Coming Home

Better than a Prius

I was standing on the arm of my couch trying to hang my dad’s city of evil gold record on the wall when I lost balance and started to fall, suddenly an arm snaked around my waist and a hand grabbed the back of my shirt. “Whoa, you don’t wanna drop that.” A very male voice said. I turned to look down at River, who was still holding me steady. “No. “ I agreed. River held me steady as I hung it up. Once it was secure, I turned back to him and rested my hands on his shoulders. “So, I was wondering, If I were to, ask you out, in theory, what would you say?” He asked, helping me down off the couch. “Are you asking me out?” I asked, looking up at him with a smile. “Well, yeah….. I am” he replied, his hands still on my waist. “well, I might say yes.” “Ok, I’ll pick you up at five?” he asked with a smile, I smiled back and nodded.

“Well, this is awkward” Serah’s voice said. I looked over at her, she was standing with her hands on her hips, and an eyebrow raised. “Hey” I greeted her somewhat sheepishly. “So, I was gonna invite you to a sleepover tonight, but it looks like you already got plans” She told me, I laughed, “Looks like” I agreed, “Well, I could drop her off at your place after dinner” River said, looking from me to Serah. “That’s sounds good. I’ll grab your stuff and take it back to mine. River knows where I live.” Serah told me, I shrugged “Ok, I’ll just go grab some stuff” I replied. “And that is my cue to leave. I’ll come back at five” River told me, giving my hips a gentle squeeze before letting go and leaving. Serah followed me inside, “So, looks like Amelia was right” Serah said as she followed me up the stairs. I grinned “Well, we did kinda hit it off. It helps we have simular interests” I replied, pushing open my bedroom door. “Yeah, and it probably helps that you wanna hit that” She teased pulling my overnight bag down from the top of my wardrobe and threw it at me. I laughed and nodded “Oh yeah, I’d hit that harder than the angry fist of god.” I replied with a laugh. “But seriously, How far do you want things to go with River?” she asked. I shrugged, “I don’t believe in making plans for the future. You never know when tomorrow may be your last day. My dad just proves that” I replied with a shake of my head. “What do you mean?” Serah asked with a frown, I shrugged “My mom and dad had all these plans, you know, they got married, just found out that mom was pregnant with me, dad was starting to write an album with his band, and then out of nowhere he died. Just like that. Every plan that he and my mom made came to nothing. They died with him.” I replied, not looking at Serah, she came over and wrapped me in a hug. “I’m sorry hun, I didn’t mean to make you sad” She told me, I gave her a lopsided grin, ‘it’s ok, it’s not your fault, it’s just being here, so close to where he lived and grew up. He’s buried here and that’s just…… I still haven’t been to his grave. It’ll be 18 years in December and I’ve never been to his grave” I told her, swallowing the lump in my throat as I fought back tears.

I pulled away from serah and turned to my bed. I picked up my Pjs and stuffed them into my overnight bag, before adding my ugg boots. I walked over to my chest of drawers and pulled out a change of clothes and clean underwear for tomorrow. I shoved the drawer shut as Serah spoke again “Do you plan on going to his grave?” She asked in a small voice. I turned and stared at her for a long moment “Eventually” I replied with a half-hearted shrug. I shoved the clothes I was wearing into my bag. I zipped it closed and handed it to Serah before passing her a couple of my pillows. “Soooo…….. What are you going to wear tonight?” she asked me. “I have absolutely no idea.” I replied with a sigh before adding with a grin “Help?”. Serah grinned back and dumped my stuff back on my bed and flounced over to my wardrobe. “Well, lets see what you have” She said throwing the doors open. “I have a lot of clothes” I told her, following her. “Ooooh, this is cute” Serah declared pulling out a floral skirt that mom had just bought me the other day. I smiled and grabbed a pair of battered cowboy boots and a cropped leather jacket from the wardrobe as well. “you seem to have an idea” Serah said as I threw my choices on the bed. I nodded and crossed to the chest of drawer and pulled out a dark grey singlet. I grinned at Serah as I put it on the bed. “I like it” she told me with a grin. “But the question is, will River?” I asked. Serah shrugged “If he doesn’t, he’s and idiot. I’ll see you tonight hun” She told me, giving me a kiss on the cheek and grabbing my stuff as she headed out the door. I watched her go before turning back to examine tonight’s outfit.

A while later I heard my mom come home. “Hey mama, how was work?” I asked as I bounded down the stairs, a giant smile on my face. “Your in a good mood. What’s made you so happy” Mom asked, accepting my hug. “I have a date tonight” I told her, practically bouncing. “With who?” she asked picking up the pile of mail id brought in earlier. “River Sanders” I told her. She laughed “Are we talking M Shadows son?” she asked, I nodded. She shook her head good naturedly and sighed “Now that’s irony” She told me, as she tore open the fancy envelope on the top of the stack of mail. I laughed at her comment. Mom frowned as she pulled out an expensive looking piece of paper. “What is it?” I asked her, looking over her shoulder to read what was on it. “its an invitation to your aunts wedding.” Mom replied with a sigh. “Which Aunt ?” I asked curiously “My younger sister” mom told me, dropping it on the hall table. “Are we gonna go?” I asked. Mom shrugged “I don’t think so, Why?” She asked, I shrugged “I kinda want to go. It would stick it to Grandma and grandpa.” I told her with a half smile. “Ok, if you really wanna go, we’ll go” She told me, opening the next letter in the pile. I smiled “Does that mean we can go clothes shopping?” I asked, getting a laugh. “I guess it does. How about this weekend?” mom asked me, opening another letter. Sounds good. Oh, before I forget, I’m staying over at Serah’s house tonight with Jaz and a couple of the other girls” I told her, mom nodded “Ok, well, have fun” She told me, giving my forehead a kiss and heading through to the kitchen. I watched her go before heading back upstairs to get dressed for my date.

I sat on my front step, waiting for River to come pick me up, staring up at the sky as the sky started its multi coloured decent into darkness. My attention was dragged away from the sunset by the well-honed purr of a muscle car pulling up to the curb. I frowned at the sight of the older looking mustang until I realise that it was River behind the wheel, then my jaw dropped in shock. River grinned at me as I climbed into the passenger seat “So….. is this yours or your dads?” I asked him as I buckled in river laughed “It was my dad’s but he gave it to me when I got my license” River told me as we drove away from my house. “Very classy” I told him, he grinned at me again and shrugged “Better than a prius” he replied smugly, making me grin in reply. “So, where are we going?” I asked, looking around. “It’s a surprise.” He told me, before passing me a blindfold. “Here, put this on. We’re almost there” He told me, I raised an eyebrow “A little kinky don’t you think” I asked dryly. River laughed “Just put it on” I shook my head and did as I was told, hoping I wouldn’t regret the decision.