Status: In Progress!


Dizzy on Dreams

Brooke and I walked into third period, which was our working period. We were in charge of picking up Bobby, Drew and Scott's schedules. Strangely, Bobby worked two and sometimes three jobs this summer with Scott. They were hanging out so much lately, Brooke often joked that Scott was dating Bobby instead of her.
"So, how do you like being able to work with Bobby so much this year?" Brooke nudged me and winked. Drew and Brooke are dead convinced that I have a 'thing' for Bobby. I don't. I don't think. I don't know. But what I do know is that I don't have enough time for crushes; this is my junior and my most important year. I can't afford anymore stress. I rolled my eyes and once again said that I don't like him. She, of course, didn't believe me.
"No, Brooke, seriously," I said, as we were walking back downstairs to give the guys their schedules, "I don't like him. At all." We walked back into History, handed the teacher our pass,and sat down in our seats. Bobby walked in with Drew on his back, a few minutes later. Drew sat down in between Brooke and I, and Bobby sat to my right. She smirked, and said, "Scott agrees with me." At the mention of his name, Scott sat up and said, "Yeah, babe, you're right, always," and then put his head back down on the desk and most likely went back to sleep.
"Scott agrees with what?" Drew inquired. Brooke opened her mouth to speak, but I said, "That Folie a deux is better than From Under the Cork Tree." Bobby shook his head, and put his arm around me. "Nah, son. Take This to Your Grave trumps all." We continued arguing about it, until the teacher walked in and started her lecture. When she was finally finished, we all collected our things and gathered in the hall.
"So, I'll meet you guys in the kitchen, I've got to talk to Mr. Block for a few minutes." I could've sworn Drew winked at Bobby when he announced that, but I shoved it off.
"Okay, I'll tell Chef you'll be late," I said, and walked away with Bobby. I heard from somewhere behind us, another one of his friends calling, "Oh look, it's the happy couple!" We got fed up with this last year, so we decided that every time someone asked us about it or mentioned it, we'd act as if we were. Bobby grabbed my hand and turned around, saying, "That's us! Thank you so much for reminding me." We walked further down the hall, before he let go of me. He paused outside of the kitchen, and said, "hey, are you asking anyone to homecoming this year?" Surprised, I said, "No, but it's literally only the first Monday of school. When is it even?" He chuckled and said, "yeah, but still. It's the first Friday of October."
"Okay, well, no, I've not asked anyone yet. You probably have, though," I said, nudging him and winking.
He looked down at his converse for a moment, before looking back up at me, "No, actually. I think that's what I'm trying to do now."
"What? Are you serious?" I asked, not able to hide my smile. I'd never thought I'd go to a dance that I was asked to, I usually ask them. "Like as a date?"
He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, and said, "Yeah, I mean it'd be cool if we could go on a few dates before then, too?" Oh my god. oh wow.
"Yeah, I'd love to go to homecoming with you. And I'd love to go on a date or two with you before that, too."
He looked up at me, smiling, said, "Really? Would this Wednesday after work be alright? I could pick you up at like 6:30?"
"Yeah, that would be nice. Should I wear fancy attire?"
"Nah, there's no need to dress up for me," he answered smiling. He then opened the door for me and said, "After you, m'lady." I smiled, and stepped into the kitchen with Bobby following behind.
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