Beauty and the Beast

Of Screams and Songs

Ryan's POV

Her words hung heavily in the air even as Maurice and I gave our somewhat vocal, and in my case rude, opinions of her angry declaration.
My curses mingled with Maurice's whining as she just stood there.
Not moving, not breathing, not doing anything it seemed like. Jesus, it was like she was in some sort of trance. It was kind of freaky.
Hell no. Hell. No. I'm not going to let some chick, no matter how beautiful, scare me. I'm made of sterner stuff than that. I mean, look at me. I'm a big guy. Why in the hell would I be afraid of a little thing like her.
I got up angrily, trying to prove to myself that she doesn't and can't scare me.
I let my anger flash over my face as I walked over towards her, betting on my size to freak her out.
I had barely taken one step towards her when she took a step back.
By the time I had even sent a signal to my brain to tell my legs to move she had booked it out of the library.
The girl was fast. But what was she running from. I wouldn't hurt her. Just scare her a bit.
"What the hell have I done to deserve this?" I asked no one in particular. I've never actually had someone run from me.
"Leave her alone." Maurice said from behind me. I turned, and glared at him. He surprised me by glaring back. Even if his glare held more fear than anything.
"Why would I want to do that?"
"Because...I said so?" The last part was more of a question than a statement. And I just laughed at him. Laughed right in his face.
"Right. So, here's the thing Maurice. I don't listen to anybody. I don't let anyone tell me what to do. Not stupid little nerds like you. Not annoying girls like her--"
"She is not annoying." He got in my face. Really in my face. Surprising the socks right off me. "You're just mad because you think she's pretty, and you know she's too good for you."
With that, he turned and ran out after the girl. I just stood there, too stunned from the way he had talked to me, and the full meaning behind his words to do anything.
I know how that girl felt now.
The pain came and went as it always does. It took awhile longer this time because the douche was right. She was to good for me.
That alone had me running out after them. Just because I know she's too good for me, doesn't mean everyone else has to think it. I WILL make her be my tutor, after all. How that will help, I don't know. I just felt the incessant need to have her with me. I pushed into a few people putting a little anger and such into the shoves, leaving them yelling after me. Ignoring them as I chased after Maurice's fat ass, I saw him running around a corner. The little piece of crap was fast, I'll give him that. I sped up, and saw the girl standing a bit in front of me. I stopped a few feet away from her. Maurice was right in front of me, and almost as if he had eyes in the back of his head, he called out to the girl.
"Isabelle!" He suddenly screamed. "Isabelle, run! HE'S COMING!"
She didn't even bother to turn around and see who the kid was talking about. She just took off again.
"Damn it." I run, every day. For at least 2 hours. And I still was having trouble catching my breath.
Come on, sweetcakes. Just stop. Stop. STOP!
She turned her head slightly, enough so I could see the frustration on her face.
She sped up.
"Wait, sweetcakes!" I called out. I was running so fast, I didn't even register that she had stopped and flew into her, sending us both to the ground.
Jesus. I landed ontop of her, a position I must say I didn't mind one bit. She start to wheeze a bit as we struggled. I couldn't tell if I was struggling just to piss her off, or because I liked being this close to her.
It's a sad, sad day when I become this attracted to a girl, this beautiful, in such short time.
A sad day indeed.
"Jesus, sweetcakes stop struggling." I barked out, as her knee had come extremely close to my danger area.
"I can't breathe, you big oaf!" She gritted out.
"The horror." I said, sarcastically, but I felt a little bad that I was enjoying this more than her, so I shifted some of my weight off her.
I was still laying on her though.
"Mr. Tier. What are you doing?" Ah, hell. This can't be good.
I looked up, almost guiltily to see Dr. Wise and Mr. Goodman standing above us. With twin horrified expressions on their face.
Yeah, not good at all.
"Are you trying to--Ms. Paige, do we need to call the police?"
The bottom dropped out of my stomach as pure rage tightened around my throat.
But even as the rage hit me, I felt like I was doing something bad. Tainting her or something. Which, of course, pissed me off even more.
