Status: One of the Books :)

Let It Roll

I missed you, so much

I sat on the couch next to Jack. He was watching the Ravens play in one of the last games of the season and he was losing his shit as the score changed every few minutes. It was cute. He was acting like such a man, which for Jack was rare! He was more on the chilled out, relaxed didn't care about being buff or working on cars. The only manly thing about him as his Ravens.

"Calm down Jack. It's a fucking game. You win some you lose some." I said throwing a handful of popcorn at him.

"It's the RAVENS. If we win, we go to the playoffs, if we lose we're out til next season Brit. It's not any game, it's THE game." He screamed at a reff as I got up to go into the kitchen to get a drink. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

New Message : Gaskarth

Jack getting crazy yet?

To : Gaskarth

Yeah. I'm pretty sure he just broke the remove...again. I swear. He's the hardest yet easiest person to live with in the world.

From : Gaskarth

Who are you telling! I live on a bus with him the majority of the year. But look, if you want, to get away from the crazy you can come over, we can go grab some late lunch or something.

To : Gaskarth

Okay! That sounds like a plan to me. Lemme go get dressed since i'm still in PJs and I'll be right over! :)

I ran up to my room and searched through my closet. I needed something, warm, cute, comfy and something that also didn't scream I LOVE YOU to my closest friend. Alex meant the world to me and without him, I'd be lost. When I moved to Towson, he was literally the first person my age that I meant. Jack had gone to the store with my aunt so when I started moving my things in, he came and helped. Said he was Jacks best friend. And from that point forward, he's been mine too.

I grabbed a rose colored sweater and a pair of jeans and toms to match. I raced down the stairs to the door before Jack realized what was going on.

"Woah woah woah there speedy gonzalez where the hell do you think you're going."

"With Alex. We're going to a late lunch."

"Don't get your hopes up. He just broke up with Lisa. Again. He's just your friend nothing more. Promise me that. I don't want to kill my best friend for hurting you again Britanny."

"I promise Jack, now please let me go." I said grabbing my jacket off the rack.

He stepped aside allowing me to leave. The fresh snow was still falling lightly, adding to the accumulation on the ground. I could have drove, but I wanted the walk to calm me down before I got there. Cold or not I needed this. It was only a few blocks to Alex's house but it felt like a million miles. The snow didn't cease, but it was beautiful looking. When I finally got to Alex's house I knocked on the door and just waited staring at the snow piling up on his fence.

"Britanny!" he squealed hugging me when he opened the door. "You walked here?! Are you fucking nuts?!"

"No, I'm not insane. I just found it to be completely beautiful out here."

"Well, come in and warm up before we go out and get lunch." he moved aside so I could get in and hang my coat by the door.

"I missed you while I was gone, so much."

"I missed you more Gaskarth, trust me. Being without you boys is the worst." I said looking up at him. He has bags and circles under his eyes, and they were still slightly blood shot like he'd been crying. He grabbed his car keys and motioned me towards the car to get going to one of our favorite diners near by. We ordered our usual and just sat there. He told me all about the tour and then the subject of you-know-who came up.

"I just, I'll never figure out why someone could be as spiteful as she is ya know? Like.. What did I ever do to her."

"You gave her everything you had alex. That's all you can do." Saying those words just broke my heart than hearing the sadness in his voice when he talked about her.