The Mechanic and the Drummer


*Monday morning, Toni's pov*

“Toni, wake up.” Someone was shaking me and yelling. I slipped my hand under my pillow and pulled out the little black gun.

“Shut it, or you're soaked Cain,” I said pointing the water pistol in his face.
“Okay, okay, but you have your finals in like an hour, so I'm just giving you a wake up call,” He said stepping away from the bed with his hands up. I cursed myself, slipped the gun back under the pillow and got up.

*Three hours later*

“Okay, your exam is now over, please put your pens down, and leave the exam hall in silence.” I put down my pen slowly, and closed my booklet and left the exam hall with a smile on my face. The exam went great, it was possibly even worth blowing off a date with Tré Cool for.

I was walking out of the exam hall when I felt a hand grab my shoulder, reflexes kicked in again, and I turned and threw a punch, but hit air. I looked down to see Tré couching down, and smiled.

“What? I do learn from my mistakes,” He said smiling, that gorgeous smile. I laughed a little as he stood up.
“So, I take it you're free now,” He asked. I nodded, still smiling like an idiot. He pulled me into a corner and looked me in the eyes, I looked at him confused, my heart beating a little faster.

“Oh, no, I ain't gonna do that...yet.” He smirked, “look around, group of teenie boppers standing over there.” I smiled and looked behind him, and true enough, there was a group of girls standing with the 'I just saw a rock star' look on their faces. I looked back at Tré, and smiled.

“So, what do you propose we do, Mr. Cool?” I asked shyly. He smiled again.
“Well, I have an idea. Is there a back door to this place?” he asked. I nodded and led him back through the double doors and out the fire exit at the back.

When we were outside, I turned to him again,
“So, how did you find me here?” I asked curiously. He smiled,
“I checked every Uni doing finals for nursing today, and found you're name here.” I looked at him with a disbelieving look
“Okay, so I phoned your friend and he told me.” He sighed, looking down at his feet, and for some reason I did too,
“What in the hell are you wearing on your feet?” I asked, shocked. He beamed at me.
“You like?” he asked. I smiled, he was wearing a pair of shoes that looked to be made from lots of different pairs.
“Yes, I like.” I smiled.
“Great, lets go,” He said pulling me into a car, and fiddled with his keys.
“Now, which one belongs to this car?” he pondered to himself,
“Ah, this one.” He smiled, inserting the key into the ignition.

*That night, approx 10.30pm*

I stumbled through the door, and giggled as I almost tripped over the cat.
“And where the fuck have you been until this time of night?” my mom said, coming out of the living room with Cain behind her.

“What she said,” He added, I giggled again.
“I has be out cel-hic-ebrating my exam. It were-hic-fucking brilliant dude.” I slurred. My mom shook her head and walked towards her room.
“My house, my rules.” I yelled after her, as she slammed her bedroom door. I laughed again. Cain grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into the living room.

“You. Sit. I'll get you a coffee,” He said and returned a few minutes later with my coffee.
“Spill,” He commanded, sitting on the table opposite me.
“Okay,” I smiled and started to tip my cup. He stopped me just before the coffee spilled out.
“No, tell me what happened. That guy phoned this morning to find out where you were and when you'd be done.” He smiled again.

“Oh, we had lunch, then talked, then I went to a TV studio and waited 'til he was done there, then we had dinner, and then we went to a bar, and then he dropped me off here.” I giggled. Cain looked at me with a raised eyebrow,
“So basically, he got you drunk, and dumped you home,” He said, I slapped him lightly,
“No, he got tipsy, gave me his number, kissed me, and left me home.” I smiled. “There is a difference.”

He smiled at me,
“Okay, so how'd the exam go?” he asked.
“Good. Now I need sleep. I have work tomorrow,” I said and I went to bed.

*Tré's pov, same time.*

I searched through my pockets to find my house keys, but couldn't, so I walked, or rather stumbled, down the street to Mike's house. 'Oh boy, it's late' I thought as I climbed the fence at the back of his garden, falling on the other side with an 'oomph'. I stood up and dusted myself off. Then walked up to the back door, I sneaked in, knocking over a few plant pots as I went.

“Tee hee, pot.” I laughed to myself as I snuck out of the kitchen,
“Awwoh,” I said, as I sat rubbing my head.
“Damn door frame,” I yelled as Mike came running down the stairs in his boxers, wielding a golf club.

“How the fuck did you get in here Tré?” he yelled in a hushed voice.
“magic.” I yelled waving my arms. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow,
“Okay, I came in through the back door.” I sulked and then began to laugh again.

