Love and Death Embrace With the Funeral of Hearts

Killing ourselves a kiss at a time

Yesterday was amazing, we saw the sights that made Vegas, and we took a tour. Ville and I had our own hotel room, which overlooked the desert of course it was far off but still beautiful to look at the sunset. Well we tried to look at the sunset, we were making out for half of it. Also between yesterday and this morning the skateboarding crew were doing tricks and the jackass crew were pulling pranks making people happy. My hand got so tired of signing pictures and notepads that I had a pain for an hour.

Right at this moment I was stepping into my dress while April and Missy helped. I wasn't nervous, I was the happiest I could be. Walking down the aisle with the only father I had known for the past few years I felt like I turned a new chapter in my life. I felt amazing, and the look on Ville's face as I walked on was that of pure happiness. He looked so handsome in his tux. When we said our I do's and kissed, Ville kissed me with his most passionate kiss. And when we finished his whispered 'I love you' in Finnish. I whispered back and smiled.

And then it happened while walking out of the church once we had changed photographs were taken like crazy. The thing is none of us knew how the people had gotten there since we told no one. I guess my bad feeling was coming out. Luckily Ville and I weren't standing to close so the photographers didnt know who got married. Thank god Bam had this to say.

"Nothing to see here, Missy and I just wanted to have another wedding that's all."

Then they walked away; I walked over to Bam and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you Bam."

"Don't worry about it sis, what are friends for."

We went to our vehicles and drove back to the hotel. While walking through the lobby to get to the elevator I swear I had seen Cassie. I shook it off and thought that it could have just been someone who looked like her. In the elevator Ville had noticed my worried look.

"Selena darling what's the matter?"

"I thought I saw her."

"Don't worry love we left her back in West Chester, our problems were left behind."

"I hope you're right love."

He then gave me a passionate kiss and we headed out of the elevator and too our room. And once in there we noticed a note on the table. Ville picked it up and looked at me in horror, I took it from him and read it to myself. I was shocked myself. It said:

Dear Ville and Selena, I know your little secret and I will get revenge.

It wasn't signed but we knew who it was.

"She wouldn't, she can't. Maybe this is a prank, maybe Bam did this."

"I hope he did, I don't want anything to happen to us."

He pulled me into a hug.

"We'll have to see Bam about this later let's get something to eat and go to bed."

"Alright darling, we did have a big day and all. We should rest for tomorrow we have a H.I.M show to do."

He smiled down at me and kissed me tenderly. The next morning I awoke in an empty bed, I could still feel Ville's warmth in the bed; I could also still smell the wonderful scent that he has. It smelt so sweet. I was about to get up off the bed until Ville walked in with two trays of food; I sat up as he sat down. He handed me my food and I kissed him.

"Ville I love you."

"Well you'll be happy to know I love you too."

I placed my hand on his face and stroked it, I than went back to my food. Once done I took it over to the little kitchen part of the hotel room and put the plate by the sink. I grabbed my clothes and headed to the shower. I walked out into where Ville was sitting having a smoke.

"Ville dear you're going to have to stop that, you know we are having a child."

"You're right."

He then put it out and went to have a shower himself. I heard a knock on the door and when I answered it turned out to be Bam so I took the opportunity to ask him about the note.

"So Bam dearest I have a question to ask you?"

"Ask away Selena."

"Did you write a note and get someone to put it in here?"

"No, none of us did."

"Oh god that means she is here."

Ville had walked out putting his shirt on and he couldn't believe it either by the look on his face.

"She can't, I am so going to kill her if she lays a hand on you."

"Let's just hope we can stay far away from her." Bam said.

"Agreed." I answered.

"So Bam are you and I still on for shopping for our wives before I have to go to sound check."

Bam nodded his head yes, Ville turned to me.

"And love what will you be doing today while you wait here for me?"

"Watch movies and probably go see Missy."

He hugged me then got ready to leave.

"I'll miss you."

"Awe you really care."

"Not you Bam, I meant Ville."

He then gave me a hurt look and they were gone. I sat there watching X-Men: The last stand and I couldnt help like feeling that something was going to happen today, something bad. I didn't want to worry, so after the movie I went and took a drink of my half-empty cup of coke and headed to the bathroom. While putting eyeliner on I thought I heard the door open and I thought I was hearing things. It wasn't until it closed again did I run out to see whom it was but saw nothing. I sat back down on the couch and took another drink of my pop. After awhile I started to feel strange, than I blacked out.

Cassie took her chance with the poison to kill Selena with and ran into the hotel room. She noticed Selena was in the bathroom and slipped some of the poison into her pop.Then Cassie bolted back out and hoped Selena didn't notice. Cassie was furious with Selena for marrying Ville and for carrying his child. She hated Slena with a passion. She smiled as she walked out of the hotel. She then covered her face when she had seen Ville and Bam walking towards the hotel.

Ville walked slowly to the hotel room with a smile on his face; Selena would love what he had bought for her. He knocked on the door but no answer; this caused him to furrow his brows. She must be having a nap before the show he thought. Ville took out the key and opened the door. He was horrified when hehad seen her there lying on the floor.

Ville immediately ran over to her and felt for a pulse, there was none. He could feel the tears streaming down his face as he put her head in his lap. Blackened tears started to land upon her face. He looked around and noticed her pop which was now rather discoloured, he knew what happened. Cassie somehow got in here and poisoned her. He couldn't stand this heartache so he took the cup and drank the rest. He laid next to her as he watched his world blacken.

Bam walked over to Ville and Selena's room to see how happy she was only to find them dead. He yelled for his friends and felt a few tears fall down his face. Everyone knew who done this. As Dunn went to call 911 Missy spoke up.

"This reminds me of Romeo and Juliet, even the way they're laying is like the play."

Bam then remembered how Selena and him had joked about this and how she said that to Ville. He than hugged Missy closer to his body.

"Missy I will never let you go."

The next day their death's were all over the news, you'd be hearing about these two star-crossed lovers for weeks. Fans were mourning their favourite skater and their favourite singer as well. Cassie on the other hand was captured by the police and sentenced for life in prison.