Status: Here's another oldie I'm reposting to Mibba. I found this on my old Quizilla account. I believe it was the first original story I posted to the internet. Probably written in 2006/2007

Ineffable Plan

Chapter 38

Aaron, Emmanuel, Julian, Ryland, and Jeremy all stood outside the gates of the underground palace where the Coven was holding Justine. They had a simple plan: Go in, get Justine, and get out. They would do whatever they had to get her out of there. Simultaneously, they teleported into the palace just outside of the doors of the great hall. There was a charm on the hall and they couldn't teleport directly into it.

"So, we go in. Whoever is closest, gets her and takes her home. The rest of us fight and finally end this thing." Emmanuel said.

Julian smiled smugly. "It's about time we get rid of the Coven once and for all."


"If that's what you want." The monster spoke calmly. "It's a pity, though. You were so beautiful. You would have made a great princess once we regained power. My son did seem to take a liking to you."

Justine's heavy eyes flung open when she felt a cold hand graze her face. It was the one who had taken her. Eisle.

"Are you sure you won't change your mind?" He hissed. "I could make you very happy."

She turned her head away from him. His slick greenish skin was revolting.

He frowned. "You don't like this?" He morphed into Aaron. "Is this better?"

A tear slid down Justine's eyes. She may never see him again.

"Don't cry love," he cooed. "It doesn't have to be this way. You've got about sixty seconds before the poison kills you, Justine. That's more than enough time to make a better choice."

He was staring into her eyes. His copy of Aaron was perfect, even his voice was just as heavenly as Aaron's. His eyes were just as deep. It would have been east to forget that he wasn't really Aaron and agree to whatever he was saying, but his icy hand on her cheek was a reminder that he wasn't real.

"Don't fucking touch me," Justine spat. "I'd rather die."


There was a very loud explosion. Splinters from the door were sent flying everywhere and the doorway seemed to be on fire. There was a second of silence as the Coven turned to face the five boys walking into the hall. All silence was broken once Aaron spotted Justine slumped over in the large throne. Before the Coven could react, Ryland and Jeremy had sunk there fangs into the necks of two of the men, effectively ripping out their throats. Aaron, Emmanuel, and Julian, headed towards Justine. Predictably, the remaining five Coven members stood in their way.

Aaron immediately lunged at Eisle. He had taken Justine and brought her here. In seconds, Aaron had all but beheaded him. The sickening stench of his blood filled the room as Aaron tore his body into pieces. His brother's finished off the other Coven members, only one remained.

The monster stood, unfazed, by Justine's side. He wore a cocky snarl-like grin as he watched the five boys approach him.

"It's so nice of you to join us, gentlemen," he mused.

"You won't be wearing that smile when I'm done with you," Aaron growled.

"She's already dead."

The monster gestured to Justine. She was slumped over in the chair. Slowly the vines that had bound her retreated and Justine toppled out of the throne. Aaron was there in a flash. He caught her before she hit the ground. He couldn't hear her heartbeat. She was barely breathing.

Aaron laid her gently on the ground. Her skin was bruised and her arms and neck had small puncture marks that had turned a sickly green color.

"Justine?" Aaron whispered.

She didn't answer. She didn't move. Aaron could faintly make out her voice in his head.

Aaron. Do it. Finish him.

"Justine? You'll be fine. Don't worry,” he argued weakly. He searched her thoughts for a response. There was nothing. He pressed his ear against her chest. Nothing. She was gone.

Slowly Aaron moved his lips to her neck. He let his fangs graze the soft warm skin at her throat before tenderly sinking them in. Warm blood flooded his throat and he bitterly swallowed every drop.

Emmanuel and his brothers watched as Aaron kneeled hunched over Justine's body. When he turned around a small gasp escaped Emmanuel. The brothers slowly backed away from him. His eyes were fiery red and his skin practically glowed.

"Ilias," Aaron's voice was a low deep guttural growl.

With long quick strides he made his way to the monster. Aaron ignored the burning in his chest as Ilias threw his witchcraft at him. Spell after spell hit him and he still marched on as if untouched.

When Aaron stood less than a foot in front of him, his hand shot out and grabbed Ilias' neck, almost crushing it. "Ilias. You will pay dearly for that," he growled.

A shrill screeched escaped his mouth. His eyes rolled into the back of his head. Aaron released him and stepped back. Ilias fell to his knees, writhing in pain. Blood poured out every imaginable place. Another deafening screech escaped him as he was enveloped in fire. Emmanuel and the others turned their heads away from the disgusting site in front of them. Aaron stared with a small twisted smile. He had avenged her death. It was what she wanted.

The thought of Justine brought him back. His eyes cooled and he fell to his knees. She couldn’t be…dead. Tears stung his eyes as he crawled to her body. She looked pale and her skin was freezing. Aaron held her body to his chest, staring down at her beautiful face. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion as his gaze moved from her. He looked around him. His brothers stood solemnly, encircling him and Justine, with tears sliding down their faces. He let her body rest on the hard cold concrete and slowly got to his feet. Walking past Julian and Ryland, he made his way to the center of the room. The palace lay in rubbles around him. The bodies of the men were strewn about. They had been defeated but everything had been destroyed.

And she was gone.
♠ ♠ ♠
That's it.

And here is the unfinished sequel.