This was just not my day.
"Why in the hell would you automatically assume I was trying to hurt her?" I demanded as I stood up, hoping my words could hide what I was really feeling.
I didn't help her up. I didn't want to touch her, couldn't touch her. She glared at me, and quick as lightning grabbed my hand and pulled herself up. She pulled hard, punishing me almost, causing me to stumble. I just gave her my best scowl, and yanked my hand out of hers.
She just gave me an innocent smile, and turned to Wise and Goodman.
"Mr. Tier, I'm going to ask you again, what in the world were you doing with Ms. Paige." Mr. Goodman asked me. I ignored his question and just glared at him. And glared. And glared some more.
Clearly they weren't going to get an answer out of me, so they turned to Ms. Paige. "Ms. Paige, did he---harm you?"
I gasped, and waited as even more hurt washed over me.
Why does everyone assume the worst in me?
Because, you make them assume it. I answered for myself.
"Why in the hell would you think I'd hurt her?" I wouldn't hurt her. I couldn't hurt her. She was too....
"If you weren't hurting her, then what were you doing?" Mr. Goodman asked. I turned to the girl. That was a good question Mr. Goodman.
Well you see, I bullied her best friend into tutoring me. Which pissed her off. Then she came and yelled at me. Which pissed me off. So I made fun of her. Which pissed her off again. So she did something really stupid. Actually, now I'm thinking it wasn't that bad of an idea. But that would depend if you're going to arrest me or not. I wagered another glance at the girl, and I saw it in her eyes.
She was going to do it.
She was going to lie.
"We were discussing our schedules. I'm taking Maurice's place as his tutor. We were just talking baout when we could meet and such."
Well, Jesus Christ. I could only stare at her as she practically defended me.
"On the ground? With him on top of you?"
"It's none of your damned business." I told him, angry that he was still trying to find a way to get me in trouble.
"Sir, as rudely as he put it," She said quietly to him, "what we do is our business, as long as it isn't illegal."
Wow. That was all I could think as I stood there. Wow.
"As much as I don't believe you would lower yourself to become involved with this boy, I'll take your word for it Ms. Paige. However, I'm obligated to tell you all the details of tutoring this hooligan." Dr. Wise said, disbelief threaded through his tone.
Bastard. I wanted to hit this guy. But that was a major no-no, hitting the principal.
Trust me, been there, done that. Isn't fun.
I stood next to her as she listened almost intently to Wise.
"What would happen if I quit?" I stiffened. No. No. This can't-- I could only stare at her, too prideful to do anything else.
"He'd be expelled." Which is a bad, bad thing sweetcakes. A bad thing.
Well, for me, anyways.
"So, are you sure you want to do this?" Are you kidding? Even I could tell she'd rather eat dirt that be with me.
"Yes." She smiled and nodded at them as they walked away, talking between themselves.
Probably plotting the assassination of Santa Claus or something. The evil bastards.
We stood there, her and I, not talking. Standing side by side, staring out.
"Why?" The question burst out of me.
"Because, I gave my word." She said.
"Jesus, you're some kind of stupid, sweetcakes." This is good. This is normal. Me being a jackass. I was a little embaressed that they had affected me so much, so I was being even more of a jerk.
“Oh, you insufferable pig. I did you a favor, and you still insult me!” She was indignant now, and all the pity I had seen in her eyes had disapeared.
“I didn’t ask you to defend me.” I said, more angry with myself than anything.
“You may not of said it out loud, but I saw it in your eyes.” I rolled my eyes.
“Pathetic.” I told her.
“Just shut up.” She huffed out.
“Great comeback”
“It was either that or go stuff your head up your ass,” I just gawked at her as she smiled sweetly up at me, “but then I realized you probably have enough stuffed up there.”
I sat there, shocked again for the millionth time today. Then I laughed. And graced her with a smile. A real one.
“I’m losing it.” She told me.
“I know.”
She ignored me as she grabbed my arm and looked at my watch.
“Well, since school has been out for about an hour, I need to call my dad. And tell him what’s going on. You’re taking me to your house. And your going to drop my back at my house when we are done.”
