Beauty and the Beast

Of Castles and Cads

Isabelle's POV

"Hello Mr. Tier...Who is this lovely young woman?" The smiling man asked as Tier pushed me by him. Not even giving me a chance to smile back.
"Just open the door." Tier snapped. I couldn't believe how much of an ass this guy was being.
The man just sighed, but didn't stop smiling. I managed to get a smile in as Tier ducked my head into the car. I saw the man wink at Tier before slamming the door shut.
And then, wow.
I looked around, this being my first time in a limo. And boy, oh boy. This is a nice one.
Plush leather seats. A HUGE T.V. A mini-fridge. Roses in little vases hung in the corners. I love roses.
I turned to Tier. His wrinkled clothes and somewhat haggard appereance contrasted so immensely with this posh car that I had to make sure I wasn't dreaming or something.
Although I'm sure anything that had to do with Ryan Tier would be no less short of a nightmare.
Holy Cow! He's got a PS3 in here!
I'm so going to steal that.
Not really.
"You have a limo." I told him, still trying to comprehend this.
"Uh, obviously."
"You have a driver." A nice smiling driver whom you were a total prick to.
"Really, I never noticed!"
"You're rich?" There was no other way to explain it. Unless he lived in here, which I supremely doubted. I had found a universal remote built into the armrest next to me, and I took complete advantage over it, pressing every button on it. And laughing like a loser everytime something happened.
"Uh, yeah." He leaned back into the seat, settling down. "Now shut up, I want to take a nap."
"Fine. Have great nightmares." I said, lacing my words with death. Or I would have if it was possible.
I watched him as he fell asleep, almost instantly. I was torn between envy that he can fall asleep so easily, and unease at his almost peaceful expression. Quickly looking away before I brooded too much on that thought, I took in the place before me.
What's a girl to do in a limo, with a crabby, scary, sleeping dude, and a whole lot of gadgets to mess with.
Oh, crap.
I sort of crab-walked over to the window separating the cab from whatever area you call this, I'm not very limo-savy, and rapped on it.
"Yes?" The window rolled down, and I saw the man's face in the rearview mirror.
"Um, I'm really sorry to bother you, there a phone in here?"
"Mr. Tier wouldn't show you?" There was a distinct tone of disapproval in his voice, and I was quick to defend Tier.
Don't ask me why.
"No, no. He's sleeping. I like him better when he's sleeping. He's less prone to talking whilst sleeping."
The man laughed out loud, a big booming laugh that had me giggling along with him.
"I'm sorry Miss, I didn't quite catch your name."
"I'm Isabelle."
"Well, Miss Isabelle, I'm Carria. At your service." He bowed, amazingly, considering he was sitting down, and driving.
"Phone!" He exclaimed. "The universal remote, open it up, and there is a phone built in."
"Really?" Excited about another bout of buttons to press, I practically leapt towards the remote.
Following Carria's directions, I tried to open it up, but had a little bit of trouble. The stupid thing wouldn’t open! And then, wonders of wonders, it opened…
This is so freaking AWESOME!
"Isabelle!" I pulled the phone away from my ear as my dad's screech broke through the phone.
"Jesus, dad. Hello!"
"Where have you been?"
"Well, dad, I have something to tell you..."
"Oh, Jesus, you're pregnant."
"What? No!"
"Then what?" I could hear his breathing relax through the phone as I told him about my day.
And then when I got to the part about Tier, it went back into hyper-drive. I didn’t even tell him the full story, as I am more than positive he would come after Tier with a shot gun.
"No way."
"No way am I going to let you be alone with that boy for 6 plus hours a day."
"Dad!" I grew quickly exasperated as we argued.
I finally won, but only if I promised to mace Tier's ass if he even looked at me wrong.
"If he touches you, he's dead."
"Understood." My dad loves me, and he is uber protective over me. Bless him.
"Jesus, Isabelle, please be careful."
"Yes, father."
"I love you."
"I love you, too."
"Whew." I said as I hung up. I saw Carria wink at me, and I winked back.
"Better?" He asked.
"Much." I looked out the window, and noticed that the houses were coming fewer and farther between. "How much farther do we have?"
"About 30 minutes, Miss Isabelle."
"Darn." I muttered to myself. Tier shifted in his sleep, startling me. I watched as he stretched, his muscles straining against his shirt. He moaned in his sleep, thrashing about for a bit. His flying fist almost hit me, and I squeaked and managed to duck before his fist hit me.
Jeez. I scooted away from him, suddenly unease with being in a small, closed space with Tier.
I waited, tensed, ready to jump out of the way of a flying fist, foot, arm, head, anything. After a few minutes, and mutterings, he fell silent and still.
"We're here!" Carria announced, scaring the crap out of me.
I smothered a yelp, and turned in the seat, curious despite myself to see his house.
And then it came into view. A huge, towering castle.
