Beauty and the Beast

Of Lies and Limos

Isabelle's POV

When Maurice had finished raising a ruckus , and Tier had stopped cursing at me, the silence stretched on. And on. So thick you could cut it with a butter knife.
Tier sat on the table, still looking a bit shell shocked.
Maurice looked like he had swallowed a frog.
And I still felt numb. I still hadn’t fully came to terms what I had done. I was still in a little bubble, my own world.
Tier stood up, and started to walk over to me. His size still awed me, and I took a step back.
He gave the expected snarl, and not even fully realizing what I was doing, I turned and ran.
Ran out of the library. Ran as far way from Ryan Tier I could.
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. S-T-U-P-I-D. The word seemed to echo throughout my head. Jumbled emotions, panic being the main one, rushed me as I pushed my way to air.
“Oh, my God!” I almost wailed. “What have I done?” I stopped suddenly as the full brevity of the situation hit me, when It happened.
My bubble, my precious bubble popped. And all that I had blocked out hit me. Tier and me arguing. Tier pissing me off. Me whipping that arrogant smirk off his face. Even as a small kernel of satisfaction curled in my belly, the fact that I had destroyed my hopes for a normal, safe senior year were cruelly crushed. I clamored for reason and sanity in my revolting mind, but all I could think of was how I ruined my senior year. That I gave up everything for a guy who doesn’t even give a damn about me. I felt the tears well up, even as I willed them back.
I’m just so sick of everything. People judging me just because they think I’m too “pretty” to do anything but swirl my hair around my finger and date Garreth. I’m sick of jerks like Ryan Tier, who always get what they want, no matter what. No matter the cost. I’m just so freaking sick of every-freaking-thing. There has to be more in this world, there just has to be. I want more than this. More than life here promises.
I kicked at a tuft of grass, imagining Tier’s face being the recipient of my angry kick.
“Isabelle!” Maurice screamed at me, startling me out of my morose thoughts. “Isabelle, run! HE’S COMING!”
Not knowing who Maurice was warning me about, but still not taking any chances I took off, running for all my might. I could hear panting behind me, and I hazard a look.
Ryan Tier.
Why can’t he just leave me alone! I already ruined my life, for him. For his ungrateful, arrogant, dim-witted self. Now he just wanted to add insult to injury.
“Wait! Sweetcakes!” He called out after me.
Oh, hell no. Talk about insult to injury. I was seeing blood, his to be specific.
I skidded to halt, and had whirled around. Fully prepared to punch his lights out when he came barreling into me. He was closer to me than I had thought, and he didn’t have time to stop. Surprise lit his face even has he and I fell to the ground. Him on top of me.
Did I ever tell you how big he was?
I’m sure I mentioned he was the size of a small mountain. Imagine that landing on you
The breath left me even as I gasped in a huge gulp of air. The resulting combination was me wheezing and coughing, trying to get a decent mouthful of air.
“Jesus, sweetcakes, stop struggling.” He grunted as I writhed under him.
“I can’t breathe you big oaf.” I managed to get out. He looked like he wanted nothing more than to make me suffer.
“The horror.” He said, but he shifted some of his weight off of me.
“Mr. Tier! What are you doing?” A horrified voice shook above us. We both looked up to see Dr. Wise and Mr. Goodman staring at us. “Are you trying to--- Ms. Paige, do we need to call the police?”
“Why in the hell would you automatically assume I was trying to hurt her?” Tier asked angrily. He did get up though, but he didn’t even give me a second glance. And he didn’t help me up, even though it was his fault I was on the ground. He IS going to help me up, by God. I reached over and grabbed his hand. Pulling hard, making him stumble a bit, I managed to climb upright. He just yanked his hand out of mine and gave me the death glare.
I smiled sweetly at him, and turned to the very confused principal and vice principal.
“Mr. Tier, I’m going to ask you again, what in the world were you doing with Ms. Paige?” Mr. Goodman demanded. Tier just glared at him, not answering the question.
