The Mechanic and the Drummer


*three months later*
Me and Tré are now going out. It is exclusive, but not official. I don’t want to be labelled as ‘Tré Cool’s girlfriend’ labels are over-rated. Everything is going great, I’ve met Tré’s kids and friends, and he’s met my friends and mother, so I guess it is a bit serious, but really I’m just having an awesome time.

“Toni, door.” Cain shouted. I stood up, switched off the Saturday morning TV show and walked out to see Tré leaning against the door frame, looking a mixture of upset and pissed off.
“Hey handsome.” I smiled walking over and kissing him. He smiled a little, “another row with Claudia?” I asked, already knowing the answer. He nodded,
“In or out?” I asked, he grabbed my hand,
“Out,” he said and I grabbed my coat quickly and we left.

“Tré, what happened this time?” I asked as we sat in a little café, waiting for our coffees. He shook his head and looked down,
“Same as last time.” He sighed,
“She thinks me seeing someone and bringing them home is having a somehow bad effect on Frankie. How can me having a girlfriend, and a life, be having a bad effect on my kid?” he said, I held his hand across the table and smiled at him,

“Babe, I don’t have all the answers, no-one does, but if you ever need a break, you can always move to mine.” I smiled, he nodded his head.
“That’d be great, but…” he paused for a second,
“What the hell, why not?” he smiled and leant over kissing me.
*click, flask*
“Fuck! Damn papz!” Tré smiled,
“I guess we’ll be coming out then.” He laughed. I smiled and kissed him again.

“So, do you want me to come with you when you tell her?” I asked as we left the café hand in hand. Since the papz had a picture of us together, why bother trying to hide it.
“No,” he shook his head,
“I’ll best do it myself, who knows what will happen, but I know one thing, I ain’t losing my son like I did my daughter.” He said kissing my hand. That damn photographer was following us, and he knew it.
“I have to go do something right now, but I’ll talk to you later, okay?” he said, looking over his shoulder, then he pulled me into a long passionate kiss, right there in the middle of a busy side-walk.

“Mom, Cain, I’m home.” I shouted as I threw my keys on the kitchen counter and lifted the mail. I heard muffled noises in mom’s room and went to check it out.

I knocked on the door, and opened it to see mom and Cain moving furniture, I smiled,
“Yeah, I might actually believe it if your top wasn’t inside-out mom.” I said and pointed to the living room.

“Well, I have a few things to say,” I said as they sat on the couch in front of me.
“Firstly, Cain, eeeww, that’s my mother!” I said screwing up my face,
“Secondly, mom, my best friend!” I said turning to face her,
“And thirdly,” I smiled,
“This is going to be so much easier now. Cain, mom, Tré’s moving in.” I smiled, and walked over to the door.

“So you’re not bummed about us then?” Cain asked, I turned slowly to face them again,
“Wait, you guy’s have been…how long?” I asked, a little disturbed, Cain looked at mom, then me,
“A month.” He said quietly,
“A MONTH!” I yelled,
“Seriously?” I asked, and mom nodded. I shrugged my shoulders,
“Oh well, now you can move out of my bed, and into my mom’s. God that’s a line I never thought I’d have to use.” I said and left the room.

*Tré’s pov*
“Hey there little guy.” I said walking through the door, as Frankie ran into my arms. I walked into the living room to find Claudia watching TV, I sat down beside her.
“Hey, Claude, we need to talk.” I said switching off the TV. She turned to face me.
“Claude, I know we are both equally Frankie’s parents, but since we’ve split up, I want to get joint custody of him,” I said looking her straight in her eyes.
“But…we…why..?” she stumbled out.
“Cause I don’t want to lose Frankie, like I lost touch, and access, to Mona. I only ever see her three, maybe four times a year, if I’m lucky.” I said, damn, I’m stalling.

“Well, what’s wrong with how it is now?” she asked, I took a sheet out of my jacket pocket.
“Sign this, and I’ll tell you.” I smiled weakly. She took it off me and began to read it.
“I was at my solicitors today, and he drew this up. I want equal, and joint custody of my son.” She just looked at me, no real expression on her face.
“Well, I don’t see why we need it.” She said after reading through it.

