The Mechanic and the Drummer


*thirteen minutes later*
“Hello, Tré, are you home?” a female’s voice shouted through the house. He sat up beside me, and rubbed his eyes,
“Shit, she ain’t meant to be home for another hour and a bit.” He said to himself, I smiled a little, sitting up beside him. He stood up out of the bed and walked towards the door, which only made me laugh harder,
“Tré, you’re naked.” I smiled. He turned and grabbed my overalls and put them on, I laughed a little again as he left.

*Tré’s pov*
I walked into the kitchen, tying the arms of Toni’s overalls around my waist.
“Hey Claude, what you doin’ home so early?” I asked her as she started putting away the groceries.
“Half day at work, so I did a bit of shopping, got you those pop tart things.” She said turning to face me.
“Tré, what are you doing in a pair of overalls, half naked?” she asked me. I smiled at her,
“Oh, I took my new mechanic Toni home for a bit of lunchtime lovin’.” I said opening the pop tarts.
“So, what? You’re gay now?” she smiled a little. I looked over at her and smiled a little.
“Hey, Toni, can you come out here?” I yelled, into the hall.
“I can’t.” she yelled back.
“Well, why not? Come on, come meet Claudia.” I yelled, smiling at Claudia.
“Cause you’re in my pants!” she yelled back. Claudia was confused, possibly from hearing a female voice. I smiled at her and walked back into my bedroom.

Toni put on her overalls and tied them like I had, and her used-to-be-white tank top, while I put on some pants and a shirt.

*Toni’s pov*
Tré pulled me out into the kitchen, where a pretty woman, with long brown hair, and big brown eyes was standing. I smiled awkwardly, as did she.
“Claude this is Toni, Toni, Claudia.” Tré smiled, I didn’t know what to do, so I shook her hand and smiled again. I mean, what do you do when you meet the wife of the man you just slept with? I turned to Tré.
“I’m gonna go find my other shoe, and then I need a lift back to work.” I smiled, he nodded and smiled, so I left.

*Tré’s pov*
“What’s wrong with you?” I asked Claudia, as she turned to the fridge,
“nothing.” She replied glumly.
“Yeah, and I’m the queen of England. What is it?” I asked her, and she turned to face me.
“Tré, this is the first person you’ve brought home since…you know…” she said frowning.

“Claudia, you ended our marriage the day you slept with that asswipe Saul, so don’t get all upset when I find someone, that I actually like, and trust. You had your chance at family life and you blew it. If it weren’t for Frankie, you would’ve been out of here since the day I found out about you’re little screwing sessions.” I said to her,
“What, and you’re a saint?” she said, almost in a whisper.
“Claudia, I was 100% faithful when I was married to you, and Lisea for that matter. I might enjoy myself, but I have never cheated on a woman, in my life.” I spat at her and left the room. I can’t believe she’s acting like this, god knows what effect all the fighting has on Frankie. I do try, but I can’t get that image out of my head, the image of her and him in our bed. Sometimes I just really hate her.

I walked out of the house, slamming the door behind me, and found Toni leaning up against the car.
“I heard shouting, and thought I’d leave you to it.” She smiled. I walked over to her and smiled, kissed her and opened the door for her. I dropped her off back at work and headed over to Billie’s, bang a few drums, make up a song or two, just generally clear my head.

*Toni’s pov*
I walked back into the garage and set to fixing up yet another car. Jack was already under the hood, so I joined him, to give him a hand. My stomach began to rumble a little. He looked over at me,
“Didn’t you just get back from a lunch break?” he asked. I blushed a little,
“Yeah, but let’s just say, I burned more calories than I consumed.” I smiled. Jack shook his head and laughed, and went back to whatever the hell he was doing.