Death by Innocence

Chapter 21

Helena’s jaw clenched. Fudge had no right! What gave him the means to tell her that, and fill Alex’s mind with such… lies! He was trying to do some weird psychological mind trick on her, but it wouldn’t work. Alex was to strong. Besides, who was he to tell her who her parents were? So what if she was adopted? You can’t change the people who raised you, and that’s all that matters.
Before Helena’s very eyes she saw Alex’s composure deteriorate. Tears flowed easily down her cheeks and her gaze was carefully fixed to the ground. Fudge’s eyes bore into her an unreadable look painted on his face. Finally after a long moment he spoke again.
“Naturally, Alexia, you see what I mean. After all your “parents,”” he scoffed, “Kept the matter of your birth parents a secret. Now who is to say they wouldn’t lie about killing a human being?”
“Objection!” a voice cried, authority hiding in every syllable.
Helena turned. Right in front of her sat a rather well dressed wizard just out of his twenties. He was clothed in dark blue robes, but his wizard’s hat had been disregarded and lay on the seat beside him. Helena gave a nod of approval. He seemed perfectly suitable for Alex’s parents, intelligent and sharp.
“I daresay Fudge,” he began tersely. “Going on and hurting a girl about her true parents hardly is a subject suitable for a courtroom. She interceded on her parent’s behalf and she told you what was needed. As for the fact of her being adopted? Who bloody well cares?” he stood and stared down Fudge his light eyes flashing. “That bit of information doesn’t relate to the case! Besides, most parents disclose their children’s adoption from them. In no way can that be used against them.”
With a final glare at Fudge he took his seat again, his teeth clenched. He looked to Amelia Bones, who had been overseeing the hearing. The expression was perfectly blank, but her words held the desired result.
“He is right,” she boomed, her voice ringing out loudly. “Fudge, you may continue. That information cannot be held against them.”
Irritation passed over Fudge’s features. He obviously hadn’t banked on that wizard to interrupt him. Helena secretly smirked to herself. Served him right, however, nothing changed the fact that the secret was already spilled and he damage was already done. Looking defeated, Fudge shuffled the papers in his hand.
“No further questions,” he grunted the corners of his mouth turning downward.
Silently, and dejectedly Alex made her way back into her seat. Anger began to course through her at the sight of her friend. This whole trial was ridiculous! They were changing everything a girl has ever known and she still hadn’t heard any solid proof against them!
Absentmindedly Helena began to pat Alex’s back and her arm snaked around her. “Shh…” she murmured lightly, trying to console her sobbing friend. “It’s going to be all right.”
Soon after Alex had left, her parents’ lawyer stood up. With careful precision he made his way to the stand, a look of determination imprinted on his face.
“So, Sofia,” he began, “Where were you on the night of the murder?”
* * * * *

Needless to say the case was easily won, but for Alex it was just as traumatic as if they had lost.
She had just found out her parents had lied to her for her whole life. It wasn’t exactly a happy time for her. The jury filed out of the room, followed by the rest of the Wizengamot. A sour looking Fudge shuffled on by, not even giving them a look of acknowledgment.

Finally, her parents walked by smiling affectionately at their daughter. Their loving grins; however, were not returned by Alex. Erupting into another fit of tears she turned and stalked out of the room, leaving Helena with her parents.

A pained look flashed upon Sofia’s face as she watched her daughter leave. Her eyes were filled with sorrow and it took all that was in her to look back at Helena.

“Oh, Helena,” she cried halfheartedly. “Oh my goodness Helena, look at how you have grown up! You look so lovely!” she wrapped her arms around Helena’s small frame for dear life.

“We are sorry,” her father began quietly. “We didn’t want her to find out that way.”

Helena was sympathetic. “No one did Blake,” she comforted him, looking sincere. “It was out of line on Fudge’s part, he was doing anything to find you guilty. No need to fret now, it can hardly be helped.”

“You’re right,” he sighed, and turning to his wife he said, “Come on Sofia. She’ll come around. Just let her be.”

And with that they left.

Heaving a deep sigh Helena walked out of the hall searching for Alex. She wasn’t hard to find. She was avidly conversing with her parent’s lawyer outside the room.

“Oh Helena!” Alex cried waving her over. “This is Adam Markenson. He was my parents’ lawyer. Do you remember him? He gave me a lollypop when we were in year one! Remember? It was because I was crying ‘cause I missed my parents?”

“No,” Helena began slowly, “No I don’t think I do.”

Helena watched as Alex shook his hand again and laughed. Alex always had a knack for remembering people. No one; however, ever had any trouble forgetting her. She always left an interesting impression.

Adam blushed. “Yes, well I didn’t like seeing you cry. Everyone has those days, you know? I was just trying to help out,” he said modestly. “That’s why I took your parents case, by the way. I remembered you. I remembered thinking no family of Alex could ever do anyone any harm.”

Alex looked slightly mollified and smiled slightly as he patted her shoulder and walked away. At least he got one thing right; Alex didn’t have one bad bone in her body.

* * * * *
“Welcome back,” McGonagall greeted smiling thinly as she ushered them inside the Great Hall. “I heard it went well,” she nodded appreciatively.
Helena nodded good naturedly and she lead Alex up to the common room. Unfortunately; however, the entire group was waiting for them. Quickly, in a matter of minutes Alex was stolen away from her, and it took all that was in her to get out of the crowd. Well, there wasn’t that many people, but still…
Two more steps. She was one step away from being safely in the girls dormitory, and… Oh no! She was snagged by her arm. Damn, she was so close to. She spun around, about to tell them off when she realized who it was, George. Cursing she looked down and blushed.
“Why the hell didn’t you tell me you were going? I was worried as hell, and people said you were going to a trial!” George gushed pulling her closer to him.
“I didn’t tell you, because you never wanted to see me again,” Helena reminded him sourly.
George shrugged.
“I know, but I forgave you. Malfoy explained it to me. The slimy bastard, why didn’t you tell me what happened?”
Helena stared at him gaping. What? Draco told him what happened? George wasn’t mad! Was the whole world going crazy!
“I did try to tell you!” Helena protested. “But you didn’t listen, I…”
“It’s okay Helena, I believe you now,” whispered George quietly in her ear, but Helena couldn’t help but feel a little unsatisfied as she walked upstairs.
* * * * *
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it's a little on the short side, but it says what it needs to