Ready to Fall

Three months?!

It started out as an ordinary, hassle free day. Everyone had seemingly high spirits and I had my coffee in one hand, phone in the other. We were all ready to rock out tonight as well, that was for certain. It was a great day, nothing could go wrong, right? Well, it could and it definitely did. The wind must've changed five minutes after I had my thought, as I heard Gerard exclaim quite loudly after wards.

"Brian, we can't tour with these guys, we don't even know them! Actually, scratch that, we've never even heard of them!" Gerard stated.

"Too bad pretty boy, get used to us," a voice shouted back at him before the band entered the door.

I watched as five girls walked through the bus door, each carrying an instrument except for the last girl, carrying only drumsticks. It was obvious who played what, and each girl seemed to have very different personalities. One had a scene kind of style, the way she held herself, the way she looked, it shouted scene girl over here.

Another girl was very quiet, very self-conscience and looked far more interested in what was going on with her thoughts then with the real world at the moment. The third was either the lead singer or backup singer, it was obvious as she was humming a tune and tapping the rhythm with her foot. She had an interesting hair style, brown short hair with blond around the middle of her hair, with two tiny ponytails at the back. The drummer, walked slowly behind her, tapping a beat with her left foot whilst she walked, giving Gerard a look which said we're here to stay for a reasonably long time, like it or not! She must've been the one who had told Gerard off.

The last one finally stepped on, carrying a bass guitar with the strap over her right shoulder. She started playing a song and the drummer started tapping her bit with her drumsticks on the coffee table. The quiet girl was apparently the lead guitarist and decided to join them, going straight into a solo. I guess she wasn't as quiet as I originally thought. The scene girl started playing her white Ibanez electric, more involved with the song than her surroundings. Then, the lead singer started singing, not caring how loud and how random this song was. We all stood there looking gob smacked as they played, the quiet one doing back up vocals and the drummer doing some screaming.

They finished a few minutes later and walked over to their bunks as if the sudden performance never happened. They gently placed their instruments under the bunks or installed wall bits to hang them up. The drummer placed her drumsticks in her back pocket and sat down at the coffee table before pulling a laptop out of her messenger bag, which I only just noticed. Shrugging, I walked away sipping at my coffee and sat down on the lounge, picking up an x box controller which had fallen when we gawked at the scene they had made. I clicked start and the music from the game started again. The bus started to go back to normal until I heard two guitars start up, amplifiers turned on full ball.

"Turn it down! If not, at least go to the back!" I heard Bob shout at them before Frank shouted back they were in the back.

"And then turn it down!" Ray shouted back at them.

"Never!" A girl's voice responded.

Screw this, I thought as I walked into the back and unplugged both guitars.

"Hey! We were rocking! Do you mind?" The girl shouted at me, trying to get the cord for the amp back.

"Actually, I do mind and apparently Bob and Ray mind, too!" I shouted back before walking out and slamming the door behind me.

Bob came over to me and smirked before handing me a lock and a key.

"Enjoy," he said before walking back out to where Ray and Gee were sitting, talking about something or other.

No wonder we had the bit installed into the door! I thought as I placed the lock onto it and shut it down, walking away laughing to myself. Twenty minutes later the guitars finally stopped and I heard the door jingle a bit.

"Hey, Frankie, why isn't the door opening?" I heard Joey asked curiously.

"Oh sometimes the handle sticks a bit," Frank explained before stepping over to the door.

I heard the door jingle rougher than before and heard them both exclaim they were stuck. Frank started throwing himself against the door, starting to grow tired after the third time. I heard nails claw at the door and a small whimper before they both started shouting and screaming.

"Let us out! I need my baby! Let me out God damn it!" the girl screamed through the door.

"Joey, don't worry, I'll get us out. Let us out now! I need to see my beloved guitars! Especially Texas and Jersey, I haven't played them in ages! It's not funny guys open up!" Frankie screamed, clawing at the door and kicking it.

They both stopped for thirty seconds before screaming again simultaneously. I laughed, looking over at Bob who's face was a shade of deep red and Ray almost falling off his chair, holding his sides. Gerard was just smirking, holding a hand in front of his mouth to hide his laughter. I looked over at the door, seeing most of Hallow Spirits standing near it, telling the girl, Joey, and Frankie everything would be okay. The drummer ran out to the side of the bus before coming back in with a large set of garden pliers. She told everyone to move before snapping the lock in two, letting an extremely happy Frankie and Joey out.

"Thank you so much Nightmare! I'm sorry I spilled your coffee! I'm sorry for everything I've ever done!" Joey said, literally kissing the nightmare girl's feet.

"It's okay, get up," Nightmare said before picking her up. Frankie glared at me. Damn, caught.

"Oh your dead," Frankie said before Ray held him back after the mid air jump he made to tackle me. The lead singer laughed before beginning to speak.

"Well, since we haven't all been introduced and we're all here, let's start," the lead singer stated, "I'm Alina, lead singer and original member of Hallow Spirits, this is Aiden, lead guitarist, also an original member," she said, pointing to the quiet one who waved with a small smile before continuing on, "this is Joey, the rhythm guitarist, also an original, our dear old bassist, Harlot, don't ask why that's her name, just call her Jane, and our backbone, our drummer, Grace."

"Yeah, she's real graceful," I heard Frankie mumble under his breath, earning a punch in the shoulder from her.

Everyone shook hands, Gerard and Alina making theirs longer than normal, Frankie and Joey high fiving each other and Bob and Grace starting to have a arm wrestle before laughing. Well, this was going to be an interesting three months.
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