The Mechanic and the Drummer


*Still Toni's pov*
I crawled out of my bed, and walked into the bathroom and washed my face, to rid it of last night's make up. I brushed my teeth and walked back into the bedroom and began throwing clothes onto the bed, trying to find something to wear. I looked up at my ceiling and dropped what I was holding, which must have been shoes cause they made a bang and woke Cain up.
“Holy shit Toni, a little quietness, please,” he said, rubbing his head.
“It's him,” I said still shocked by the revelation.
“What's who?” Cain answered yawning.
“The guy I punched last night, it was fucking Tré Cool,” I said, still staring at the Green Day poster on my ceiling.
“Oh, wise up Toni. Yeah, like he'd be at that club. You were drunk, he could be anyone,” he said getting out of the bed. I looked over at him,
“There's a live interview on Fuse today, we'll find out then, and please, a little decency when walking around my house,” I said throwing him a pair of his boxers. “You may be my best friend, but that doesn't mean I want to see you're thingy.” I smiled.
“Hypocrite,” he answered, pulling on his boxers. I turned away from my closet again.
“Excuse me, but I don't walk around naked, I walk around in my underwear, secondly, it's my house, and thirdly, I look damn good naked.” I smiled. He mumbled something and walked into the bathroom.

*Later that day*
“Cain, it's on, get your ass in here, so I can prove you wrong,” I yelled as I walked into the living room, flipping off my mother as I went. He walked in and sat down beside me on the couch as Green Day walked on screen.

*Tré's pov*
“And now, we are joined by none other than, Green Day,” the presenter shouted and I walked on between Mike and Billie Joe, and we sat down opposite her.
“Oh god, what happened to you?” she asked me.
“I came onto a girl at a club, and she punched me.” I smiled and she laughed,
“No, he's being deadly serious,” Mike added and she giggled a little more.
“She punched you?” the presenter asked, I nodded.
“Yeah, reflexes apparently.” I smiled, the presenter nodded and smiled.
“Okay, now that's cleared up, on with the interview, I have lots of questions from the viewers.” she smiled again
.and began asking us random questions, mainly to Billie Joe, cause he's the publicity guy, and we finished by playing Minority, from Warning.

*Toni's pov*
“See, I told you so,” I said as Tré told the nation about what happened to his nose.
“Yeah, okay then, I believe you.” Cain smiled, and went to get ready for work. He walked back into the room in just a pair of jeans, as I watched the rest of the interview,
“Hey Toni,” he said. I turned around to face him.
“Yeah Cain?” I asked
“Toni, if that was Tré cool, that you punched... “ he paused,
“That means he has your number and could call you,” he said pulling on a shirt.
“Shit, hadn't thought about that,” I said and turned up the volume so 'Minority' drowned out all other noise.

*still Toni's pov, the next day*
“Will someone get that fucking phone?” I yelled and threw my pen down. I stormed into the kitchen as Cain answered the phone. His face went pale, he looked at me and handed me the phone, without saying a word.

“Hello,” I said cautiously,
“Hey there pretty lady,” a male voice said from the other end. I froze,
“Hello, Toni, are you there, it's Tré, Tré Cool,” he said and took me out of my daze,
“Oh shit, sorry, hello,” I answered.
“Hey there.” I heard giggling in the background, oh shit, he was with Billie Joe and Mike.
“Hi there Tré. I am so sorry again about the nose,” I said,
“Guy's shut the fuck up, or get the fuck out.” I heard coming a little muffled, he had his phone against his shoulder.
“Sorry about that Toni, oh the nose is fine, and stop apologising. I like a girl who can hurt me,” he said a little sexily.
“Hold on Tré, I'll be back in a sec,” I said and put the phone down and walked into the living room,
“Cain, can you not listen in on my conversations,” I said grabbing the portable off him and went back into the kitchen.
“Sorry about that Tré, you still there?” I asked, picking up the phone again.
“Yeah, I'm good, but I have another interview in like ten minutes, and I need to be beautified. Listen, what are you doing tonight?” he asked quickly.
“Not much, revising for finals, you know, to become a nurse, to help sick people,” I said. He sighed,
“Well, do you reckon I could drag you away from that, I mean, everyone's gotta eat,” he said,
“I'm sorry Tré, I can't,” I said slapping my head.
“Oh, okay then, I get it,” he began, I cut him off,
“No, no, no Tré, you don't get it. It's taking all the willpower in my body to say no to this and stay in and study, how about Monday night?” I asked.
“Yeah, okay. I'll see you then Toni. Bye pretty lady,” he said a little more upbeat, then hanging up. I cradled the phone again, and walked into my room and picked up my pen again. Cain walked in and leaned against the door frame.

“Did you just turn down Tré Cool?” he asked.
“Yeah, I did, and I feel like a complete idiot,” I sighed, reading over my essay again,
“Cain, please stop staring at me like that. I made a date for Monday night. I mean I have to celebrate end of exams somehow.” I smiled as Cain shook his head and left the room.

*Tré's pov*
“You sly son of a bitch,” Billie Joe said as I hung up the phone and started dancing around the room.
“Will you please sit down Mr. Cool, or you're gonna loose an ear,” yelled Sunjat, the hair and make-up guy. I reluctantly sat back down on the chair, grinning a little.
“Why the hell do you want a date with the girl who did that to you?” Mike asked standing up, and grabbed a soda. I looked over at him and giggled,
“Like I said on the phone, I like a girl who can hurt me.” I smiled as Sunjat pulled on my head again, and I began to hum 'Dominated Love Slave' to myself. He screwed up his face a little and began to laugh.