The Mechanic and the Drummer


“So tell me what happened?” Julie sighed as I stood in her doorway, dripping wet with teas falling down my cheeks.
“Julie, are you sure? I haven't seen you in years and I knew you lived here and I, I...” I sobbed into her shoulder.
“Its okay, come on in, we were best friends.” She smiled bringing me into her flat and sitting me down, “Here.” She smiled, handing me a beer. I took it from her and tried to wipe away some of the tears, but they just kept coming.

I shook my head, “No, it's too... I don't know what to do... I need help, and... “ she smiled and hugged me again.
“Look Toni, I mean what I said. You can tell me anything. Now sit down, stop pacing, and tell me exactly what happened form the start,” she said, rubbing my shoulder. I smiled weakly, she was always great like that.
“Okay, fine, I'll tell you, but don't judge.” I took a swig of my beer and began to tell her.

*2 years earlier (2004)*
“Toni, where do you think you're going?” I walked down the stairs, and fixed my hair at the mirror.
“Out mom, I'm going out,” she sighed.
“Out where Toni? You have final exams on Monday.”
“I know that, I put myself through college, but its Friday night, and I'm going out,” I smiled.
“Do you think it was easy bringing you up as a single parent, with no help? I had you at 16. Do you think I got to go out on Friday nights?” I smiled at her,
“No, you didn't go out on Friday nights, you stayed at home changing my diapers, yada yada yada. Mom, you've told me this story a million times since I was six, but I wasn't the stupid bitch who got up the duff at 16. I'm not like you, I don't sleep around.”
She slapped me across the face. I stumbled back, a little taken back by the fact that she had just slapped me, but straightened up. “Truth hurts, doesn't it?” I smiled, lifted my bag and walked out of the house.

“Here, get this down you,” smiled Cain. I looked up at him.
“Tell me, please, how straight vodka, is going to help?” I smiled, he shrugged a little.
“If you get pissed, you might get lucky.” I smiled again,
“This is why you are my best friend Cain, you always know what to say,” I giggled and threw the vodka down my throat.

*a few shots later, a little tipsy*
“Well hello there pretty lady,” a voice said behind me as a hand grabbed my shoulder. I turned and punched whoever it was, right between the eyes. He stumbled back a little but caught his balance and straightened up, holding his nose.
“Oh my god,” I yelled and ran forward to help him up, “I am so, so sorry. It's a reflex,” I shouted, smiling a little. “Do you want me to look at that?” I asked. He tried to smile, I pulled him towards the toilets. He smiled harder, still pinching his nose.

I pulled him into the girl's toilets and told him to sit on the bench. “I am so sorry,” I smiled again as I cleaned him up a little.
“It's okay.” He smiled, “I got your attention didn't I?” he smiled harder, then grabbed his nose again, the blood was still coming out of it. I got a few coins out of my purse and walked over to the machine on the wall.

“Oh, it's okay, I already have a few of those,” he said confidently. I turned and started laughing a little,
“And may I ask why you're walking around with a few,” I paused, he raised an eyebrow,”tampons?” I finished. His face had a shocked expression on it. I walked back over with the tampons.
“Now put your head back a little,” I said as I cut the tampon in half, using the scissors from my pocket knife. He gave me a puzzled look,
“Well, I am always prepared for anything, as such,” I smiled a little, “now, put your head back.” He did, a little worriedly, and I put the ends up his nose and began to wash the blood away.

“So, can I have your number then?” he asked, jumping down from the counter. I looked at him a little confused,
“What? After I punched you?” he nodded, the string bouncing a little. I giggled and wrote my name and number on a napkin and handed it to him, and walked away to find Cain.

I found him at the bar, and sat down beside him, “Shit,” I yelled, slapping my forehead. He looked at me weirdly, “I forgot to ask him his fucking name,” I said, cursing myself.
Cain stared at me, “You punch a guy in the face, drag him into the bathroom for god knows what, and don't ask his name?” he said shocked, eying me like I did something.
“I took him into the toilets to fix him up a little. I am almost a nurse remember. Now get me another shot biatch,” I smiled.