Killer Instinct

Prelude to A Kill

They were letting me out tomorrow.

They had no fucking idea what I was truly capable of in the real world, but they knew I could do something and they were afraid. As they should be, they had no chance in surviving once the war broke out, if it got out to the public, that is.

This fucking loony bin has been my home for the past three years of my short lifetime and I wasn't really ready to let go of it just yet. Although there were some truly insane people here they were harmless fluffy kittens compared to what was waiting out there for me. My 'parents' sent me here because I tried to off myself a couple of times. They didn't know what kind of person they raised. I just wanted it to end before I got in too deep. Before my enemies tortured me to death.

As I sat there on my bed thinking of what I was, I cursed. Why couldn't i be as lucky as the rest of the human race? Although they were ignorant to the dangers that were out there at least they got to have some happiness, experience some sort of bliss.

"Light's Out!" One of the nurses yelled down the hall. I could here the yells of my neighbors, wishing her death for leaving us in the dark.

I sighed as I lay back on my bed. My eyes were trained on my right palm that sat on the bed. A flicker of a flame came from my palm and I stared for a minute thinking about my past and upcoming future. I closed my palm and clamped my eyes shut ready to get what I figured would be my last peaceful sleep.

"My journey begins tomorrow."
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i think i'll like this story, and i hope you do too. Tell me what you think so far.
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