Death by Innocence

Chapter Six

Helena was following Alex until she remembered something esle Alex forgot. Groanng she meandered back into thee compartment she reached into the baggage hold and lifted out a little box of buttons. Yes, buttons. For some reason still unknown, Alex felt the need to collect buttons, from the street. Yes the street. She found the utmot joy by making them walk around the room. They even had names, but Helena never bothered to learn them.
After searching for another five minutes Helena made ure that Alex had not forgotten anything else. Feeling satisfied Helena finally turned and made toward the door. Unfortunatly for her though, Ferret man and his cronies had also chosen to walk by t that moment. Ferret man of course being Malfoy, and those two abnormally large beings named Crabb and Goyle. What a group they made.
"Ahhh.... hello Ferret," smiled Helena cruelly. "Out for a stroll with your litttle pets? How very... quaint. Why don't you let your masters knock some sense into your thick skull?" murmered Helena lightly, "It's just a suggestion of course."
Draco whirled around a scowl planted on his face. When he saw Helena his scowl deepened. "I don't think it's very wise," he began softly, looking down into her eyes, "To pick a fight with someone who is two times your size."
As if to prove his point he stepped closer to her. There was certainly no doubt about it. He was definatly taller than her. In fact it was if he had grown a foot since she'd last een him. His cold gray eyes glinted at her suprise. He'd obbviously thought he'd be unapposed. Helena grinned, how wrong he was. Unfortunatly for him height did not give him the advatage when she could blow out his brains with the utterance of a single word.
Helena bowed her head as if humbled. "Oh i am dreadfully sorry Mr. Malfoy," she stressed sarcastically as she pulled out her wand and took a ste closer to him. "I'll be sure to never remind you of your likeness to a ferret ever, ever again," she whispered. "No matter how tempted I may be."
By now they were almost pressed against each othertheir wands raised. Though before they could speack a sudden flash of blonde flew between them. "OGALAA BOGALA!" the thing screeched loudly as it fell to the floor. Not suprisingly that thing was indeed, Alex. Straightening up her clothing Alex sprang up unflinchingly between Helena and Draco's bewildered gazes.
"So what's a happening? Oh that's great! Come on Helena let's get to the castle. We have to get there before they eat all the pickles."
Helena stared at her completly dumbfounded. What the hell was going on here? "Incase you haven't notciced Alex I am dueling Malfoy at the moment. The pickles, will have to wait."
"By all means," cut in Draco cooly, "Alex take her. It will certainly save her a trip to the hospital wing."
Raising an eyebrow Helena scowled at him. "Oh really?" inquired Helena darkly. "I think it's you who needs to shut up and move their fat arse before I curse you into an oblivion.
"Come on Helena," urged Alex trying to usher Helena out of the compartment. "I'm going to be extremly dissapointed if all the pickles are gone."
Alex grabbed onto her shoulder and attempted to pull her down the hallway. "Let go Alex!" protested Helena trying to shake Alex off her arm.
Standing beside her Malfoy let out snicker. “I’m going before this gets ugly,” said Malfoy. “Say hello to Potty for me,” and with that he strode nonchalantly out of the compartment.
“Fucking arse,” mumbled Helena her eyes narrowed as they followed Draco’ swaggering figure down the hall.

Alex never did get her pickles. Sadly they had already been eaten before they sat down. Due to an unfortunate series of events Helena and and Alex’s sprint into te great hall was hindered by a certain obstacle. Namely, Professor McGonagall, oh joy. Helena felt her stomach drop as she approached.
“Helena, I would like to speak to you in my office” said McGonagall now in front of them her hair into a tight bun, and her robes hung loosely by her sides. So all in all she sort of gave the impression of being highly intimidating.
Helena exchanged a curious look with Alex. What could she want? Hw could she already be inn trouble after only being in the school for a grand total of five minutes? Thinking back a bit she Helena pondered on her most recent acts of trouble making… Had any of her pranks involved McGonagall? Nope. Well she did remember throwing that apricot on that tabby a while back… Nah… what were the chances?
So Helena kept in step behind McGonagall like a lost puppy trying to remember what she’d done…. It wasn’t long before they reached McGonagall’s office. Beckoning the girl’s to follow, the willowy teacher lead the girl’s through the classroomand into her office. Well actually just Helena was allowed into the office. Alex wasn’t allowed. When Helena finally sat down McGonagall began to speak.
“Mrs. Brooks, what exactly is it that you want to accomplish in your life? What are your plans after school?”
Helena stared slightly startled at the change of pace in conversation. “Excuse me?” squeaked Helena numb with the fact she wasn’t in trouble for throwing apricots at teachers.
The professor let out an exaggerated sigh. “What is it you would like to do in your life?” she inquired looking down at Helena with her piercing blue eyes.
“Umm… I’m not sure Ma’am Perhaps a healer… or a auror, or maybe a writer…? I’m not really sure.”
McGonagall looked at her for a second longer before she chose to speak again. “Helena. You are very gifted in the area of transfiguration. You keep up with material way beyond your level. It makes me very proud to say your grades and potential surpass all in your year,” she stopped to smile at Helena fondly. “I was thinking that it may be best to possibly move you to a more advanced class.”
“But I thought Hermione had the best grades,” cut in Helena hollowly wondering if this was some sick joke.
McGonagall smiled at her. “That,” she began patiently, “Is not true. Ms. Granger is an extremely gifted child. In fact you both passed your examinations, but you are a different case. Although Ms. Granger is a very talented girl you exceeded her in all of your oral and performed tests. That’s why I’m suggesting that you move up to my N.E.W.T. class. Normally I’d just tutor my students, but because of your capability I would find that to be a complete waste of my time.”
Helena felt extremely nauseated. “Seventh year?” she moaned her voice barely above a whisper. “What about Alex?”
McGonagall sighed pursing her lips together, “Ms. Brooks I’m sure that you can bear to be apart from your other half for at least one class that’s all. But I would also like to inform you of the benefits of this. Firstly after the completion of next year’s course work I will have no more to teach you in the field of transfiguration so as a bonus for you won’t have any classes your final year. I have complete faith in you being that you have absolutely no choice in the matter. Goodbye Ms. Brooks I will see you in my class, Goodnight,” and with that pleasant chat Helena was practically thrown out of her office.
“What did she want?” questioned Alex curiously when Helena came back out from the room.
“A load of bull shit,” replied Helena bitterly. “I am a stupid person!” she cried out a moment later as she and Alex made their way silently to the great hall.
Glancing up Alex raised an eyebrow, and then shook her head saying nothing.

Feeling dejected Helena followed Alex into the great hall. They had unfortunately missed the sorting…. and half the feast. Apparently, so Hermione had said at least, some fat toad of a woman named Umbridge had come and spoke a bunch of crap about ministry interference. So all in all Helena was quite pleased she and Alex had missed that little tirade.
Somehow Helena found herself sitting between George and Ron. Contrary to popular belief it wasn’t nearly as fun as it would have seemed. Ron of course had atrocious table manners, and George felt the over empowering to poke her in the side whenever he chose to eat. Soon following this, seeing Helena’s highly annoyed face he and Fred would burst into laughter.
“You know,” exclaimed Alex a while later when the table had erupted into silence, “I never did get my pickles!”
For the first time that day Helena let herself laugh along with Alex. After all she was home. They were at Hogwarts at last.