Status: {Completed}

The Boss's Daughter

Start of the business

Patience finally finished her designs. She was frustrated. She counted and it was 35 in total. She felt relieved. Soon, her hand found her cellphone and she called Cristiano. She didn't know if it was good time to call him but she did it anyway.

"Hello?" Cristiano's voice echoed and Patience couldn't wonder how much amazing his voice was.

"Are you there, Patience?" Cristiano said once again.

"Oh yes, I am sorry! I just wanted to let you know that I am done and you like to see it?" Patience asked.

"Sure, I will be there in half an hour", Cristiano said looking at his wrist watch.

"Great!" Patience said and then hung up.

She made herself a cup of coffee and looked over at her room. It was completely messed up. She quickly took her time to clean it up but soon there was a knock on the door.

"Oh hey!" Patience said breathless.

"Hey! What have you been doing?" Cristiano asked.

"I things up", Patience replied and let him in.

Cristiano sat down and looked around. He thought it looked as if he was in...a girl's fantasy place.

"This doesn't seem like a home", Cristiano commented.

"What do you mean?" Patience asked.

"I mean, I came here so many times but now it seems like a prima ballerina home", Cristiano said chuckling.

"Was that an insult?" Patience asked folding her arms.

"Whatever you think", Cristiano said.

"Oh my God! What do you think of yourself? Your comment just doesn't matter to me", Patience said.

"Well then why are you reacting?" Cristiano asked.

", I am hurt", Patience replied.

"Oh my! I am so sorry....not! I came here for work, lady...not to hear that you're hurt", Cristiano pointed out.

Patience rolled her eyes and went to her room. She took her designs and took them to Cristiano. Cristiano saw the designs and he was quite shocked. She did a really good job and so he couldn't say no.

"I should say, prima ballerina, that you did a really good job. You should work on all of them", Cristiano said smirking.

"Thank you but I prefer Patience", Patience said faking a smile.

"Well, I prefer prima ballerina", Cristiano said and left.

Oh! She hated him now. It sounded like an insult and now he got on her nerves. He was such a jerk but then again Patience had no idea why she had butterflies when she saw him. She rolled her eyes and went on with her work.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry guys, I had an operation so I couldn't update earlier but now you'll be getting regular updates. Thanks for the support. Love you guys!

Patience's dress -
Cristiano's dress -