Status: {Completed}

The Boss's Daughter

At the door

Patience finally opened her eyes with her burning headache. She kept on thinking what had happened to her. She looked at her phone and it was 12 in the noon. Oh my God! She rushed up but she couldn't see properly. Her head was still dizzy and she couldn't even say how much pain it was giving her. Soon her phone rang and she quickly received the call.

"Hello?" Patience said.

"Hello, prima ballerina! I know, you're feeling awful. So, just get yourself a black coffee right away, you will feel better", Cristiano said.

"Um...yeah, thanks", Patience said.

"You're welcome", Cristiano said and hung up.

Now, Cristiano thought if she even remembered of what happened last night. He smiled. It would be good to see her face when she'd react to know what happened. As for Patience, she wasn't all that happy about her being sick. It was killing her health. She quickly drank her coffee and walked to the restaurant.

"What happened? Are you feeling better?" Marcelo asked.

"Oh my! How do you all know that I am feeling bad from morning?" Patience asked.

"Ronnie informed us", Clarisse replied.

"How does he know anyway? I don't remember a thing of what happened the last day", Patience said horrified.

"Oh don't worry! You were just a bit naughty", Cristiano said.

"What do you mean by I was 'naughty'?" Patience cried out.

"Well, you were trying stuffs with me", Cristiano replied.

"What do you mean?" Patience asked once more.

"Oh shut up, Ronnie. It's nothing like that, love", Marcelo said and Cristiano laughed.

"But I can never get drunk", Patience protested.

"Well, someone spiked your drink", Cristiano pointed.

"What? Who?" Patience asked horrified.

"Well, I am not so sure, but I guess, it was for someone else, probably", Clarisse replied.

"i guess so, I am glad that I didn't do anything stupid", Patience said eating and Cristiano coughed.

Patience eyed Cristiano and he winked at her. Patience smiled to herself. She felt like she was blushing. She wondered what had happened.

"You know, Patience, I have a feeling that you like Ronnie", Clarisse whispered to her.

"It's nothing like that", Patience replied blushing once again.

"You guys show that you hate each other but..." Clarisse said but was cut off.

"Well, he does get on my nerve sometimes, you know", Patience pointed.

"Oh come on, girl! He's Ronnie, he is supposed to get on your nerves", Clarisse said and Patience laughed.

"Well, I don't know what he thinks of me, actually", Patience said looking down.

"Don't worry about that girl, Marcelo is working his way in it with him", Clarisse said.

Patience smiled. Well, she knew that something really interesting was going to happen to them in this fast city, New York.
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Hey guys! I am sorry for the late update. I have been acting lazy for a while. Sorry! I will try to be more good from now on.