Status: {Completed}

The Boss's Daughter


Patience walked inside her home with her bags and saw her dad talking to someone. She was a bit confused as she couldn't see who that person was. Soon the people understood that there was someone standing right behind them. They turned around and Patience fell from the sky. It was her father and her ex-boyfriend, Mark. She was shocked to see them together.

"Hello, baby!" Mark said and hugged her tightly.

She didn't know what was happening. They broke up 6 months back. Where did he come back from? She seriously thought that he was dead.

"You didn't tell me that Mark proposed you seven months back", Carlo said plainly.

"I think she got all caught up with the business, Carlo. It's fine. I am just dying to marry her, that's why I came here to talk to you", said Mark smiling.

Well, it was true that Mark proposed her a month before they broke up. Why was he acting like he didn't know that they weren't together? Patience wanted to open up her mouth but her father left for an urgent call.

"Why are you doing this, Mark? What's wrong with you? Did you forget that we are done?" Patience asked him angrily.

"Look, Patience, I love you and I am sorry that I asked for a break from you. I shouldn't have. I was scared", Mark said.

"You weren't scared, you were having second thoughts", Patience pointed him annoyed.

"Babe, we can work it out together, I promise, please come back to me", Mark requested her.

His green eyes were guilty and she didn't know what to do. Soon, he hugged her and made his own conclusion that they were getting married. Patience's mind was going to Cristiano. She loved him, not Mark. She soon realized something cold in her finger. She looked down at her hand and saw the ring that she once loved.

"I love you", Mark said once again kissing her cheek.

She couldn't respond. Her brain wasn't working. She wanted to say no but how could she? Her father loved Mark and he said that Mark was perfect for her but she knew who was perfect for her. It was Cristiano.

On the other hand, Carlo was happy enough to say to everyone that Patience was getting married finally. Cristiano looked blanked at Carlo. Marcelo had made him realize that he loved Patience. He could feel his heart being broken into pieces. Why did it have to happen to him? She didn't love him. She was actually in a relationship with another guy.

He saw Marcelo staring at him and he quickly walked out. He took his car and drove away. Marcelo quickly called Clarisse and told her everything. She was horrified. She drove herself to Carlo's house and knocked on the door. Patience opened it.

"What's wrong with you? You were dating a guy and you didn't even bothered to tell us or me?" Clarisse asked.

"I am sorry, but I am not dating Mark", Patience replied.

"What?" Clarisse asked shocked.

Patience sighed and told her everything. Clarisse couldn't believe that Patience even said yes to the marriage to the guy she doesn't love.

"But, how could you do this? You father planned the wedding after 4 days, are you crazy?" Clarisse said.

"I didn't know my wedding was 4 days later. I mean, dad didn't tell me anything. Mark is very clever", Patience answered.

"Oh no! Do you even know that...Cristiano!!" Clarisse zoned out.

"Cristiano what?" Patience asked quickly.

"He loves you", Patience breathed out.

Patience was beyond happy. She quickly ran out of her home and sat in the car driving to Cristiano's home. She was going to say it to him today. She wouldn't wait for another second now.
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Ooh! A very big twist! Hope you will like it :)