Death by Innocence

Chapter Fifteen

Helena yawned and looked around. The night sky was still dark and everyone was still asleep. Alex's bed; however, was empty. Frowning, Alex hopped out of bed and went down the stairs. It was then that she spotted the crumpled body of Alex on the stair case. The pained look on her face was heartbreaking. Tears fell out of her eyes like waterfalls. Helena knelt beside her, putting a hand on her shoulders.

"Alex, what's the matter?" Helena whispered sympathetically.

"It was… Ron," Alex sobbed, barely looking up from her hands. "He kissed me and Neville…"

Helena didn't need to hear anything else, she could guess what happened. In a rage Helena stomped up the stairs.

"Where are you going?"

Helena stopped. Anger was pulsating through her veins. Ron had no right! Well, he would definitely think twice next time he tried to hurt Alex. He was going to get what was coming to him.

"Got to finish some business," she replied slowly continuing up the stairs.

Helena ran up the remainder of the stairs eager to see justice done. With each stair Helena vented her anger. The nerve of Ron annoyed her. Sometimes he was just unbelievable! He knew about Neville and Alex and he purposely ruined it. Alex slammed open the boys door, and stomped to Ron's bed and drew the curtains.

"Get up you ass wipe," Helena yelled pulling Ron up by his ear.

Ron groaned. He shot up in bed and stared back at Helena.

"What the bloody hell? It's the middle of the goddamn night!"

Helena pulled him up. "Get your sorry ass out of here, or soon you won't even have a bloody ass!"

Suddenly, Harry came up behind her. He grabbed her by the shoulders.

"What is going on?"

"Ask him!" Helena growled struggling in Harry's arms.

Ron just stared at Helena's legs kicking Harry. His jaw was partially open as if he wasn't sure if he was dreaming or not. Deciding that he was he hopped out of bed and stood to his full height. Finally, Helena wriggled out of his arms.

"When are you going to realize that you are in love with Hermione? Just get it into your thick skull and stop ruining people's lives! Do you even know what you've done?"

Ron just continued to stare with wide eyes. Seeming to be unsure of himself. A confused look crossed his face, but it then passed into a look of knowing. Understanding was on his face and then disappeared into sympathy, and then into anger.

"Okay, Helena it wasn't my fault! How would you like it if you saw the one person you like…. You don't know what happened! You can't judge me!" Ron yelled his ears turning a bright pink.

"I know enough!" she cried indignantly.

By then a large crowd had gathered around them staring with mixed expressions. The whole boys dormitory appeared to be there in there pajamas watching the spectacle. Numerous people called out names, even though there was no way they could know of the situation.

Ron opened his mouth to say something, but someone already beat him to it. "What the heck is happening?" the voice of George could be heard wafting through the small crowd.

In a few seconds time the owner of the voice appeared in a pair of sweatpants. A bewildered look was on his face as he stared back and forth between Helena and Ron.

"Come on Helena... come with me," George begged grabbing her hand.

Helena grudgingly followed huffing all the way. He lead her down to a couch in the common rooms. "Tell me what's wrong?"


"Why not?"

"Because I hate you!"

A confused look came over him. "Why?"

"Because your brother is being quite annoying," Helena muttered incoherently.

George laughed. "Well, I am sure whatever it is my brother has done I don't agree with. Friends?" he proffered offering his hand.

Helena took his hand and let him pull her onto his lap. She laid her head on his shoulder and curled up on his lap.
"Well that is certainly a change from hating me…" George smirked.

"I'll never hate you," Helena said. She quickly covered her mouth realizing what she had just said.

But George didn't laugh. "I'm glad he whispered."

Helena felt George's hand carefully stroke her hair, as if she were a delicate porcelain doll. Out of nowhere she could feel his lips brush her cheek. The strong arms encased her and held her tightly. His sweet scent tickled her nose. That was the last thing she remembered. The next thing she knew she could here a few girl's giggling.