Killer Instinct

Peace out Loonsville

"Athena James, we are happy to say that you are finally able to leave our facility. I feel that we’ve made a great deal of progress with you seeing as you haven’t had a real outbreak with your problem during the past two years. You seem stable enough to be a productive part of society and that’s why we are setting you free into the world. Our mission….”

This bitch just wouldn’t shut up!

I’d been sitting here listening to her for the past thirty minutes and she was seriously starting to get on my nerves.

“Your ride should be here in a few minutes. An attendee will wait with you until they come and sign you out. I hope your stay here was as pleasant as it could be for you.”

I chuckled at this. This chick had to be on something. There’s never really a pleasant day at an asylum.

“Bye Ms. James. Hopefully we never meet again under these same circumstances.”

“Oh don’t worry. We never will…” I muttered under my breath.

An attendee came strutting up to me and sat in the seat next to me. We sat there in silence for a few minutes when the automatic doors opened and a man with shaggy brown hair and striking green eyes walked in.

A faint smile came to my lips once we saw each other. I stood up and walked toward him. I hugged him for a while just happy to have some real human contact with someone I knew.

“I missed your ass Mickey, it’s been awhile.”

Mickey laughed a little and responded. “I’m sorry Athena, the counsel didn’t think it would be a good idea for me to come and see you very often. We didn’t want anyone getting suspicious or anything.”

“Well that’s cool dude, lets just get my stuff and go. I think I’ve been here long enough to know that I can’t really hide anymore.” I replied.

“Okay I’ll just sign you out and we can go.” He walked away to the front desk and filled out the paper work while I stood there.

Mickey was about the only human friend I had who knew what I was. He was on the Hunters counsel with the other men and women who worked to keep the identities of others and myself like me safe from the public. He would come and see me every now and then to check me and give me updates on how everything was going out in the real world. I guess you could say he was the one that convinced me that what I was doing was selfish. I was glad that he was able to come and get me but I was a little confused as to why my adoptive parents didn’t come get me themselves. Even though I hadn’t heard from them for a bout a year now, they were still the only close family I had and I missed them. I’d have to ask Mickey once he got back about that whole situation.

I was finally brought out of my thoughts by Mickey’s voice.

“Come on Athena we’re getting out of here.” He walked out of the door with my bags with me in tow and we walked to his black convertible Mustang.

“This car is nice Mick’s, remind me to cop one of these once we get back.” I stated.

“Good deal, but I think that you’ll like something a little faster than this. I know how you are. You’ll probably get bored of this in a hot second.”

“Maybe, we’ll see. I’ll have to take yours for a test drive and check it out.” I smiled wickedly at him.

“Oh please don’t Athena. You drive like a crazy person. Your going to wreck my baby, I just got her a few months ago.”

I used my puppy dog pout on him that I used to always do when we were younger. “Pleases.”

He looked at me like he was struggling to resist my face and that’s when I knew I had him.

He finally gave up. “Fine, but just once. I don’t trust you to drive it more then that.” Yes! I still had it even after all those years cooped up in that nut house.

“So you ready to get this show on the road Attie?” He said using my old childhood nickname.

“I was born ready Mick’s. Literally.” I replied smiling at him.

He smiled back and started the car and we were off, just like that. Into the lions den, I just hoped we both got out alive and well.
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second chapter. hope you enjoy
comments. pretty pleases =)