The boy is dense, I swear.
“Ms. Paige, did he---harm you?” Dr. Wise asked me gently.
I heard Tier’s sharp intake of breath, and gave him a questioning look. I saw hurt flash briefly in his eyes before he masked it even quicker with anger.
“Why the hell would you think I’d hurt her?”
“If you weren’t hurting her, then what were you doing?” Mr. Goodman asked, I could tell he was on the verge of a very big lecture. Which could possibly end up with Tier’s expulsion. I could lie. I could get him in really big trouble. No one would second guess my claim.
I looked at Tier. Remembered the hurt in his eyes. No. I couldn’t lie. It’s just not in me.
“We were discussing our schedules. I’m going to take Maurice’s place as his tutor. We were just talking about when we could meet and such.”
“ON the ground? With him on top of you?” Dr. Wise questioned. I blushed at his question, and Tier growled.
“It’s none of your damned business.” He was so ornery. I willed him silently to shut the heck up, so I could smooth this over. I was helping him, AGAIN, and he was ruining it.
“Sir, as rudely as he put it,” I soothed, “what we do is our business, as long as it isn’t illegal.”
“As much as I don’t believe you would lower yourself to become involved with this boy, I’ll take your word for it Ms. Paige. However I’m obligated to tell you all the details of tutoring this hooligan.” Dr. Wise said, sharing a look with Mr. Goodman.
Tier’s face darkened at the jab Dr. Wise purposefully put in there. But he remained silent.
“You must spend at least 6 hours with him, everyday. Even the weekends. You must tutor him in every subject. Also, some behavioral tutoring is needed, as you can probably see. Oh, and you will get paid, at the end of your senior year. And you may quit whenever you want to. No one would blame you.”
“What would happen if I quit?” I asked, ignoring Tier who had stiffened at my question.
“He’d be expelled.”
“So, are you sure you want to do this?”
“Yes.” No. NONONONONO! I don’t! Maurice’s face flashed briefly in my mind. Then came the look of suffering in Tier’s eyes. That alone pushed me to nod and smile, reassuring them I would be fine, and that, yes I do want to do this.
Tier and I stood there, side by side, not really looking at each other, watching Dr. Wise and Mr. Goodman walk away.
“Why?” He asked me.
“Because, I gave my word.” I told him.
“Jesus, you’re some kind of stupid, sweetcakes.”
“Oh, you insufferable pig. I did you a favor, and you still insult me!”
“I didn’t ask you to defend me.”
“You may not of said it out loud, but I saw it in your eyes.” Even as I said it, I knew it sounded really stupid.
“Pathetic.” He muttered.
“Just shut up.”
“Great comeback”
“It was either that or go stuff your head up your ass,” I said, giving him my most friendly smile, “but then I realized you probably have enough stuffed up there.”
He just stared at me a few moments, before he threw his head back, laughing. It shocked me. His smile.
It was a real, genuine smile.
It almost made him seem human.
“I’m losing it.” I told him, nothing else could explain why I’m actually standing here with Tier, out of my own accord.
“I know.”
I ignored his barb, and looked at his watch.
“Well, since school has been out for about an hour, I need to call my dad. And tell him what’s going on. You’re taking me to your house. And your going to drop my back at my house when we are done.”
“Why?” He was being belligerent again. Grr..
“Because, I don’t have a car.”
“Why not?” He seemed genuinely surprised.
“I couldn’t afford one.”
“So, get your dad to buy you one.”
“No, if I get a car, I’m going to buy it myself. It makes it more mine that way. If you know what I mean.”
“Insane.” He rolled his eyes. “Anyways. Fine. I’ll drive you. Come on, let’s go. Carria is probably waiting.”
“Who is Carria?” I asked as he grabbed my arm, and dragged me with him. “I still need to call my dad, you idiot!”
“Use your cell phone.”
“It’s dead.” It had died just before Maurice had come up to me, almost in tears because of him. Maybe that was some sort of sign or something…
“Useless, aren’t you?”
“There is a phone in the car.” He told me.
“In your—“ Oh, my God. He has a limo! He gave me another smile as he saw my face.
Another one of his real smiles.
You know, the one’s that make him seem almost human.
And seriously, unfortunately, hot.