"HOLY COW! YOU HAVE A CASTLE!" I couldn't contain the shriek as we drove nearer. I climbed towards the door and lowering the window, I practically stuck my whole body out of it to get a better look.
"DAMNIT WOMAN!" Tier yelled behind me. "DID YOU HAVE TO YELL?"
Yep! Oh, my God. It was beautiful, a little run down, a little dark. But oh jeez.
"Tier! You have a castle!" I exclaimed. "Are you a prince? Do you have bathrooms? Is this all yours?"
I asked him a million questions as Carria pulled up to the front door, "Holy crap!" I drank in the castle, eager to take in each vivid detail. The vines wrapped themsleves around the brick walls, and the huge, and many windows sparkled out. I was in love. I saw fountains in the gardens, and statues hanging on the walls here and there.
It was utterly amazing. My reverie was broken as a distant thumping tore through.
"What's that noise?" I asked Tier.
"Oh, no." He groaned as he sprinted off into the house.
Castle, I mean.
We raced through the hallways and burst into a dark empty room as a trumpet fanfare blasted out at us.
Three people stood in the middle of the room, a tall, lanky man. A short, rotund fellow. And an older, gray-haired woman, all dancing to...
"Oh, no!" Tier said again, embarrassment tinting his cheeks red. I could only stare in amazement as three grown-ups got down and boogied to the Black Eyed Peas.
"Whatcha gonna do with all that junk, all that junk inside that trunk?" The tall guy rapped to the woman. He had a slight accent, french I think, and it added a wry twist to the lyrics. I giggled. Tier was still just standing there, his fists bunched at his sides as the three adults, still unaware of our presence, broke it down.
"She's got me spending." The two men sang.
"Whatcha going to do with all that ass, all that ass inside them jeans?" The shorter man had a deep, baritone voice startling a laugh out of me. This was...
"Jesus." Tier said.
"I'm make scream, make you scream, make you scream." The woman sang, dancing quite good, despite her age.
"Merde! Monsieur Tier!" The tall guy had finally realized we were here, and the Black Eyed Peas continued to rap about humps and lumps as we stood there.
"Good heavens!" The short guy started to wring his hands, walking quickly over to us. "Master Tier. I must apologize, we didn't realize the time."
"You brought a guest?" The woman came up, a beamning smile on her face despite the situation we had caught her in.
"She's not a guest." Tier said shortly. They all visibly flinched. "Now, if you are done making fools of yourselves, I'm going upstairs for a bit. Show her around." He started to stalk away, and I had stuck my tongue out at him, just as he turned back around. "Mature. Don't go into the room with the blue door. OK? That's private."
"Whatever." I said, turning to the people he didn't even bother to introduce me to. But I wish he wouldn't of done that. I'm a curious person by nature, telling me I can't look's just so tempting.
"Hello, dear." The woman drew me out of my thoughts, and grabbed me in a warm hug. "I'm Mrs. Angela."
"Hello." I gave her a smile as the tall guy grabbed my hand.
"Enchante, madamoiselle." Ah, so he was french. I laughed as he kissed my hand, bowing over it. I bowed back, somewhat awkwardly. "I'm am Leonard Bougeoir, you can call me Lennie."
"And I am David Cod Worth. Please call me David." The short guy said, pushing in front of Lennie. David had a lovely english accent, as did Mrs. Angela.
"I'm Isabelle. It's nice to meet you."
"Well, dear, how would you like some tea?" Mrs. Angela asked me.
"Where did he go?" I asked at the same time.
"Heh, how about we give you a tour of the house, while your waiting for Master Ryan. Why are you here?"
"Tutoring." I supplied.
"Ah..." Lennie and David shared a look as Mrs. Angela bustled off to get some tea. I couldn't believe Tier had such...people willing to work for him.
"About Tier?"
"How about we show you the library?"
"You have a library?" I was interested despite myself.
"Yes!" Lennie said.
"Indeed! Come on, we'll show you. And I'm sure when you're done in the library the Master will be done." They walked out another door, and I followed.
We walked through twisting hallways, going through many doors. I was so lost, I'd probably need a map to get back to wherever we just were.
"You took us the wrong way!" They were a few feet in front of me, and had been pointing out tidbits of information as we passed things on our way. But now their heads were together, and they were whispering feverently.
"You idiot, I most certainly did not!"
"Yes, you did!" David whispered angrily, "This'll take us right by Master's room."
"The forbidden room?" I asked.
"Yes." He answered, and then clapped his hands over his mouth.
"Nice going." Lennie told him dryly. "Madamoiselle, please. The library is this way."
"OK!" I said brightly, and started walking behind them. They were still arguing, so they didn't notice as I stopped, and quietly walked back.
"Shut up, you cad!" David cried ahead. I stiffled a giggle at their bickering as I crept up to the blue door, and hesitated as I put my hand on the doorknob.
Then opening the door, I peeked in.
"Oh, my God!" I gasped.