“No.” I don't want her coming over to my house, and there is no way in hell I'm driving her.
Because I can't even drive myself.
“Why?” There was no way in hell she was coming over to my house to tutor me.
“Because, I don’t have a car.”
“Why not?” She seemed like the kind of girl who whatever she wanted. A car would definitely be top priority for a senior girl.
“I couldn’t afford one.”
“So, get your dad to buy you one.” Duh. And I thought I was dense sometimes.
“No, if I get a car, I’m going to buy it myself. It makes it more mine that way. If you know what I mean.” Nope. If I want something, I don't give a damn how I get it, as long as I get it.
“Insane.” Rolling my eyes for good measure, I grabbed arm and pulled her towards where I knew Carria had parked. “Anyways. Fine. I’ll drive you. Come on, let’s go. Carria is probably waiting.”
“Who is Carria?” She asked as I drug her along. “I still need to call my dad, you idiot!”
“Use your cell phone.” God, she is annoying.
I was almost thankful that the earlier..emotions, feelings, whatever you wanted to call them were gone, and we were back to arguing and such.
“It’s dead.”
“Useless, aren’t you?”
“There is a phone in the car.” I told her, cutting off her curse.
“In your—“ She faded off when the limo came in view.
I hate the thing, but it's the only thing I'm allowed to drive, well ride in these days.
"You know what?" It hit me, as we were walking to the car.
"I still don't really know your name."
"Oh. Um, I'm Isabelle. Isabelle Paige."
"Beautiful." I said, and meant it.
She just stared at me.
"Hello Mr. Tier...Who is this lovely young woman?" Carrie came around, lifting his hat at Isabelle.
"Just open the door." I told him. He sighed, but opened the door and helped Isabelle in.
He winked at me as he shut the door.
"You have a limo." She told me.
"Uh, obviously."
"You have a driver."
"Really, I never noticed!"
"You're rich?" She asked me, playing with the controls. There something wonderful about the way she took in the limo. Wonder and inquisitive. Studying and learning.
"Uh, yeah." I cleared my throat and settled back. "Now shut up, I want to take a nap."
"Fine. Have great nightmares." She said, giving me a smile that made me glad she didn't have a knife.
Well, I hope she doesn't have a knife.
Still thinking about brown, green, and gold eyed girls with knifes, I fell into a deep sleep.


"HOLY GOD! YOU HAVE A CASTLE!" I jumped up quickly startled out of my sleep, I cursed as my head bounced off the roof of the car.
"Damn it, woman!" I yelled at Isabelle, who was practically climbing out the window. "DID YOU HAVE TO YELL?"
"Tier! You have a castle! Are you a prince?" She peppered me with questions as Carria pulled up to the front door.
I ignored her questions as I tore out of the car.
"Holy crap." I heard her gasp in wonder as she took in my home.
I tried to look at it as she would. The sneaking vines making their way up the brick walls, the many windows, sparkling thanks to Mrs. Angela, the...
"What's that noise?" She asked me.
"Oh, no." I groaned as I raced into the house, her on my heels.
Trumpet fanfare hit us as we burst into the huge ball room.
"Oh, no!" Lennie! David! Mrs. Angela? They all were from Europe, and were amazed by American music.
"Whatcha gonna do with all that junk, all that junk inside that trunk?" Lennie rapped to Mrs. Angela.
They were all doing some sort of booty dance, singing in time with the Black Eyed Peas.
"She's got me spending." Lennie and David sang, getting down.
"Whatcha going to do with all that ass, all that ass inside them jeans?" David sang out in his deep baritone voice. They were still unaware that they had company, and I couldn't move.
This would be funny, borderline hilarious if Isabelle wasn't right next to me, witnessing the same thing.
"Jesus." I managed to get out as Mrs. Angela did a serious booty dance.
"I'm make scream, make you scream, make you scream."
♠ ♠ ♠
Since so many lovely people have been commenting this story, I'll give you guys one more chapter tonight!!!!
Hope you enjoy it!!!!!