Sequel: Apathy


Chapter Eight

Vic's POV:

My car started, and I pulled out of the parking lot of the hotel. I just wanted to go do something today, to get my mind off of things. What I wasn't expecting was getting out of the car to go to the park and bumping into a man much taller than me. But this wasn't just some man, I knew this guy. I muttered sorry, trying to fit the pieces together, who was this?

Then hit me like a ton of bricks.



Kellin's POV:

Lying in a hospital bed for what seems to be forever is already really boring. I've only been visited by Justin, Jenna, and Vic so far. Not even my parents have come to see me. But it doesn't bother me too terrible much. It's a fact that they know what happened though, Jenna called and told them.

I was torn from my thoughts by a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I yelled, anticipated. Part of me was hoping it'd be Vic, but I knew that'd be impossible, considering he's on the other side of the country.

The door opened a little, and girl with big, brown eyes and black hair peeked in. "Hi Kellin." She smiled, walking in and closing the door behind herself.

"Hey Alena, what are you doing here?"

"Alex told me you were in here, I just wanted to check in, how are you?" She seemed genuinely concerned.

But I wasn't going to lie to her. "Eh, okay, my leg hurts, but they'll put me on my medication soon." I gave her a reassuring smile, because she seemed to waver.

"I brought you something." She said quietly, walking back to the door.

"Really? And what's that?" She brought in a little bag.

"Open it," she handed the bag over to me. I sat up and little and gave her a weird look, before pulling the bag open and looking into it.

The first thing I saw was a slip of paper, so I pulled it out and began to read it.

Thank you for your purchase from Vans Warped Tour. We hope you have a great time, see you soon! If there's any errors or questions, you can contact us at

Below was two tickets.

"Alena? You bought these?" I said to her, loudly. She giggled and gave me a small nod. "So like, we can go." She stop laughing.

"No silly, they're both for you, I don't want to go."

"How could you possibly not want to go to Warped Tour?" She rolled her eyes.

"I don't like those bands, besides, I know someone you'd much rather take."

"Well...sorta. No offense to you though, because you're fucking amazing." I grinned at her. She just laughed at me, probably because I looked really horrible.

"When he comes home, talk to him Kellin, don't ignore it, god take him to Warped Tour if you want!" I frowned a little. How did she know about Vic?

"Your friend Jenna doesn't keep her mouth closed very long." Alena stated.

"Did I think that aloud?"

"Yup, and it's not the first time." She laughed and winked.

"Wait...this is in July and I can't walk." This earned another frown from me.

"Don't worry, I know you'll be walking by then." She got up and headed to the door. How could I trust her statement? She wasn't a doctor. Then again, she was right about a lot of other things.

"Hey Alena?" I said, right before the door was going to close.


"Thanks." She gave me a goofy smile, then closed the door, leaving me alone once again.


Vic's POV: (I know it changes a lot anymore I am so sorry)

"So what brings you back to San Diego?" Mike asked, taking a seat at one of the picnic tables.

"I could ask you the same thing."

"I never left." He stated.

"What? You still live with mom and dad? Mike you're twenty-one don't you-"

"Shh, I don't live with them, I have an apartment with my friend Tony."

"Oh...okay good."

"So...same question, what're you doing home?"

"I tried to sort things out with mom and dad...and it worked, but it was kind of too late, so I don't why I'm here now, vacation?" We smiled at each other.

"I'm glad your short ass bumped into me." I rolled my eyes. He's always making fun of my height.

"Yeah, yeah, me too, do you wanna go get food?"

"Yeah, I'm starving, Taco Bell?" I laughed with a nod. When we were kids, Taco Bell was our life.

Turns out, Mike just went for a walk through the park, so we took my car. And when we got to Taco Bell, I was happy to see they had new items on the menu.

"I'll have a number four with a soda." Mike said. "Who's paying?"

"I will, it's fine." That was enough for him. "I'll have the same." The man typed a few thing in, then asked for my card. He took it and with a swipe, handed it back.

"I'll bring it out to you." He stated bluntly. God wasn't he a happy camper? Then again, I really wasn't either.

"So, how have you been?" I asked Mike.

"Uh, pretty good...I laid a job at the mall, so I pay my rent, which is split with Tony. Umm, I don't have a car though, but it's okay because I like walking." I smiled. "Anyways, enough about me...let's talk about you." He shifted closer to the wall.

"Umm, I've been good I guess, there's been better. I'm a therapist now, and I have a boyfriend, we live in an apartment, which we split rent. And um yeah, that's it." I left out Kellin, just because I wasn't a priority in his life anymore.

"Ooooh, who's the lucky guyy." He teased, earning my classic rolling of eyes from yours truly.

"His name's Jaime."

"How long have you been together?"

"Hmm, three months? Maybe two, I don't know." He shrugged. "Any lucky girl?"

", not yet."

"You'll find someone." I gave him a reassuring smile, before our food arrived.

"Thanks." I stated, taking my food from the tray.

Our burritos were really good, like usual. It was nice, contacting Mike again. I guess I never realized how much I really missed him. When we finished, I looked at my phone. It was going on one.

Dumping our containers in the trash, Mike spoke again. "Well, I gotta get going, I have work in a little bit." I nodded.

"I can drop you off, if you want."

"Okay, thanks." I waved him a hand, saying it was fine.

So the drive to the mall was short lived and fairly quiet. I wasn't a very good socialize.

