Status: This story is sort of dead I believe. I (h3aRtLeIgH) am writting a Frerard from where it left off.

Mikey Way Is My Dad?!


Name: Nikki
Age: 14
Nickname: Nikkles, Nick, Unicorn girl, Kinky bitch
Adopted at birth. Adopted mother dies and tells her who her real parents are she goes to find them... Is madly in love with her best friend Dougie.

Name: Dougie
Nickname: Dougles, Donatello
Nikki's best friend. pretty lame. in love with Nikki.

Name: James
Nickname: Michelangelo, Jamesy
The oldest. Nikki's go to guy ^^. Always there for her when she freaks about Dougie or just needs to let it all out. good listener and helpful.

Name: Danny
Nickname: Raphael, Twat, Dannykins
The hyper one of the group. almost always joking but can be sweet and helpful when he needs to be.

Name: Conner
Nickname: Dad, Leonardo
The smartest one but not a dork. Like the fatherly figure


Woah Gerard eats bibles. Damn.