Death by Innocence

Chapter Ten

Fighting with your best friend sucks. Today was not one of the high points in Helena's life. Right now she was walking to Transfiguration, by herself. How fun! How jolly! So there she was, having the time of her life when she heard a voice come up from behind her.
"Hey there Helena," Helena groaned. She knew that voice.
In less than a second the smiling face of George came up from behind her. For someone who had an obsessive infatuation for George for the last five years she hardly showed it.
"George," she nodded, barely acknowledging him as she lengthened her pace.
"Come on, don't be like that!" he began to jog next to her.
Helena stopped abruptly. "I am not having the best day. My friends hate me and I am depressed. I just don't feel like dealing with you right now."
"Harsh," commented George. Putting a hand on her shoulders he turned Helena to face him. "Why don't you let me make it better?"
Helena stared. "How about no?"
George's hands slithered around her waist and pulled her into him. Sighing Helena said, "I'm really not in the mood to deal with you. Just let go."
"I don't think I will," George grinned, "I like it like this."
And as if the moment could get any worse Draco walked down the hallway. "Where's your partner in crime? Or are you still fighting?"
"Shut up ass hole," Helena snapped George's arm still wrapped around her waist.
"And who is this?" muttered Draco his eyes scanning George. "Your boyfriend?" he spat angrily. "How fitting the blood traitor and the mudblood lover."
"Don't talk to her like that!" shouted George standing in front of Helena.
"Protective," noted Draco still smirking.
"For your information he is not my boyfriend! He is my bloody stalker, and I don't have time for this!" Helena stomped over to Draco, her head only coming up to the middle of his chest. She poked him with the end of her wand.
Then Helena felt something grab her by the waist. It was, not surprisingly, George. "Come on Helena," he pleaded pulling her along with him.
"What are you doing?" cried Helena as George pulled her alongside him. "I am not finished with him!"
George scowled. "I do not like the way he looked at you," he muttered darkly.
"The way he looked at me?" shouted Helena. "How is he supposed to look at me in the middle of a fight?"
Stopping George dropped Helena's hand. "He likes you," he stated as if it were completely obvious.
A shocked look passed over Helena's face, but she quickly regained her composure. "Malfoy? No way! You can't be serious! He hates my guts! Besides, why would he like me? I'm nothing special, he could get any girl he wants!"
"I think your special," said George walking towards Transfiguration.
"Helena threw him a skeptical glance. "No really! I think your smart, funny, and… beautiful."
Helena flushed deeply, keeping silent. "Come on. we are going to be late for Transfiguration."

Sighing Helena plopped down onto a chair in the common room. She hated fighting like this! It upset her to no end. Helena watched wearily as the Weasley twins sat next to her.
"Still fighting?" began Fred sympathetically.
"Don't worry, it will get better," finished George putting a hand on her shoulder.
"I hope so," muttered Helena. "I'm not sure how much more I can take!"
"Cheer up Ella!" cried Fred. "George and I'll be your best friends until you stop fighting!"
"That just about made my day," muttered Helena sarcastically rolling her eyes in annoyance.
"Don't worry! George and I will be the best fill in best friends you have ever had!"
"I never doubted you," replied Helena with a small grin that she immediately tried to hide.
The group erupted into loud bouts of laughter for no apparent reason. However they were soon interrupted by a little third year. "Excuse me?" the girl whispered, her eyes wide.
"Nothing to excuse," said Helena maternally. "What can we help you with?" she asked kindly, smiling over at the girl.
The girl visibly relaxed. "Professor McGonagall wants to see you and George Weasley," she whispered.
"Thank you," smiled Helena.
"Your welcome!" screeched the girl, skipping away.
Fred frowned, and George laughed. "Who'd of thought that Helena would have a maternal side?"
"I bloody well do not!" protested Helena, flushing slightly.
"What did you and George do?" asked Fred studying them curiously.
"I dunno," frowned Helena standing up.
And with that they walked out of the common room.


Helena stomped into McGonagall's classroom already suspecting what this would be about, and if she was right, she would be in a boat load of hell. Today was not a day that she wanted to be confronted with her "friends". Her friends shouldn't fight with each other and bite each other's heads off for no apparent reason.
So basically, it was no surprise to see the room filled up with her favorite. Hermione, Ron, Harry, Alex, Neville, and, wait it does get better… Draco Malfoy. Today was not the best day in Helena's book, and due to the ominous look on McGonagall's face it wasn't about to get any better.
"Do you know why you are here Helena?" questioned McGonagall staring her down like a dog.
"I can make an educated guess yeah," replied Helena sourly glaring around at the people seated around her.
"Your back talk is not needed. Now that you and Mr. Weasley finally showed up we can finally begin. "It shouldn't come as a surprise to her that you have been seen fighting multiple times. You should all know that is not in any way acceptable. We have a strict policy on fighting here, and it seems that you all have broken it."
Draco let out a snigger and laughed. "Are you serious? It's not like we were cursing each other! You are going to punish for having little skirmishes in the hallway?"
"Yes," replied McGonagall plainly. "You are all approaching the age where you must become adults. You must then sort out your problems for yourselves without resorting to hand to hand combat."
"But we haven't done anything!" cut in Ron indignantly.
"Mr. Weasley, please calm down. As I said before it is no secret you were all fighting in the Great Hall. It is even less a secret that it has come to jinxing each other in Helena and Draco's case. It is in no way acceptable, and you all are getting detention for it. Once you can prove that you are adults you will be reprieved. Do you understand?"
"Yes ma'am," answered Neville, Alex, Hermione, Ron, Harry, and George.
"We do not fight!" yelled Draco and Helena in unison.
Professor McGonagall's eyebrows rose. "Please do not contradict me. It is for your own good. You will all meet in the great hall on Monday at eight o'clock. Please do not be late. You are excused."
And with that they were filed out of the classroom without another word. "This is ridiculous! I won't have it!" exclaimed Draco.
"Shut it Malfoy, your just as guilty as the rest of us!" snarled George pulling out his wand on Draco. "I on the other hand choose to thoroughly deserve my punishment before I receive it. It seems that you denied me of that pleasure before."
"Stop it you ass holes!" Helena screamed stepping in between them. "This isn't helping a single damn thing!"
"Oh, looks like you got her angry," taunted Draco sneering at George.
"I didn't do anything you bastard," thundered George stepping closer to Draco.
"She said to shut it!" warned Alex stepping forward.
"Please stop!" begged Hermione "This isn't helping."
"It would be my honor to help a filthy little mudblood," bowed Draco, grinning broadly.
"Say that again and you die," murmured Ron dangerously.
"This isn't worth my time," muttered Helena turning away.
Alex followed me. "Thanks," Helena whispered turning away from everyone and walking to the common room. This was a load of bull. She couldn't wait until after their detention.
