Status: In Progress!


If This Room Was Burning, I Wouldn't Even Notice

Wednesday morning came around with me waking up 30 minutes past my alarm. Groaning, I clumsily stood up, went to turn on my light and tripped over a box on the way there. I reached the light switch, and tried to find a decent outfit to wear. Checking the weather on my phone, I realized it was going to be chilly all day, so I pulled on some skinny jeans and my black converse. Thumbing through my pile of non-boxed clothes, I found my long-sleeved All Time Low Live top. I shrugged, and ran a brush through my hair. As I walked downstairs, I heard my mom and Sam arguing about some boxes. Surprisingly, with Dave, Jenn and Taylor's help, we were almost all packed up. As I finished brushing my teeth, I heard a car pull up into the driveway. It was only 7:15, Bobby wasn't supposed to be here for another 15 minutes at least... Looking out the window, I noticed it was Dave. He ran up to the door, and started banging on it excessively.
"God, Dave, shut up!" I ran to open the door and he grabbed the nearest box he saw.
"Mom says she wants you guys done by today, so I took the day off to move everything."
"Ma," I yelled, "I could take the day off too!" My mom came around the corner, with a grumbling Sam trailing behind.
"No, you can't miss work!" We started to argue about it, and before I knew it, I heard a car honking outside. I walked out onto the front porch, and saw Bobby's car, Drew standing outside of it.
"ANNALYSA," Dave screamed, as if he weren't literally three front in front of me, "YOUR BOYFRIEND'S HERE TO PICK YOU UP FOR SCHOOL!" Drew started laughing, and I flushed bright red. My mom called out the window, "DAVE, LEAVE THE KIDS ALONE, WOULD YOU?"
I walked down the stairs, and muttered, "He isn't my boyfriend," as I passed Dave. He just shrugged me off. I got into Bobby's car, and waited for everyone to say something. They were all laughing, as he put the car into gear and started to drive away. I flipped them all off, and Brooke said, "I'm sorry, but Dave is a damn riot!" I noticed Scott was still laughing, so I said, "Yeah, didn't you say he was hot last week, too?!"
Scott stopped laughing and turned to look at Brooke so fast, he should've had whiplash. "What's this?" Brooke was blushing, and said, "Seriously, I just said he was hot! You're hotter, babe, obviously, but he's damn good looking." Scott grabbed her hand and said, "Damn right I'm hotter."
Bobby was oddly quiet, and as I turned to look over at him, he smiled softly and held out his hand. Lacing our fingers together, I rested our arms back on the cupholders.
"Still good for tonight?" Bobby asked me, almost nervously, as we pulled up to the stop sign.
I nodded furiously, probably looking too excited, but who gives a damn?
"Wouldn't miss it, babes." He grinned and squeezed my hand, and I'd be a filthy liar if I didn't say that it made my heart skip a few beats. We pulled up to the school a few minutes later, and we all got out of the car.
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I'm back, bitches! Thank you to the readers and subscribers! Sorry it's been so long.
Please leave a comment or two, it would make my day!
Much love,