Death by Innocence

Chapter Four

Helena looked nervously down at her feet. She wasn't sure Alex was ready to share it with everyone, but she wasn't protesting or anything really.

Alex was stronger than you would think, stronger than Helena could ever hope to be. Her parents were good people, they just had little faults that made all the difference in the world. The simplest among the list was drinking and a strange desire for the feeling of adrenaline pumping through their veins. (dare devils, they never really grew up)

When Alex told Helena what had happened she was shocked. How could this happen? Sure Alex's parents were a little eccentric, but in no way were they maniacal murders of any sort.

There was another thing though about this event that caused many sleepless nights. How could of Alex's parents have killed an order member when they were in the order themselves? If that was true then who did kill the order member? It could of been anyone. Some unknown murderer wandering the streets who wanted Alex's parents dead. It was simple really, just use the imperious, then bam, a dead order member. It really didn't take someone all that cunning for that.

Letting out a little sigh she went over to comfort Alex. "Come on mate, let's get you a room," she mumbled patting Alex on the back. She stared meaningfully at Harry then left the room.


It was only a few hours later before Helena had reserved a room for her and Alex. There had been just a little too much excitement for one day. Alex lay sprawled on the sofa fast asleep. She'd had a long day, she deserved a rest, probably something she hadn't had in a long time.Helena smiled softly at her best friend's sleeping figure, then stood up to leave. She tiptoed quietly out of the room, and tried not to wake Alex.

She quietly made her way up to Harry and Ron's room evading the creaking of the stairs. She shot a fleeting glance towards her watch. It was 10:30. as she had said before, ther were some pretty shady people hanging around the leaky cauldren, and it would do no good waking them now. She was hoping that everyone was still awake as she rushed up to their room, and prepared to knock. Reluctantly she made a little rap on the floor. A loud snap resounded in her ears then the door was quickly opened to revel an exahusted looking ron.

"Oh your back," he said with a grin. We'd thought it'd be Mum. She's never trusting us annymore. Thinks we're to young. Anyway Fred and George just apparated upstairs, you see. That's what that noise was a while back. Well come in then, no use waiting outside in the dark,' he finished pulling the door open farther to let her in.
Helena smiled cautiously then followed Ron into the dimly lit room. Harry and Hermione were too both resting by the fire. "'Ello," she mumbled softly when they all glanced up at her.

Hermione grinned broadly. "We're beginning to think you died or something," she exclaimed her brown eyes gleaming happily.

"Not quite," retorted Helena sarcastically biting back a smile.

"How's Alex?" inquired Harry quietly avoiding Helena's suprised glance from the corner.

"She's fine!" snapped Helena dangerously. Dropping her voice she then said, "Harry, I don't care how many times the prophet has publically humiliated you this summer, get a grip! How long have you known me? Six years? If you don't know by now that I'm always behind you, then maybe we aren't friends! I don't believe the bloody prophet, and niether does Alex!" cried Helena exsasperatedly throwing her arms into ther air. "So can we stop acting like some angst ridden teenager?" Helena inhaled deeply regaining her breath as she glared at him.

The room erupted into an unbearable silence. Then Harry burst out laughing. "I don't think anyone has ever spoken to me like that, ever!"

"Well I dunno mate, maybe just not to your face," she said wisely.

Everyone joined in on the joke, the matter resolved for the moment. "I'm sorry I was being such an arse," mumbled Harry flushing a little, "I've just been a little preoccupied."

"A little!" scoffed Hermione looking repulsed, "Harry I don't think you've had a normal conversation with me and Ron ever since," she unnesacerially lowered her voice, Grimmuld (how do you spell that?) place.

"Yea, but we're used to it," dissmised Helena offhandedly.

"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Harry raising an eyebrow.

"Well you know, you've always been one for, let's see, how to put this nicely, spacing out and forgeting we exsist. It's all okay though, because we still love you," she stated laughingly as she elbowed him playfully in the stomachmaking room for herself to sit down.

Ron shook his head holding back a laugh. "How do you do that?"

"What?" asked Helena slightly sobered by now.

"I don't know! The way you bug people continuely, in a less than kind way, yet stay on people's good side." cried Ron.

"Hmm... I don't know," murmered Helena mysteriously, "It's just an art that I'm smart enough to master..."
Or dumb enough.." said Harry lightly letting his voice trail off as they all burst out laughing, yet again.


The light shone brightly through the curtains waking up Helena. (she was a very light sleeper) Helena has always loved the morning hours. She loved the few quiet moments to herself, they were hers alone to cherish. They were all hers, a break from the world, a time for relaxation.

But, her time for relaxation was not to be. "Oh Helena, you're awake! Come on get up! It's time! Hogwarts! School is starting!!" screached Alex obviously healed since yesterday.

