Death by Innocence

Chapter Seven

A few weeks later in the common room, Helena was hard at work on homework. She was in a terrible mood. Frustrated with her work, and more importantly, Fred and George. As she was at work, a loud scream echoed through the room. Heads went up everywhere. A moment later, Alex came running into the common room shrieking. Helena stood (more like jumped) out of her seat and ran over to Alex.
“What’s wrong with you?” she asked harshly.
“I……..fixed it!” Alex exclaimed throwing her arms in the air.
“Fixed what?”
Just then Hermione came running into the room bawling her eyes out. She raced past people offering comfort and straight up to the girls room.
“Okay maybe not everything” sighed Alex and she ran after Hermione.
She ran up the steps and found Hermione crying on her bed. Alex sat down and placed a hand on her back.
“Don’t cry mate, now tell me what happened.”
“W-well, l-lets se-see, Ron I-is a To-total j-jerk!” Hermione sobbed.
“Calm down and tell me what happened” Alex said in a soothing tone.
Hermione sat up and took long deep breaths.
“Okay,” she said finally, “Well, I took your advice and went and talked to Ronald. I told him how I really felt about him and he just stared at me.”
“What’s wrong with that?” Alex asked.
“Then he told me,” she paused and took a breath, “that he likes you.”
Alex sighed and sat back a little.
“I knew this would happen sooner or later. But anyways ‘Mione you just cant let it bother you. He’s more like a brother to me anyways.”
“So you won’t ever like him?”
“No, I know how much you like him.”
“Cross my heart and hope for pie.”
Hermione couldn’t help but giggle. All was well again.

A day or so later, everything was alright between Ron and Hermione again. Alex had been strutting around like a hero for making things better (and fixing “everything”). Helena was on her way to her advanced classes with a new girl she met. Her name was Sylvia Holmes and she was in Ravenclaw. Of course she was a year ahead of Helena, but they learned they had a lot in common.
When Helena entered the room, something seemed off. Helena scanned the room but found nothing out of line, yet there was a strange smell in the air. It smelled like….pickles. Helena took her spot next to Fred and across from George. About half way through the class, Fred leaned over and asked Helen, “Whose the new kid?”
“What new kid?” Helena asked.
Fred jerked his head to the back of the room. There was a person sitting there with plastic black glasses, a plastic nose and a plastic moustache. That was an all too familiar face. Helena murmured something under her breath.
“That’s now new kid…that’s Alex.”
The teacher had left the room to talk with another professor, so Helena took this as an opportunity to go back and get her.
“What are you doing?” Helena hissed.
“What are you talking about senorita?” Alex said in a deep voice with a (bad) Italian accent.
“First of all, senorita is Spanish, not Italian. Second of all what are you doing in this class? Wont Snape be mad if he found out you skipped potions?”
“What are you talking about? My name is Chucho Humberto and I am in this class.”
Cackles and frantic laughs filled the class.
Finally, after about five minutes of arguing, Alex gave up and left. Helena sighed and sat down. God, when would Alex ever grow up?