boy said. "I'm Amon"
"I'm Kami." Kami said. "This is my partner Jack. We just want to ask you a few questions about what you saw"
"Mommy and Daddy thing I'm lying."
"That's ok. We believe you. Just tell us what you saw" Kami said sitting beside him.
"I saw really big white lion with a big poufy head. He was covered in white light and he talked to me"
"What'd he say?" Jackson asked.
"He said to not be scared and that he was the lion of God. He had wings too.”
The hunters exchanged a surprised glance.
"A lion angel?" Jackson asked.
The little boy nodded. “He was really nice”
"Thanks kid" Jackson said. The hunters left and got the basic story from the other kids that had seen this 'lion angel'.
"Tank we don't know what it is" Kami said. "There's no such thing as angels. Right?"
"It's just a ghost that thinks it's an angel. We've dealt with this before"
Kami sighed and got her stuff ready. "Alright."
With no luck that day, the team went to bed with doubt. Neither understood the reason why it was a lion. But as they slept, something was passing overhead. The TV and the radio started to buzz and it woke Jackson up. He got up and turned them off but they came back on again. He stared to get paranoid. "Kami, wake up" He shook his friend awake.
Kami sat up and her eyes went wide. "What the heck?" It was too late to head out the door; a high pitched ringing noise filled the room and made the glass shatter. The boys fell on the floor ears covered. The ringing lasted for what seemed like ages and the hunters almost went deaf but it stopped when an angel entered the room. The TV and the radio turned off and everything was quiet. "What the hell was that!?" Jackson yelled as he stood.
"Oh, my god” Kami looked around at the room, it was in shambles. She looked up to see a man standing in the middle. "Was that you?"
"No. You should leave." The man said.
"Why should we listen to you?" Jackson growled.
"Because I am angel of the lord."
"Bull!" Jackson grabbed his daggers and threated the guy.
"Tank, I wouldn't be messing around." Kami said.
"I thought you said you didn't believe in those things" Jackson scowled.
"Ok, so I might have lied. Come on Tank, there's about a million more angel legends than anything else. So why not?"
Jackson turned to the man in the room. "Why the hell should I believe you?"
A bright light filled the room and the man's wings casted a shadow against the wall.
“Who's your friend?" Kami asked
"Ariel, he’s a guardian. Drop this case."
"Forget it. We never drop a job. Beat it feathers." Jack groaned as he sat up.
Kami looked back at her partner then back to the guy but he had disappeared. "What the hell?"
"Ya got me" Jackson leaned against the wall, catching his breath.