People never cease to amaze us

Frank Iero (18 ) is a senior in high school. He has very few friends, and is very different from everyone else in school. He plays guitar, has tattoo's, and piercings, and is in love with his best friend Mikey's brother, Gerard. But there is no way Gerard would like him back. Or at least he thought.

Gerard Way (19) is always locked away in his room, drawing, or sleeping, only coming up to get food. He graduated from school last year, like his parents had asked him, but hated every second of it. He wore black every day, and drew some very depressing things. Somehow it got out that he was bisexual, and was called a fag every day from then on. Gerard knows he has feelings for his little brother's friend, Frank. But he can't tell Frank how he feels. Hes not even gay is he?

I know I suck at descriptions, just bare with me okay?

Read it and tell me what you think =P