Disaster Waiting To Happen

Bullet To The Heart

Hayley groaned to the sound of her alarm clock, signaling that it was time to get up and get ready for another day of hell. Yawning, she went to the bathroom and took a quick shower, letting the hot steaming wash away all her stress. Once she dried her naturally straight hair she put on a light layer of eyeliner and aquamarine eye shadow, contrasting with her paper white complexion. Remy put on a pair of jeans and a tight white tank top. She grabbed her favorite oversized sweater and went out the door, not even bothering to eat breakfast. She went to go grab her keys but when they weren't where she usually put them realization dawned on her. Her car was still at the repair shop and they said it wouldn't be fixed until next week.

"Great, just great!," mutters viciously.

Her parents had already left so she had no way of getting to school besides walking. Hayley would have taken the bus but it had already past the time when it arrives at the stop. Now in a bad mood, Hayley stormed out of the house not happy that she had to walk a 2 miles to get to the school. Before she could even get off her front yard she heard someone honk. Hayley turned to the sound and to her surprise it was Brendon.

"I figured that you would need a ride since you don't a car anymore," he said with giving Hayley a teasing smile.

"Shut up. I can get to school fine on my own thank you very much."

Hayley walked as fast as she could on the sidewalk but Brendon continued to drive slowly beside her. She deliberately ignored Brendon and acted like he wasn't there.

"You know at this rate we're both going to be late? Come on, just get in the car," being so mature, Hayley stuck out her tongue at him.

Brendon rolled his eyes and stopped driving. Hayley smiled to herself for winning but it instantly turned upside down when she felt herself get thrown over someone's shoulder.

"What the hell Brendon, put me down!"

"No," he said flatly, but inside he was laughing.

Hayley tried to kick her way out of his grasp but there was no use. Brendon was a lot bigger than her and she had no strength left due to the lack of food this morning. He opened the passenger door and placed Hayley inside. He went around the car and sat in the driver's seat, laughing at Hayley who was now pouting with her arms across her chest.

"It's your fault. You wouldn't get in the car so I had to do something," Hayley glared at him which Brendon returned with a fake one.

As he drove, the only sound that filled the car was the music coming from the stereo. Hayley tried to keep her attention on the passing buildings and cars but failed to when she stole glances at Brendon. The sunlight bounced off his pale skin making him seem to glow and the wind from the open window ruffled his thick brown hair. Hayley couldn't help but think how attractive he was. She instantly mentally slapped herself for thinking that. It wasn't that she hated him, in actuality she thought he was a nice guy...well, when he didn't get angry or weird that is.

They finally arrived at the school parking lot but soon as they stepped out of the car she heard the final bell ring.


"See, if you hadn't objected to me bringing you here then we wouldn't have been late."

Hayley gave him a dirty look as if to say "You're not helping." She ran to her firs period class knowing that Mrs. Ruinsky was going to kill her. especially since she had already been late to her class yesterday. Luckily when she entered the classroom, she saw that her Math teacher hadn't even arrived yet so she quickly went to her seat, pretending as if she had been there the whole time. ''

She then saw a teacher that wasn't Mrs. Ruinsky walk into their class. He seemed to glide across the room and everyone stared at him blankly as he stood in front of their class smiling. Hayley couldn't tell if it was because they didn't know who he was or it was because of his beauty. He seemed very familiar but she couldn't put her finger on it.

"Hello class, I am Mr. Griffin and I will be your Math teacher for the rest of the year."

His deep voice was silky, making him less intimidating. Hayley head murmuring from people around her, taken back by this man's appearance.

"Mrs. Ruinsky, won't be able to come anymore due to an...accident."

She didn't now why but the last part sent chills down her spine, creating goose-bumps along her arm. Class continued as it would normally would but there was something strange in the atmosphere. Even Alyssa, the fake blonde which Hayley prefers to call "the Dyke," didn't give her dirty looks like last time and all the gossiping stopped. There was silence. The only time she would hear something was when Mr. Griffin spoke or when someone else answered his question.

As the bell rang no body ran out of the class like they usually did, instead they took their time. Hayley started to freak out and felt like was in some a alternate universe. She quickly walked out of the class, not noticing a pair of sinister eyes following her every move.


Hayley sighed in relief as her lunch period came. She couldn't take another minute in her her English class with that woman for a teacher. Like yesterday Hayley got her lunch and went outside to sit under her tree but to her distaste she saw Brendon.

"Are you stalking me or something because if you are I will get a restraining order."

Instead of making him upset he seemed to enjoy her aggravation with him, annoying Hayley even further. She turned around away form him to go back to the cafeteria but was stopped by Brendon who magically appeared in front of her.

"Eat with me," Hayley opened her mouth to protest but didn't have the time to say anything.

Brendon took her free hand that didn't hold her sandwich and led her to the parking lot. Standing in front of his car were the three other boys that she had seen him with yesterday during lunch. Brendon whistled to get their attention. When they looked toward his direction they all stared at Hayley. Hayley squirmed in discomfort of having the gaze of three strangers on her.

"Brendon, we were wondering where you went. I'm guessing this is the girl you couldn't stop talking about in Science?" said the amber eyed boy.

For the first time Hayley saw Brendon's face falter and turn slightly pink. She smirked.

"Hey, I'm Ryan and this is Jon and Spencer," the boy said kindly.

Ryan pointed to the other boys who also greeted Hayley. After talking with them for awhile she learned that they had all grown up together. She then turned her attention to Brendon, who had been strangely quiet the entire time.

"What's up with you, normally you don't shut up," Brendon blushed and turned his head, muttering something inaudible under his breath.

Hayley cocked her head to the side, confused by his behavior, while Ryan, Jon, and Spencer smirked at their embarrassed friend. She was about to say something but instead they all heard a loud grumbling sound. Hayley flushed red as everyone, even Brendon, laughed at her.

"I see somebody's hungry," Brendon said wiggling his eyebrows teasingly.

"Shut it. I didn't have anything this morning and you didn't let me eat my sandwich. Aren't any of you eating?"

She noticed that none of the boys had food with them. They all shifted uncomfortably and gave each other nervous looks. Spencer coughed.

"We, uh, already ate before," Jon said not surely .

"Uh huh, sure," Hayley said, not believing them.

There was an awkward silence as Hayley ate her turkey sandwich, not knowing why everyone became so quiet. As lunch ended, Brendon and Hayley said their goodbyes to Jon, Spencer, and Ryan as they walked to their History class together. They were walking in the crowded hallways when it happened.

Hayley saw a boy not much older than herself standing in the middle of the hallway looking straight ahead with a blank expression. He then took out a black shining object and stuck out his arm, pointing it right in Hayley's direction. that's when everything happened in slow motion. Hayley didn't know what happened but all she heard was a loud bang and chaotic screaming. Unable to utter a sound or move she just looked back at the boy and the tiny object that was flying in her direction. Right before the bullet was going to penetrate her head Brendon pushed her out of the way, receiving the impact right in his heart.

Hayley groaned and rubbed her head. Pain rung through her head from hitting it on the floor when she was knocked to the ground. She looked in horror as she saw an unconscious Brendon on the ground with a small hole in his shirt where the bullet hit. As everything sunk in she let out a piercing scream and was swallowed by darkness.
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Yay a fast update lol =]
Hope you liked this chapter

Comment if you liked it and want me to continue ^.^