Disaster Waiting To Happen


She officially hated her parents. Who forces their child in the middle of their high school years to leave their entire life behind and start a new one. Well, apparently her parents did.

Hayley blasted music from her ipod as she watched her life whiz by, ignoring her parents the entire trip on the plane and now in the the cab. She refused to forgive them for dragging across the damn country just because of her dad's job and he was relocated to Las Vegas. This proves that nothing in Hayley's life goes according to plan. She brushed her white blonde hair out of her blue-green eyes and continued to hum along with the music. She would have drawn in her sketchbook but the cab didn't exactly smooth out the bumps on the road.

After half an hour of torture, the cab finally drove into a a driveway in front of a big white house with two stone columns in front of the door. It wasn't a bad but Hayley missed their old home where she had so many cherished memories.

Her mom payed the cabbie money as she finally got out of the car, slamming the door. Hayley's father gave his difficult daughter a look that clearly said," Cut it out or I'll take your computer away so long that you won't remember what it is."

Hayley just rolled her eyes and dragged her bags inside her new home. She decided to pick her room while her parents waited for the moving truck to arrive. She carried her favorite duffle bag, which had 9 buttons on the strap that was in front, and went into her room on the second floor.

The walls were plain white but that was okay, she would have have repainted them anyways. It was a decent sized room and in the corner was her bed that they had already been flown in from New York. Throwing her bag onto the mattress she fell onto her back and closed her eyes...hoping that this was all a dream and once she opened her eyes she would be back in her original bedroom. She opened her eyes to see that this wasn't a dream...it was reality and she needed to suck it up and deal with it.

Hayley grabbed her bag and took out her most prized possession, her sketchbook. She flipped through the pages which mostly had drawings of her friends or scenes that she had created in her mind. Hayley and and her friends had promised to keep in touch but she knew that wouldn't happen. Frequent phone calls will soon fade to awkward silences and eventually stop talking all together. Yeah, moving sucks ass.

"Hayley, come down and help me and your mother carry the boxes!" she heard her father yell.

She didn't answer hoping that he would get the message that she was still mad at him.

"Haley!" Guess not.

Hayley sighed and got up from her bed and went back downstairs to help her parents unpack. Most of the boxes were already brought inside thanks to the movers so that left a lot less for Hayley to do. She wasn't the strongest person alive so after five boxes she'll be about to pass out.

As she took the smallest looking box from the truck she felt a pair of eyes burning a hole into the back of her head, making her very uncomfortable. She turned with difficulty due to the heavy object she was carrying and she saw a boy around her age looking at her from across the street. He had a mop of shaggy dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. In the sunlight he looked extremely pale, paler than herself if that was possible. He would have been hot if it weren't for his face expression. His face was like stone, not s single emotion flickered but eyes showed a different story. They were full of hostility and frustration and it was all aimed at Hayley. She gulped, scared that the kid would do something to her.

Have you've ever seen one of those movies when you see the guy then but when something like a train passes in between both of you he's gone in a millisecond. Thats what exactly happened. For a minute Hayley stared at the boy who just stared back but when a car passed by...he was gone. Hayley blinked multiple times gaping at the spot where the boy was standing just seconds ago.

"Great, now I'm going crazy," Hayley mumbled.

"Hayley Rebecca Thomas! Stop day dreaming and get unpacking," Hayley swore under her breath.

"I heard that!" her mother said.

Hayley's eyebrow twitched as her patience was tipping over her boiling point. Taking deep breaths to calm herself down she continued to unpack...the mysterious boy still in the back of her mind.
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This is another story I've conducted. This is a Vampire story so it has fantasy elements in it.

Comment if you want me to continue this story ^.^