No Amount of Eyeliner Can Hide the Tears I Shed

Pills, Alcohol, and Frank

It's been a miserable 7 months. I took 3 more pills with the beer I had been drinking. Xanax. Anti-depressents, pain killers, sex pills, anything I could get my hands on. Not that I needed the sex pills, I was straight and had no fucking girlfriend. She left me when I broke down...
I was on my couch, watching some lame-ass show about 'cleaning your bathroom'.
"Hey..." I saw a show on sex and started to watch that.
"When a female's sex cells trigger, or start, the vagina will enlarge..." It showed a clip on how the vag enlarged. Pussy after pussy. To make matters worse, it showed a man and woman having sex. Tears. I threw the remote at the TV and stormed off to my car. Being alone sucked ass. I needed to see somebody, anybody. Starting the car, I drove in my drunken state to Mikey's house. I knocked on the door.
"Yeah?! Who is it?!" Mikey called from inside the house.
"I-It's me! Gerard! P-Please let me in, Mikes!" I stuttered, tears were crashing down. Mikey opened the door. But before he let me in he eyed me suspiciously.
"Got any drugs, beer, pills, anything that you could kill yourself with?" I shook my head. He let me in. He gave me a warm and loving hug.
"Oh Gee, I'm so glad you decided to go sober!" He was still hugging me. 'Get off Mikey...I'm still the same damn person!'
"Fuckin' drunk is what I am..." I mumbled and Mikey stopped hugging me. He looked angry.
"Gerard! You gotta stop doing this!" He looked pissed off.
Fuck Mikey... "I do whatever I want, Mikey..." I tripped over something and fell to the floor. "Fuck!" I hit my head on the wood floors. Stupid wood floors... Mikey looked concerned.
"Have you been talking to anybody lately? I mean, besides My Chem?" Mikey helped me up.
"NO, Mikey! I haven't been talking to anybody since this happened!" My stomahc churned and I felt woozy. "Awww shit!" I ran to the nearest bathroom and threw up into the toilet. This went on for about 3 minutes. "Mother. Fuck. Er." I gasped as I threw up the contents of my stomach. I fell away from the toilet and into the bathtub/shower. Mikey helped me up again.
"Gee, that's what happens... I'll clean it up, don't worry. It's okay Gee." He helped me to the living room and went back to the bathroom. 'Shit, now I feel guilty! I should at least help!'
I saw her. Eliza. Fucking. Cutts. "F-Fuckin'..." I whispered out of shock, and she stood up.
"Hey, Geebear." She used my nickname.
"Go the fuck awa..." I collapsed on the floor, unconcious.
She stood there, staring at me intentively.
"SHIT!!!" I screamed and sat upright too quickly, then fell back down. My head hit something soft. 'Thank God it's not wood!'
"I'm sorry, did I scare you, Geebear?" she called me by my nickname, again.
"DON'T CALL ME THAT!!!!" I yelled, and a cold hand touched my forhead. Frank smiled down at me. "F-Frankiebear?" he shushed me, and I followed his command.
"Shh...Gee it'll be okay. I'll make sure of it. Gee, she's just here to see how you're doing." Frank whispered to me, his voice soft and un-Frank-ish.
"Frankiebear...She cheated on me! Sh...Shit my head hurss..." I mumbled, and Frank brought my head on his lap.
"Gee, you know I love you. I love you Gee...I truly, really do love you..." Tears fell down my cheeks, smearing my makeup.
"Frankie, you don't love me. You hate me... I know you hate me because I hate me. I'm horrible..." More tears, Frank wiping them away with his thumb. He kissed the top of my forehead. "I'm sorry for what I did to you..." I whispered to him, making more tears shatter down.
"Gee, you were drunk...It's okay. I'm fine." He kissed me again. It took me a moment to realize that Frank didn't have a girlfriend. At all. He really did love me. 'He loves me... Frank Iero loves me...'