“Claudia, you cheated on me, I’m seeing someone else, we’re getting a fucking divorce, do you really need more reasons than that?” I asked, getting a little agitated. She looked a little upset.
“Claudia, it is over between us. I’m moving in with Toni, and I ain’t losing my kid. I know it sound’s unorthodox, but you can have the house. I don’t care, just sign the damn sheet. This is where I learnt from my break up with Lisea.” She didn’t say anything, but a single tear rolled down her cheek. She lifted a pen and had it poised over where she had to sign.

“Look Tré, I know everything you’ve said is true, and it was my fault, but we don’t need this. I’ll never take Frankito away from you, you’re a wonderful father, and…”
“No Claudia, sign it. I’ve taken people’s word before.” I said, and she reluctantly signed the papers.

I stood up and went into my bedroom, with Frankie following me,
“Daddy, what you doin?” he asked me. I smiled and looked down at my little son. “Well, daddy is gonna go live with his friend Toni, you remember Toni, don’t you?” I said, he nodded,
“But I’ll still see you every day if you want. You’re gonna stay here with mommy, okay?” he nodded, removed his soother, kissed my cheek, and ran out of the room to go to bed, for his nap.

*next morning, Toni’s pov*
I woke up early and got a shower, today is the day I get my results for the nursing exams. The day I finally find out if I am a nurse or not. I got ready for work and met Tré outside in his car. I got in and kissed him. He handed me a local paper,
“Page 12, take a look.” He smiled, I flipped through the paper to see a double page of mostly photo’s, titled, Tré’s summer lovin’, with pictures of us together, me at work, shopping with friends and even that day I met his kids at the picnic in the park, but there was no mention of my name anywhere. They still don’t know who I am, but my face was all over the two pages and yes, I was now labelled. Not as Tré’s girlfriend, but as his summer mistress.

I smiled,
“I’m gonna guess that they don’t know about you and Claudia splitting up then.” I smiled again, he shook his head.
“So, how does it feel to be my sex slave?” he smiled, I turned to him,
“And where does it say that?” I asked, he smiled,
“Right there,” he said pointing to one of the paragraphs, with a large smile from ear to ear, “so, how does it feel?”
“Oh, it feels pretty damn good, but will you please take me to get my results, before the suspense kills me.” I smiled, and kissed him.

“So how’d you do?” Tré asked as I got back into the car. I smiled and nodded, “I did it, I passed. I am now a qualified nurse, all I need now, is a highly paid job.” I smiled.
“Well, let’s go home and celebrate.” He smiled a devilish grin.

*Tré’s pov*
“Congrats Toni, maybe now you could come on tour with us now as our own personal nurse. Mikie and Tré are very clumsy, and I’ve had my fair share of accidents too.” Billie Joe said as me and Toni relaxed with them in the studio.
“Thanks guys,” she said blushing a little.
“Oh, and may I say, nice pics in the paper.” Mike laughed,
“So you’re a mistress then?” he added,
“Ahm, sex slave, get it right dude.” I smiled, as she blushed more deeply.
“So you saw it then.” I added, kissing Toni’s hand.
“Ah, dude, I think the whole damn world has seen it by now. So much for keeping it quiet then.” I smiled.

*Toni’s pov*
“So Tré, there’s something you need to know before you move in.” I said to Tré over dinner.
“Yeah, what is it?” he said, through a mouthful of food,
“Well, you know Cain,” he nodded,
“Well, he and my mom, are…” I paused, he screwed up his face,
“Eeeww, that’s your mom, and your best friend.” He said, again through a mouthful of food.
“Actually Tré, he’s my ex-boyfriend.” I smiled,
“And, we’ll just have to live with it. So, when are you moving in then?” I asked, he paused, swallowed the food in his mouth, and replied,
“Tonight?” hopefully, I nodded, he smiled,
“Okay then. Oh, and by the way, I now have joint custody of Frankie.” I smiled,
“Great, I love your kid.” I giggled.

That night Tré moved in and we, ahm, celebrated in style. At one point mom came in to tell us to keep it down, how embarrassing, but the saying still stands, “my house, my rules.” I have to say, I enjoy waking up to Tré every morning, what girl wouldn’t?