Death by Innocence

Chapter Three

"Harry you bum, get up" Alex cooed, forcefully pulling on his arm. He didnt even seem to budge. Alex let go in a huff and jerked her head resentfully.
"You are so mean! I bet you Neville would give me a hug."

"You bet he would" came that familiar voice from behind.

Alex, and Helena alike, both turned their heads to the door. There stood none other than Neville Longbottom himself.

"Neville!" Alex screached, almost causing Helena and Ron to go deaf.

She ran over to him and leapt into his arms. When the hug broke, Alex looked up at him. (Alex is only five feet tall, so she kinda looks up to all of them).
"I have missed you terribly" she said.

"I've missed you too" Neville smiled.

Ron made a weird gagging noise in the back of his mouth. Alex and Neville turned and looked at him.

"If you're going to act all gushy, can you go somewhere else?"

Alexs' already rosey cheeks got even rosier, as did Neville's. Alex knew she liked him and she knew Ron knew it to, along with everyone in the room. In fact, the year before, Hermione had tried to hook them up. Long story short, at the Yule Ball, Neville ended up in the punch bowl and Alex, Helena, and Hermione's skin turned blue. Alex laughed randomly. Helena looked at her.

"What are you laughing at?" she asked in her usual cold tone.

"Just recalling a memory from last year" Alex giggled.

Harry stood up and walked over to her.

"What were you thinking about how Cedric died and i almost lost my life!?" he snapped at her.

"No, no Harry. I was thinking back to the Yule Ball when Neville was in the punch and our skin turned blue."

"Sure you are just using that as a cover up. You knew you were thinking back on-" Ron cut Harry off.

"Harry mate, you're going to make Alex cry if you dont stop."

Harry's cold expression melted away when he looked at Alex. She was burried in Neville's shirt with tears glasing her eyes. Neville was rubbing her head shushing her.

"Alex I-" he began, but agin was interrupted.

"Just let her be," said Helena. "She needs a good cry."

Ron, Harry, Hermione, and Neville looked at her.

"What do you mean?" asked Hermione.

Helena looked at Alex's small upset figure.

"Well," she began,"over the summer, her parents went to visit her muggle grandmother.

They were only supposed to be gone for the night, but they didnt come home."
Everyones expressions dropped and Alex sniffed.

"She called the police. They went out on a search for them. When they came back to her house, they both had their hats in their hands."

"What happened?" Hermione asked terrified.

"They told her that they had been put in Azkaban for the murder of and Order Member."

Everyone gasped and Alex nuzzled her face deeper into Neville's shirt. Alex hadn't really been fased when she found out the news. She didnt cry or anything. It took her three months to cry...