“Dude, are you drunk?” he asked, I laughed harder,
“Okay little man, up we get,” He said and threw my arm around his shoulder, and led me upstairs,
“Tee hee, little man,” I laughed as he threw me down onto the bed in the spare room, and left me to go to sleep.

*next morning, still Tré's pov*

“Aargh, where the hell am I?” I yelled after waking up, butt naked, in a strange bed, with a pounding headache. I looked around and realised I was in Mike's spare room.
“Wait a sec, why am I butt naked, in Mike's spare room?” I asked myself as I pulled on my clothes. I looked over at the bed, good, no hooker, I've had enough of those practical jokes to last me a lifetime.

*Toni's pov*

“Aargh, my head hurts so bad,” I said, stumbling into the kitchen in my overalls, pulling my hair back into a messy ponytail. Cain started to laugh so I glared at him, only to make him laugh harder. I filled my flask with coffee and made a few sandwiches. This is going to be the longest day ever. I pulled on my shoes and headed out the door.

I arrived at the garage ten minutes later, a little better due to the coffee.
“Toni, that car needs servicing, full works, and the brakes need changing on that beamer, I'll be in the office if you need a, what the hell happened to you?” I smiled as Jack walked over to me.

“Finals yesterday and a date last night.” I smiled and stuck my head under the bonnet of the car. Jack smiled again and headed towards the stairs.

*1.30pm still Toni's pov*

“Hey Jack, what did you say about the black BMW?” I asked walking into the office, covered in oil. He looked up from his papers.
“Brakes need changed,” He replied.
“Well, I checked the brake pads, and they're brand new, in fact, the whole damn car is brand new.” He looked up at me again.
“Look, some guy dropped it off this morning and said the brakes need replaced, I'm only the messenger,” He said looking at his watch,
“Actually, he should be back soon to pick it up, so go yell at him.” He said as he pushed me out of the office and closed the door.

I walked down into the forecourt again, to see a man leaning against the car. He was wearing black creased pants, a black creased shirt, a white tie, and a pair of large black sunglasses. I walked over towards him.

“Look mate, there ain't nothing wrong with that car. I gave it a complete look over and it seems brand new.” He smiled a huge, familiar smile, and lifted the sunglasses onto his head.

“Tré.” I yelled, slapping his arm lightly.
“I spent all bloody morning trying to figure out what was wrong with that car.” I yelled, slapping him again.

“HEY TONI! STOP THAT NOW?” Jack yelled, running down the stairs and standing between me and Tré, facing me,
“Toni, when I said 'go yell at him' I didn't mean go beat up another customer,” He yelled, I smiled.
“Jack, meet Tré, the guy I was out with last night,” I said as Jack turned to face him, and smiled.

“Yeah, sorry about that dude, needed a reason to see her again,” He smiled, scratching the back of his neck.
“I couldn't steal her for lunch, could I?” he asked. Jack looked at me,
“Yeah, go on then, be back in a half hour.” He smiled, I nodded and we left.

“So, where are you going to take a scruffy, dirty mechanic for lunch then?” I asked. Tré looked over at me,
“My house,” he smiled, and pulled out on the freeway, “well, you did say you was dirrtay.”

“So, what did he mean another customer?” Tré asked, a few minutes later. I blushed.
“Yeah, a few months ago a guy really pissed me off, saying women can't be mechanics and shit like that, saying I didn't service his car properly. It's not my fault he was a shit driver and wrapped the car around a telegraph pole as soon as he left here, and I flipped out and sort of broke his nose,” I said quietly,
“Look Tré, I'll tell you now, I have a record, cause of that,” I added. He laughed a little,
“Well, you are a girl who can look after herself, aren't you,” He smiled,
“And we all have records, don't worry about it.” He smiled as he pulled off the freeway.

I walked into this house and looked around, it was obvious it had a woman's touch. I walked into the living room and began to look at the photos. I stopped at a picture of Tré, a woman and a cute kid. I was admiring the photo when Tré appeared beside me.

“Yeah, that's the wife and kid, Frankito, and that's Ramona over there.” He said pointing to a photo of a little girl at the beach. I put the photo frame down, and turned to him.
“Wait, you're married?” I asked, honestly surprised. He looked back at the photo,
“Yeah, that's Claudia,” He smiled.
“Okay, so you're taking a girl, who you took out on a date yesterday, back to your house, where your wife could be!” I said with my voice raised a little,
“You're planning to cheat on her?” I asked, he furrowed his eyebrows.

“Yeah,” he paused,
“Oh, no, we've split up, but she's still living here so Frankie can grow up with both parents around,” He smiled, and put his arms around me,
And she won't be back for ages.” He smiled, raising an eyebrow. I grinned at him,
And I don't have to get you back to work for ages.” He leaned in a little and I kissed him, which led to the bedroom.