Disaster Waiting To Happen

Secrets In The Attic

As they drove for a few minutes Hayley calmed down. They had finally turned onto her street, realizing it took half the time to get back home when Brendon drove, obviously knowing the routes better than she did. Her heart slowed to its normal pace as she saw her home not to far away, feeling like an idiot for doubting him like that. Brendon parked along the sidewalk in front of her house and Hayley quickly unfastened her seat belt. Soon as it was undone she went to open the door but it didn't budge.

"I really appreciate the ride but...can you open the door?"

In a blink of an eye Brendon's face was just barley an inch away from her own. Hayley could feel his steady breath which smelled like strange mixture sweet chocolate and mint. She looked into his eyes and saw that they were filled with the same type of frustration that she had seen the first time she saw him and today during class. But unlike before instead of anger it was replaced with pain and confusion. She never actually noticed it before but his brown eyes showed maturity beyond his years making him seem much older than 17. Hayley turned her head away from him hoping he hadn't seen her face being brushed with a tint of pink.

"Er, my parents are probably wondering where I've been so If you don't mind," Hayley said uncomfortably, feeling his intense gaze was still on her.

Brendon didn't unlock the door and continued to concentrate on Hayley's face. She was about to say something but he did first.

"Have we met before?"

"I've seen you the other day when I moved in but other than that no."

He stared at her for a little longer but finally leaned away from Hayley.

"Oh, sorry. It's just that you look a lot like someone i knew...awhile ago," his face darkened when he said the last part.

Brendon then turned back to his normal non-hostile self and grinned at Hayley, unlocking the passenger door in the process. She got out of the car, glad that she was no longer in that awkward situation, and thanked Brendon for the ride.

"No problem, I'll see you tomorrow," showing off his dazzling smile on last time before driving away.

Hayley didn't know why but she felt dazed...and she didn't like it. Brendon had completely ruined her plan to isolate herself from everybody in Las Vegas to show her parents that she was miserable here and force them to take her back home...to her real home. Hayley took out her new key and unlocked the door to an empty house. Her mom worked as a doctor and her father was a lawyer so they worked all day, leaving Hayley all to herself.

Even when she walked into her room and blasted music she still couldn't keep her mind off Brendon. Something about him intrigued her. What did he mean that he knew someone that looked like her and if he did why did his face darken at the mention of that person? Hayley didn't understand him but it's not like she wanted to in the first place...right? Hayley laid on her bed closing her eyes but soon as she did she saw Brendon's face. She instantly opened her eyes and shot up from the bed. As she walked around the room his laugh echoed in her head.

"Ugh!" Hayley cried out i frustration.

Hayley kicked the wall...making an unexpected hollow noise. She jumped backwards out of surprise and then cautiously went to where she had kicked. She knocked on the wall which again made a hollow sound. Curiously, Hayley continued to knock on the wall and moved to her right, trying to figure out how big the space on the other side was. She ended up getting closer to her closet, where the wall continued to. Opening the closet she saw in the bottom left a sliding door with a broken, rusted lock on it.

Hayley kneeled down, her shaking hands took off the lock and slid the door open, seeing a small space on the other side. It was to dark to see anything so Hayley went to get a flashlight and crawled through the opening which was half the size of a normal door. As she stood up, brushing away any dust on her pants, Hayley saw that the space was not big but in front of her was a flight of stairs. She hesitated, taking note to the fact that they might be hundreds of years old and could collapse beneath at any second.

Her parents had told her that the house had been built about 3 centuries ago, one of the oldest buildings still left in Las Vegas. She was shocked to see that the house was still intact when they had first arrived in here, half expecting it to be falling apart and vines growing all over it.

She carefully walked up the stairs, which seemed to lead up to the attic. It ended at another door and as she opened it Hayley gasped at what she saw.

The stairs had led to another part of the attic which was separated from the rest of the loft by thick walls, the wallpaper slightly torn and worn down. It was half the size of Hayley's own bedroom and there were various boxes covered in dust and cobwebs. The room was filled with objects that people would find in most antique shops but the thing that her eyes instantly fell on was a large chest. Hayley blew off the dust and undid the clasp.

Inside the chest were books, stacks of letter and papers, stained with brown, wrinkled. There were other valuables in it but Hayley the most was a navy blue velvet box. She gently picked it up and looked inside of it. Her eyes grew wide as she took out a beautiful golden necklace. Despite the age of the necklace the tiny links of the chain glowed but was nothing compared to what was at the end. There was a simple heart shaped charm, a pattern delicately engraved on the front. In the center of the hearts was a gorgeous blue-green gem, the same color as Hayley's eyes. She instantly fell in love with it.

*It wouldn't hurt if I put it on. It's not like anybody's going to miss it.*

Hayley carefully undid the clasp of the necklace, in fear that it would turn into dust if not handled correctly, and put it around her neck. She then walked to a slightly cracked mirror, mystified by the beauty of the necklace. Hayley touched the heart shaped charm and suddenly felt a wave grief. Hayley's eyes grew knowing that feeling was not hers. Goose-bumps formed on her thin pale arms and her breath became shaky from nervousness and paranoia. She looked down at the necklace and examined it, flipping the charm to see the back. The back of the heart was smooth and had beautiful curvy writing engraved into it, writing A.E.

*Maybe the initials of the last person who own it*

She shot up from surprise when she heard her mother call out her name. Scrambling to get to the stairs Hayley hid the necklace under her shirt and went over tot he chest quickly. Before closing it inside she saw a book, bounded by a silky sash, the same color as the jewel in her necklace. She heard her name being called again so without hesitation Hayley grabbed he book and closed the chest. She quickly ran down the stairs, praying that they wouldn't fall apart.

Hayley finally made it to the bottom of the staircase and crawled back out through the small opening, sliding the door behind her. Just as she closed the closet door her mom walked into the room, an irritated look on her face.

"I've called your name a million times, Hayley. if you are still ignoring us young lady..."

"Mom! I didn't hear you 'cause i was listening to my ipod. God, you don't have to get all pissed off over it."

Exasperated, her mom shook her head and walked out of her bedroom. Hayley sighed in relief as she took the book from behind her where she had hid it from her mom when she walked in. Hayley flipped through the pages and realized what she had took was a diary. The person's writing was similar to the back of the heart shaped charm but wasn't as perfect. She looked at the first page of the diary and saw the date, reading December 12th, 1707 and at the bottom right corner was Amelia Eahart. Hayley put her hand on the necklace.

*The initials on the charm was hers...she owned the necklace...she lived here!*

Excitement filled Hayley as everything she had discovered sunk in. She went over to her bed and picked up the mattress just enough for her to slid the diary under. This way neither of her parents would find it, knowing them they would probably search her room once in awhile, paranoid that she might be doing drugs.

Even though it was only 4 in the afternoon, Hayley was exhausted. She snuck under her blanket and put on her earphones, letting the music carry to dreamland. Her breathing soon steadied signaling that she had fallen asleep...dreaming about who the girl Amelia was and Brendon
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hope you liked this chapter. I don't think i wrote this chapter that well and think it was confusing O.o

Well, comment is you like and want me to continue ^^