Helena, of course, was not listening to a word of this. Alex was most probably spouting of practically useless information and being inhumanly loud. So this was just about enough time for Helena to strike. She slowly lifted the covers off her head and gripped the nearest pillow. Lifting it she slowly moved screaming, "For sleep!" and began ot hit Alex repetitivly over the head catching her completly by suprise.
"Helena! Whachoo problem!" howled Alex rubbing her head tenderly getting up off the floor.
Helena raised her eyebrows, "Hmm... I'm not sure, but it could quite possibly have to do with being woken up then badgered with rediculous outbursts. I'd have to say my actions were quite justified," she reasoned calmly as she hastily climbed out of bed.
"Hmmph!" came Alex's only reply ignoring Helena as she stomped into the bathroom.
Helena couldn't resist rolling her eyes as she walked over to her trunk. She pulled out a red tee shirt and a dark pair of jeans and slipped them on. Whipping the sleep out of her eyes she glanced in the mirror. She didn't like what she saw. Scowling she traced the lines of her face with her fingers.
"I guess this is as good as it gets," grumbled Helena irrately.. Begininng to feel the start of wallowing in self pity she absentmindedly began ot play with her hair. Her hair, if anything about herself, pleased her. It was long and brown extending a few inches past her waist. That alone though was not what Helena liked, it was her long bangs the perfect length for hiding her large hazel eyes. Sighing Helena turned and grabbed a hold of her trunk. Then she began the cumbersome task of carring her trunk down the stairs. Bloody boys, never there when you needed them.
This was an event that made Helena turn away with disgust. She happened to almost have hit an old man in her endeavors of reaching the bottom stair alive. Later she even to managed to find a way to fall all the way down the stairs. No, it wasn't because she was weak! She refused to believe it! It just meant she'd had overpacked, just a little bit though. Well alot really, but nobody really needed to know that!
Finally about an hour later, she exhaustedly sat sat down with the Weasley's for breakfast. Truthfully though hardly any of the Weasley's were actually present. Presently Tonks, Madeye, Ron, Ginny, Hermione, and Harry surrounded her eating.
Helena obviously knew Madeye from when he taught at school, or at least Madeye's imposter, but she had never met Tonks. She had to admit, she liked what she saw, she had never met a Metamorphogus before, and it was... interesting.

"How was your break?" asked Ginny as she hungerily devoured her eggs.

Helena shrugged. "As good to be expected. Mum and Da still don't understand wiserdary. THink it's as daft as time travel actually. Think its for pansy who want to throw away their life. Besides that though, it was pretty good. I swear though, if it wasn't for free tuition, I wouldn't be going ot this school."

It was at that moment something large and blonde came straeking in yelling at the top of its lungs. Suprisingly that thing was Alex chasing after crookshanks demanding that he drop his most recent catch of the day. Alex was one who took animal rights very seriously, and that they should not be eaten. So you can only imagine the uproar it caused when she found a little present in the hallway that morning.

After that little episode, it was actually quite calm. Everyone was rushing around and getting ready for there departure, but besides that it was fine. Alex and Helena were first to depart. (Madeye and Tonks were taking Ron, Harry, and Hermione while Arthur and Moony would take that twins and Ginny.) They had a really quite heartfelt forgiveness scene which certainly didn't lack hugs and warm embraces. Of course that all took a while after the "You have the self control of a monkey scene."


Sighing Helena shuffled behind Alex trying to find a compartment. "Really I don't think there's a compartment, they'rre all full," muttered Alex skipping slightly. She glanced into one more and said, "Oh wait, no I was wrong! Here's a compartment! This one's free! Let's go!" cried Alex at an almost inhuman speed pulling a weary Helena along behind her.

Alex glanced around then grinned. "Ahhh..." she sighed, "It smells like fresh new train!"

"Fresh new train?" asked Helena skeptically trying to hold in her laughter raising an inquisitive brow.

"Yes exactly," explained Alex plainitively, "Whenever you get on the train it smells interesting. Its just familier, comforting, you know."

Helena inhaled deeply trying to smell this so called train smell, then she furrowed her eyebrows, "Yeah, I think I know what you mean."

That was when regretably Helena found her, lets call it "influence of Alex." This resulted in her jumping off her seat, dropping to all fours , and sniffng; all riveling the likeness of a misbehaving dog. But that was all before a girl with pale hair (and eyes, and skin), Neville, and Harry entered the compartment. In a wave of embaressment Helena jumped up flushing.

Alex of course being the person she was burst into laughter. Helena being the person she was glared at her. So all in all it was really a quite comical scene.

