Love Child

February 8th, 2008

Dear Scarlet,

David and I have decided to name our baby Andrew Jacob.

I've always loved the name Andrew and Jacob is David's middle name, and his Grandfather's name.

Anyway, just thought I'd update you on that. Lately I've been very busy with all of my school work and extra homecare classes. But both David and I are doing well. We're closer than ever, and are making lots friends.

I just can't wait until my baby is born. Then I can finally start being the best mother I could possibly be. I love this baby so much and I love David for being there for me.

David just told me it's time for sewing class. this week we're working on knitting. I'm making Andrew a hat for when he's born. David is doing surprisingly well too. once he learned to make a pattern, he's been making baby clothes left and right. we have at least 5 little outfits already.

I'll try to write soon.

Yours Truly,
♠ ♠ ♠
SO sorry i've been so lazy, but school is killing me. =/

(shameless self-endorsement)

I just got published online at

I really want to get published in the Magazine, and I only ask that you go to the site, rate the poem, vote for it and tell your friends. THANKS!!!

PS- I will gladly return any favors you ask of.