Status: {Completed}

The Boss's Daughter

Meet me down the aisle

Patience sat down looking at the ground. Her tears dried up and no emotions working. A woman was dressing her up. She was looking beautiful but there were no smile on her face. Mark was dressed up and he was happy. His motives of being together with the rich girl was coming true. It was all about money, of course. All he had to do is convince Carlo Ancelotti. It was an easy task.

Cristiano sat down in his room looking outside his window. He hadn't slept all night. He lost the one he loved. He loved his son so much that he couldn't risk him. He was being selfish but he couldn't loose his son. But could he loose Patience on the other hand? He couldn't think straight. Marcelo handed him a black coffee but he denied to drink it. How could he?

Patience was said that she was ready. She didn't dream her wedding to be like this. She looked at herself in the mirror. But images of Cristiano kept on coming in front of her. More tears formed in her eyes. How could her father do this to her? All the guests had arrived and Mark was waiting for her. Her dad looked proud. Mark's plan was going just fine. Carlo smiled at his guests.

Cristiano could feel himself dying from inside. He took too much time. He wished he told her before. He wished he realized it before. He wished for things to change but it was short time and he had nothing in his hands anymore. All he could do now is feel the pain and try to digest it in him, which was impossible, he knew.

Patience took her flower and the music started. She started walked down the aisle as she took deep breath. Her eyes were teary but everyone was smiling. She tried smiling too but she was failing. She stood next to Mark and Mark smiled at her. What was she doing? She was getting married to Mark.

"Dear ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here to witness the pure and holy bond between true lovers and to be a part of this celebration. This is where two souls come together to be one and so this is our job to pray for them and bless them from our heart. We are witnessing the matrimony of Patience Ancelotti and Ma..." the priest was cut off.

"Yes, miss? Do you have a question?" the priest asked Patience whose hand was high.

"Not really but I have something important to say", Patience said.

"Can't it wait till the end?" the priest asked.

"No", Patience replied and turned around.

"I am so sorry all that I am stopping this wedding but actually I don't love this man standing next to me but I am really thankful that you all came at such a short notice. Please do have the lunch and pray for me. I am calling off this wedding", Patience said, she felt relieved.

"Patience, what are you doing?" Carlo asked.

"Dad, I know you love me and that you want the best for me but Mark is not the one", Patience replied and then walked out of the church.

The guests were all shocked. What was happening? Patience did what her heart said her. She took a taxi and then went to his home.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's almost the end :)

Patience's dress -