Sequel: Going Onto Fourteen

Being Thirteen

A Fatal Heart Break

Chapter 2

Everyone has had it. The big emotional one. The one we all hate. Miss school for a day or two. Turn emo over it. Yeah, well this was my first one. Her name was Nicole. And she was one year younger than me. I thought I had it all. She was hott, popular, and cool. But, everyone else had to ruin it for me. It was either a rumor, or someone telling her she was dating an emo. Oh well, It all went wrong when another guy came in her life. He pulled the same strings I did. Jump in and spend some time, and go for it. He won, and she broke up with me. She said I was too good for her. The second time she broke up with me wasn't as bad. But that first time, I had the worst heartbreak ever. I cried myself to sleep, and wound up getting over it. This was
only the beginning.