"Hey Mike?" I said, when we parked.

"What's your number?" He smiled, taking a piece of paper from the notebook. I always kept one in here, but I don't know why.

"Here, that's mine and Tony's, just in case." I smiled. "It was nice seeing you bro, we'll talk sometime."

"Definitely," I said back. He then shut the door and trudged into the mall. I kinda already missed him. So now what? The beach.


After going surfing and being lonely, the sun started to go down, so I headed back to the hotel. In a way, I just wanted to go home. I was tired of being out here anyways. But, at least that's the plan, I leave tomorrow.


Kellin's POV:

*Two Weeks Later*

Two weeks in a hospital bed has been pretty fucking annoying. Last week, they did surgery on my knee and removed whatever remnants were left in my leg. The pain is better, but I still can't stably walk. We've tried some, but I'm always screwing up. On the bright side, the doctor said I will be able to walk again, just not properly for a couple months.

Jenna and I have spent a lot of time together, just sitting around the hospital, talking. She brought in some card games once, so it wasn't completely boring. Right now though, I was alone. So, that caused me to start thinking about things again. And after being lost in those thoughts, I found myself reaching out to my phone, dialing Vic's home number.

But then I realized what I was doing. I couldn't talk to Vic. I mean, I wanted to, but I was so scared to do it. Please don't answer, please don't answer, please-

"Hello?" Shit.

"Um,'s Kellin, is Vic there?"

"Yeah, one sec." I started to bite my lip, nervous.

A few seconds later, I heard his angelic voice. "Hello?" I smiled, before tapping the end call button.

I just couldn't do it.


Vic's POV:

"Hello?" I said, expectantly. But I got response. All I heard was a sigh and then the dial tone. "Who was that Jaime?"

"Kellin." My mind went blank. Why was he calling? Did something happen?

"O-oh okay, well uh, I'm going to go get...gas." I waved and left the house.

But we all know I wasn't going to get gas.

When I arrived at Mercy's the lady at the desk greeted me with a warm smile.

"I'd like to go see Kellin Quinn, if that's alright." She checked her computer.

"Sure, do you know where he is?" I smiled.

"Sure do." I patted the desk, and headed towards the room. I didn't even allow myself to think before I opened the door, meeting the surprised Kellin. I rubbed my neck.

"H-hi.." I said quietly, not budging.

"Hi," he responded.

"How are you?"

"Fine...uh, can we talk?" Thank the lord.

"Sure," I moved to the chair across from the bed he was laying on. He looked miserable, and I couldn't help but to feel a little sympathetic. "What about?"

"I just want to say, I'm sorry for being....the biggest dick on the Earth to you." He chuckled a little. "I guess I didn't think you actually cared. But then, I kinda realized you did...and, yeah." He looked really uncomfortable.

"It's okay...I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have led you on, with Jaime and all." It hurt to bring it up.

"It's are you and him doing?" He fidgeted with his fingers, which was probably the cutest thing ever.

"We're...yeah we're okay" I sighed, looking up. "But all I can really think about is you." I stated, most likely blushing like crazy. He looked up, and his eyes lit up.

"R-really?" I nodded. I couldn't hide it anymore. And his next words was what made my eyes light up as well. "I can't stop thinking about you too." He removed one of the blankets and sat up a little. And before I knew it, he was standing up, trying to stabilize himself. Quickly, I got up and walked over, supporting him by wrapping my arm around his waist. He inhaled sharply when I touched him.

"It's okay," I said quietly. He nodded. I could tell he was in pain. "You want to lie back down?" He shook his head profusely.

"I gotta tell you something." He turned towards me, resting his hands on my shoulders so he wouldn't fall.

"What's that?"

"I won't be able to walk for a few months." I bit my lip.

"Well...good thing I'm here." He smiled at me.

"Yeah, I'm lucky." He teased.

"Damn right you are, trust me, I'll help you with anything you need, I promise-" I was cut off by his lips touching mine lightly, but after a few seconds, more forcefully. It took me a few seconds to come to my senses.

But then I kissed him back.

My hands went around his waist, gripping firmly so he wouldn't fall. His arms draped around my neck, and we stayed that way for quite a bit of time. Eventually, he pulled away and I felt myself missing his lips on mine already. He sent me a small smile, then looked away blushing.

"Sorry..." he muttered, shaking his head. "I'm an idiot." Quickly, I rested my finger on his chin, causing him to look at me curiously. I stood up a little straighter, before leaning in and pressing my lips to his once again. He smiled into the kiss, before he started kissing me again. It was kind of sloppy, but I didn't really mind. It was just nice, having him here again. There was always something...different about our kisses, from Jaime and I's. In a good way.

I found myself backing up, hitting the bed, causing us both to fall on it. He laughed slyly, before he moved over and invited me to lay on top of him.

"Ow, ow." He muttered when I was shifting myself on the bed. I was on his leg.

"Oh, sorry, sorry." I moved quickly.

"It's fine." He said, before pulling me down to him again, our lips brushing lightly.

"God, the things you do to me." I chuckled. He did a lot of things to me too.

So there we stayed there, laying against each other for what seemed to be ages, before I heard Kellin's breathing steady, and when I looked over, he was sound asleep. I smiled, pressing my lips to his forehead before I sat up and got off the bed, slowly.

At the door, I smiled at him again, then made my way out of the hospital.