Disaster Waiting To Happen

Mixed Signals

Hayley looked down at her schedule that the lady in the main office gave to her. Her first class of the day was Math which was somewhere on the third floor. Just as she closed her locker door she heard the final bell ring throughout the hallways of Palo Verde High School.


Grabbing all her stuff Hayley sprinted down the hallway and ran of the flights of stairs. To her luck her Math classroom was right across from the stairway. She entered the room and everyone in the class stared at her. Hayley slightly blushed as she walked towards to the teacher, who didn't seem to happy that her student was coming to class late. Hayley handed the teacher a slip of paper which seemed to lessen the teacher's annoyance.

"I see, I'm Mrs. Ruinsky. Class this is Hayley Thomas, she transferred here from New York. You can sit in the empty seat next to Ms. Samowitz. "

As she passed a couple people Hayley heard them whisper to each other. The girl that the Mrs. Ruinsky had pointed to had bleach blonde hair and a tan that almost looked orange. She looked like a carrot. The girl looked Hayley up and down with distaste.

Hayley ignored her and as class continued she began to zone out everything the teacher said. She had already learned the lesson at her old school, plus Math was her best subject. Hayley would have fallen asleep but she heard constant giggling and gossiping from her left. She learned that the blonde girl's name was Alyssa Samowitz and she was passing notes with her friends who also wore fake tans. Hayley noticed that once and awhile the girl would glance at her and then whisper something to her friends making them giggle...it started to piss her off.

She was about to say something to her but the bell rang, signaling that class was over. Alyssa gave Hayley a dirty look which was returned with a death glare that could kill. The girl's eye widened in fear and walked away quickly, stumbling in the process. As if nothing happened Hayley got up and went to her next class.

The rest of the morning was just like first period. People would whisper about her but she quickly silence them with a single look. If they tried to befriend her she didn't acknowledge their presence. By lunch time half the people in her grade got the idea that she didn't want to be friends with any of them or not to mess with her. After getting her lunch, Hayley went outside and ate her lunch under one of the trees in front of the building. To her delight no one was around, leaving her to enjoy her sandwich in peace. That's when she saw them.

There were four of them, all laughing as they walked together. The tallest one had brown hair and had gorgeous piercing blue eyes. Next to him was a boy not to much shorter than him had his hair swept across his face and was talking to a a sweet faced boy who had large amber eyes. They were all very attractive but Hayley's eye froze on the fourth boy. His white teeth was blinding and his laughter was melodic. It was the very same person that had stared at her the other day with such hostility that it sent chills down her spine.

Thankfully they didn't seem to notice her and walked into the school through the entrance. The boy's laughter still ringing in her ears Hayley stood up from her spot and went back inside, throwing out her garbage on the way in.

The bell had rang and she sluggishly walked to her History class. She was good at that class but it bored her to death. Walking in the into the class she immediately took the seat in the back corner. To her dismay they weren't regular single seated desks, instead they were long tables that was able to seat two people each. As everyone else entered the classroom some tried to stay far away as possible from her r she would have to scare them away. The teacher was a man in his late twenties and was actually pretty good looking. His golden blonde hair went nicely with his fair skin. His eyes were a deep golden caramel that seemed to melt anyone's heart with a single look. The girls around Hayley giggled and check him out, commenting to each other how hot he was. Hayley rolled her eyes, along with the rest of the boys in her class. Just as the final bell rang a familiar boy walked, the teacher didn't seem to mind since it was only the first day of school.

"Brendon, just on time. Hm, there seems to be no more seat available...ah, there's one next to...Ms. Thomas." the man said looking at his chart.

How he knew who Hayley was, she had no idea, but she didn't care about that. All she could think about is that he possible murderer was going to sit next to her. Brendon sat down in the seat to her right and faced forward, not even giving her a glance. The teacher gave his students a warm smile.

"Welcome, I'm Mr. Beckett if you didn't know or didn't have me last year for World History. And as you see I let you pick your own seats and the ones you have picked will be yours for the rest of the year."

Hayley's mouth flew open. She couldn't believe that she would be stuck sitting next to Brendon for the rest of the school year. Hayley shifter her eyes to her right and saw that his body had tensed and his jaw was clenched.

"Just great, this year is going to be hell," she muttered to herself.

As class dragged on Hayley couldn't help but stare at Brendon who was writing something down in a notebook, and it was definitely not notes.

"Ms. Thomas, I'm sorry my lesson isn't as interesting as Mr. Urie but I assure you it will be on this week's test," Mr. Beckett said teasingly, his perfect teeth shining brightly as he smiled.

Hayley turned her attention away from Brendon and turned bright red. It didn't help that she was extremley pale so her embarrassment showed easily. Mr. Beckett chuckled and continued on with his lesson. Hayley took one more glance at Brendon but she wasn't sure if she was delusional or not. Maybe it was the trick of the light but she swore that his mouth twitched into a smile.


The final bell rang and Hayley ran out of her Spanish class, unable to stand another minute in this building. Not even going to her locker Hayley walked out of the school and went to the a parking lot, hands fumbling trying to find her car keys. Once she finally got the keys out of her bag she unlocked the car and got in. Hayley's plan was to start the car and drive as fast as she could off the campus. That didn't happen.

She put the keys into the starter and twisted it...the engine didn't start. Panicking she tried turning it a couple times but all she heard was the engine stuttering. Out of frustration Hayley slammed on the wheel and then put her face into her hands, leaning back onto her seat.

"Can it get any worse?" she groaned.

Hayley heard someone knock on the glass window. She looked up to see Brendon.

*Spoke to soon*

He motioned her to come out of the car so she did. Still irritated from her car not starting she really hoped that he wasn't here to mock her about what happened in History.

"Do you need a ride?" he asked.

Hayley just stared at him not knowing what to say. She didn't expect him to offer her a ride especially after the way he had been acting towards her...Hayley felt confused.

"Um, yeah but don't you hate me."

"No, what gives you that idea?" he asked, his eyes dancing with amusement.

Hayley was about to tell him that he was always tense around her but she stopped, knowing that would admit she had been staring at him all this time. And that would be mortifying.

"No, reason, I just...Are you going to give me a ride or not," Hayley cried exasperated.

Brendon raised his eyebrow and smiled at her. After calling a repair shop to have her car taken away she then followed Brendon. She didn't expect it when Brendon suddenly took her hand, making her flush. She noticed the girl from her Math class, Alyssa, gaping at her and sending her glares form afar as she got into his car.

Brendon put the car into drive and drove them both out of the parking lot. There was an awkward silence in the car. Hayley then realized that she didn't know anything about this kid and he could be some psycho serial killer if all she knew. She felt herself start to panic as he drove them onto a road that she did not recognize.

*What did I get myself into?*
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Hope you liked it so far ^^
Comment if you like it and want me to continue

Might take awhile to update since I have finals coming up. Same goes for my other story. Crap...I have Spanish and Science Regent on the SAME fucking day!
*glares at whoever made schedule*