Unfortunatly not only was Alex was laughing at her, but so was Harry , Neville, and the blonde girl. Take it from her, it wasn’t pleasntin in the least bit.

The blonde wonder apparently found Helena’s ground funnier than it appeared to be. She toppled to the floor in a fit of hysteria. “You are so funny!” she screeched. But in the same breath she managed to squeeze out between laughs, “Did the Nargles get you?”

Helena could not help but stare open mouth at her, trying to decide whether or not to laugh. What in the name of Merlins beard was that supposed to mena? Harry noticed Helena’s look and took it upon himself to introduce her. “Luna? This is Helena. Helena? Luna. Oh yea and this is Alex.

Alex folded her arms and pouted. “Oh so what am I now? Mrs. Afterthought?” she asked keptically attempting to raise her eyebrows. (she failed miserably, by the way)

Flushing deeply Harry stuttered, "NO!!! Alex... i didn't mean it like that I'm..."

Alea grinned. "Apology accepted Mr. Blubbermouth. I am kidding you know."

"Pleasure to meet you," cut in Luna holding a hand up to Luna.

Helena looked wearily up at Luna. "The pleasure is mine," she replied politely gripping her hand. Glancing up at Luna's ears Helena couldn't help noticing... "Butterbeer caps?" asked Helena lightly a trifle amused, but not at all suprised. This Luna was definatly... missing a vital screw.

"Oh yes!" replied Luna eagerly shaking her head like a ragdoll. "They are my very favorites, I made them myself you know."

"Oh really?" inquired Helena who had really expected none less.

She had really just been getting into the conversation, but Luna apparently wasn't. Quicker than a blink she had jumped into her seat and preceeded to pull out the newest edition of the Quibbler. Not suprisingly, upside down. Alex and Helena exchanged inquisitive glances, but remaind silent.

"So," began Neville looking nervously into his hands. "Who do think is the favorite for the cup?"

Helena sighed relived at the breach in the silence. "Well I have to say I'm baised, but Gryfindor," answered Helena simply not thinking she'd be contradicted.

"I think we have a fair chance," agreed Harry with a short nod. (quditch was always a serious matter for him)

"Really?" questioned Luna harboring a soft smile. "I think Ravenclaw has the most potential. Gryfindor still has to find a replacement keeper. A tough feat after that wood character," she murmered smugly to no one in particular.

That of course sparked a full fledged argument which ended in a disenheartened Neville whose only wish was to start a conversation, to stare saddly at the ground. All in all it was a pretty eventfull few minutes. Grudgingly Helena had to admit Luna was talented. She may not be talented in a way common to humans, but talented nonetheless.

Suddenly Neville sprang out of his chair, and when everyone turned to look up at him, he flushed a deep red. "Uhhh... Alex? Fancy coming with me to get something from the cart?" he gushed flushing an even darker shade of red, as everyone watched curiously.

In a heart beat a broad smile was upon Alex's face. "Lead the way kind sir!" she exclaimed walking out after him.

Helena stared after them in a mixture of disgust, sarcasm, and a little kernal of pride. Barley able to contain herself, Helena sprung out of her seat at once, as soon as Neville and Alex were out of view.

"I knew it! I just knew it!" she screeched resulting in stares from the gathered spectators.

"That's twice in two days," began Harry feigning a suprised wonder, "Who knows what Helena will do next."

Grinning wildly Helena began to dance her happy dance. It was really quite suprising if you knew Helena. Dancing and Helena were never said together in the same sentance. Slowly what had began as a mere skip/jig evolved into actual dancing, something Helena had only really done in front of her mirror. Helena moved her hips to a beat that only she could hear. That was of course untill the compartment door slid open revealing to red-headed boys.

Fred wolf whistled. "Helena!" he cried exageratedly. "What happened to you over the summer?"

Fall into a pit of toxic waste?" finished George seriously putting a hand on a blushing Helena's shoulder.

"Shut it Weasley," she mumbled darkly glaring up at George from her small height hazel eyes flashing.

Clutching his heart as if he had just recieved a blow he cried, "Come on Fred! I can see we're not appreiciated here," cackling Fred and George bid them a good day, putting Helena in a sour mood.

Even though she hated to admit it Helena knew she'd fancied George for years. Sure he was a self centered prat and he rarely spoke to her (only to taunt her), but who cared? Helena sure didn't, and she was the only one who knew. She had never really felt the need to tell Alex. In fact Helena had never really remembered talking to Alex about boys.

The reason for that was she simply wasn't the flirtacious, attractive, boy crazy type. Never before had a boy even looked twice at her. Need she say more? She had Harry and Ron, that's all she needed. Sighing Helena glanced at the floor wondering what Alex was doing.