Status: {Completed}

The Boss's Daughter

Party in Madrid

Patience looked at herself in the mirror. She looked just fine for the high class party. She was used to all these. She took her clutch, wore her heels and walked downstairs. Her father looked at her in awestruck.

"I never knew you grew up so fast", Carlo said a bit sadly.

"I am 27, dad. What do you think?" Patience asked in a matter-of-fact tone.

Carlo chuckled a bit and took her by the hand, taking her to the limo and then driving to the party. Patience was a bit curious about whose party she was going to. Though she didn't wanted to ask her father but she couldn't hold it to her.

"Whose party are we going?" Patience asked politely.

"Iker's", Carlo replied.

Patience nodded and looked out of the window and saw the beautiful night lights of Madrid. Maybe Madrid was never all that bad. She sighed when the car stopped and she walked out. The house was beautiful and she smiled looking at the exterior of the house. She would want a house like this. Carlo knocked on the door and a woman opened the door.

"Hello, Carlo!" the woman hugged him.

"It's so nice to see you, Sarah", Carlo said.

"And you must be Patience, Carlo's daughter. Oh my God! You're so beautiful", Sarah said.

"Thank you", Patience replied smiling.

She took them inside and let them sit down. The party was all bash and fun and Carlo insisted her to look around. She smiled and nodded. She looked around the house and saw how much beautiful the interior was.

"You like it?" someone asked her.

"Yes", she replied without realizing it.

She turned and soon water was all over her dress. She was so pissed off. It was her new dress and whoever just ruined it.

"What's wrong with you? Can't you see?" Patience yelled and the person in front of her was all weird.

"I am sorry! You turned around. Not my fault!" the man replied all chilled out.

"How can you be so chilled out?" Patience said and finally looked at the person.

It was none other than, Cristiano Ronaldo. Her heart beat went faster. She has been yelling at him? How could she be possibly so much of an idiot to? She was always a big fan of him and nonetheless, a craze of him. She gulped slightly.

"Oh, I am...its not my mistake", Patience said trying to be bold.

"Alright, fine...I am wrong", Cristiano said and walked away from her.

How could he? Why was he all rude? Patience looked at him and checked him out. Well, he was hotter in reality. He was tall and fit. The first thing that came into Patience's mind was 'I am gonna get him'. She knew her skills would work so easily but then again, Cristiano was working under her father, so she couldn't do anything serious. Dang!

Cristiano, on the other hand, was quite impressed by the way Patience was talking and looking. He yet didn't know who it was. So, he decided to ask Marcelo.

"Who is that girl in the red dress?" asked Cristiano.

"That's Patience, boss's daughter", Marcelo replied sipping on his wine.

"Boss as in Carlo?" Cristiano asked again.

"Who else?" Marcelo said in a matter of fact tone.

Cristiano checked her out. She was gorgeous. Breath-taking to be exact. But he had seen her somewhere before. He just couldn't recall where.

"She was in Chanel as a head fashion designer", Marcelo said.

"Thanks for replying my question in the head", Cristiano said.

"You said the question out loud", Marcelo pointed out.

"Well, then...good for you", Cristiano said chuckling.

"Don't even think about it. She's the boss's daughter", Iker came and said.

"Why do you guys think that I am going to sleep with her?" Cristiano asked annoyed.

"Whatever, Ronnie!" Iker said and kept on playing with his phone.

The night went checking each other out for Cristiano and Patience. Cristiano knew that she liked him but he wasn't going to give in and for Patience, she knew what she had to do. If this was a game, then let it begin.
♠ ♠ ♠
The game has just started for them. Stay tuned for more updates!

Patience Katherine Ancelotti -
Patience's dress -