Death by Innocence

Chapter Fourteen

Alex plopped down on her bed and looked at Helena. She was now excited for her best friend. A fist kiss was a major, especially for Helena.

“So, you and Draco kissed?” she asked.

“Well, I didn’t kiss him, he kissed me” Helena said sheepishly.


“I didn’t enjoy it at all!” Helena lied.


They both laughed and then the room fell silent.

Alex looked out the window and into the distance. Something pulled at her heart. Like someone playing with a puppet.

“Helena?” she asked.


“Why do I feel like something is going to go wrong?”

“Go wrong like how?”

“I…just looking out the window, I have this strange feeling that something is going to go wrong.”

“I dunno what that means.”

“It feels weird. Kind of like someone is pulling at my heart. I feel like I need to go tell Harry about this…”

“Tell Harry about what?” asked Hermione walking into the room.

“That she has a weird feeling that something is going to go wrong,” sighed Helena.

Hermione looked at Alex.

“That’s…odd…I think it would be best if you did tell Harry.”

Alex looked out the window again and said, “I’m tired, I’ll tell him at breakfast in the morning.”

“Okay, have a nice sleep Alex, Helena,” said Hermione walking off to the shower.

“Should I tell him?” asked Alex.

“Well, what if you’re having like, some sort of sixth sense or something? You need to tell him. I mean, he won’t kill you if you tell him something.”

“I guess you are right.”

“I don’t think he would think you are lying to him. There would be no harm in it.”

Alex looked down at her hands and flexed her tiny fingers.

“Then there’s another thing,” she whispered.

“What’s that?” inquired Helena.

The other night in detention, Ron kept looking at me when we were making our way back to the castle. He looked…hurt almost.”

“That’s strange. Wasn’t Ron supposed to make things better with Hermione?”

“Yes, that’s what I didn’t understand. I think he saw when Neville…” she trailed off.

“When Neville what?”

Alex’s cheeks grew hot and she looked at the ground.

“When Neville what?” repeated Helena.

“Whenhekissedme,” she mumbled all together very fast.


“When…he kissed me.”

“Neville kissed you?”



“When we were coming back. He fell back behind me, Ron, and Hermione and I stopped to see what was wrong with him. Then all of a sudden he grabbed my arms and planted one on me.”

“That’s…odd behavior for Neville.”

“No kidding,” Alex murmured.

Alex rose from her bed and walked over to her trunk. She pulled out her pajamas and hid behind the curtain. She threw her school cloths on the floor. When she was finished changing, she crawled under the covers and cuddled with the teddy bear her father had given her. Its name was Sir. Ferdinand George Dussle III. It had been her fathers when he was younger. A tiny tear fell from her eye and onto her pillow.

She tossed and turned all night, not being able to sleep. Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore and got up from bed and put her slippers on. She looked around the room to make sure no one was awake. When she was sure no one was, she crept down the stairs and into the common room. There was one girl studying and two boys talking.

Alex walked over to the window and stared outside. The stars were shining brighter and the moon seemed bigger. The clouds were slowly moving in. There was an owl sitting in the tree, staring off into the distance.

“Alex?” someone asked.

She wheeled around to face………(dramatic music)……


“What are you doing up?”

“Harry was snoring,” Ron said.

“Hmmm…I didn’t know Harry snored…”

“Yeah….so what are you doing up?”

“I…just couldn’t sleep.”

It was quiet for a minute until Ron took a step closer to her. He put his hand on her shoulder and she looked up at him.
“What was that with Neville the other night?” he asked, barely above a whisper.

“What do you mean?”

“The kiss.”

“It was just a kiss between friends. Nothing wrong with that.”

“Yeah, especially when Neville was really into it.”

Alex shrugged out of Ron’s grasp. “What peed in your pumpkin juice?”

Ron stared at her, which began to scare her a little. “So it was just a kiss between friends?”

“Yes, Ron. Nothing more.”

Ron looked away for a split second and quickly turned back to Alex. “Someone is coming, you better go.”

When Alex tried to leave, Ron grabbed her shoulder again and turned her around to face him.

“What are you-

Ron kissed her. She wasn’t going to put up a fight, but she did push him off. “I really have to go.”

Alex turned and ran up the stairs. Ron felt quite proud of himself, but when he turned to go back upstairs, he saw what he wasn’t expecting.

“Mate, I’m sorry, it was just a kiss between friends!” Ron cried.

“Save it!”

He turned and ran up the steps, Ron following behind him. Alex had heard it. She sat down on the stairs and cried.