People never cease to amaze us

Hospitals are full of hopeless emotions

Gerard's POV

I woke up to an empty bed, and my mind immediately raced to Frank. Was he okay? Had he left without me? When did he wake up? I raced out of bed, and put on some clothes. Just as I was about to leave the room to look for Frank, he walked out of the master bathroom. He had makeup on, and he was fully dressed.

"So, Mr. Sexy decided to wake up huh?" Frank said seductively. he walked towards me, and put his arms around my waist. I leaned my head forward, so our foreheads were together.

"I guess I did" I whispered in his ear. He softly kissed my lips and stared in my eyes. After staring for a while, he planted small kisses on my lips again and again. I caught his lip ring one time, and forced him to stay close to me. I kissed him fiercely, and slipped my tongue into his mouth. We only kissed for another minute or so, but it was enough for me. We slowly pulled apart from our embrace, and Sat on the bed. "So when do you want to leave?" I asked.

"Could we go soon? I mean I just need to see him" He explained.

"Of course. Lets just go and grab my keys from he front room, and we can leave" I told him. We walked downstairs, hand in hand, and got my keys. We plopped into the car, and started on our long journey to the hospital.

After about on hour, neither of us had said a word. I took my hand off the gear, and took Frank's left hand. I stroked his knuckles with my thumb, and saw him smile a bit. Out of no where, he asked "Have you ever had someone special in your life? And I don't mean a boyfriend, but someone you told everything to?"

"Yeah, my grandmother. She was the first one I told that I was gay. She helped me with my voice, she pushed me to preform, and she even talked to me about guys. She was the mom figure my mom never filled" I told him.

"My grandfather was like the older brother I never had. He always played with me, he was there when I needed to talk, and he even helped me discover my sexuality" He said. I nodded and followed every word he said. For the last hour we were in the car, we traded stories about our grandparents. I learned that Frank was actually Frank Anthony Thomas Iero the second.

"All the more evidence that you actually are a prince" I said. We both laughed. Seconds later we parked in the hospital parking lot, and got out of the car. Walking in the automatic doors, we saw there was no line for the front desk.

"How may I help you?" Said the man behind the desk.

"We're here to see Frank Iero? He has a stroke yesterday" Frank explained.

"Hes in room 412, but I'm afraid you friend can't see him. Only family can visit right now" The man told us.

"Oh, this my husband" Frank lied. Some people in the waiting room turned their heads in disgust, but I just flipped them off as we walked away. When we stepped into the elevator, we pushed the four button and waited in silence. The only thing that could be heard was Frank's heavy breathing. I knew he was fighting back tears, so I went over and hugged him.

The ding of the elevator broke the silence, and we walked out to find Frank's grandfather's room. We walked down the hallway to our right, and walked six rooms down before finding 412. We both stared at the closed door for a while, then Frank took the first moved and opened the door. We walked in the door, hand in hand, and saw Frank's grandfather sitting awake in his bed.

"Grandpa?" Frank said quietly.

"Frank!" His grandfather almost yelled. "I heard about what your mom did. I'm so sorry about her"

"You shouldn't be apologizing right about now. Besides, I have someone for you to meet" Frank told him.

"And who would that be?" He asked. Frank motioned me over, and I came and stood next to him.

"Grandpa, this is Gerard. He's my boyfriend" Frank smiled.

"I knew you could get him! I told you it wasn't impossible!" Frank Sr. said. [A/N I'm going to start calling them Frank (Gerard's boyfriend) and Frank Sr. (Frank's Grandpa) because its way to hard to have a conversation between Frank and Frank xD]

"What?' I asked confused.

"Well....Gee, as I told you before, I've like you for a long time. I told my grandpa, and he helped teach me how to flirt with you" He blushed and looked down at his shoes

"Oh don't be embarrassed. I knew you were flirting, but I didn't know if you were just teasing me for being gay or what" I explained.

"Aw, I wouldn't do that" He said. I leaned down to close the gap of our hight difference, and pecked his lips. We turned back to look at Frank Sr. and he was smiling widely. Frank and I smiled back and continued talking.

"So when are they letting you out?" Frank asked.

"They want to keep me for a couple more days, but they said I should be alright. Although I'm no longer allowed to live alone. I'm moving in with your mom unfortunately" He told us.

"What? Couldn't you just....get someone to stay with you? Like get a roommate? You can't live with her! Shes impossible!" He screamed.

"Shh Frank, we're in a hospital! And I know, but I don't have the kind of money to pay someone to stay with me, and all my friends have passed. I'm not sure about you, but I sure don't want to be living with a stranger"

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Just make sure you stay in charge over there" Frank said. We continued to talk for another hour. Talking about school, living together, the promise I made Frank, and even what we planned on doing in the future. Eventually visiting hours closed, and we had to leave. He both hugged Frank Sr., and left for the car.

"Are you sure you still want to go back up there?" I asked Frank.

"Absolutely. I want to see what its like living with you" He said. He smiled and we started the long drive back up to the house. We stopped off the side of the highway to get something to eat, and some coffee, and ran into Alicia. "What are you doing here?" Frank asked.

"Me and Mikes decided to go on a little getaway of our own. We're staying in my parents summer house in the cape" She explained. Mikey then came out of no where, holding two coffees, and looked at us.

"Hey, where did you guys come from? I though you were up at the house in Massachusetts!" Mikey said.

"Yeah, we just came down to see Frank's grandfather. Hes in the hospital" I explained.

"Oh I'm so sorry Frank!" Alicia said.

"Hes okay now. Hes getting out in a week" Frank explained.

"thats good! Well, we better get going, we have a long drive ahead of us" Mikey said. He grabbed Alicia's hand and started off towards the door.

"Remember little brother, safe sex is happy sex, so play nice!" I yelled after him. Mikey looked at me, blushed, then looked over at Alicia. She pecked his lips happily, and they continued walking out to Alicia's car.

I proceeded to get something to eat, me just a coffee, and Frank a bag of skittles with a gigantic coffee. We made our way back out to the car, and started the second half of our journey to the house.

An hour and fifteen minutes we wound up in the driveway again. He bounded inside, and rushed inside to the bedroom. We had unanimously decided we would swim for a while once we got to the house. There was in indoor pool, a steam room, a sauna, and even a hot tub. We both looked through our bags for our swim trunks, and I found I hadn't packed them. Frank just smiled and said "Show me where the pool is! I wanna go swimming!".

He had changed into his swim shorts, but I was just going to swim in my boxers. I took the back staircase down to the kitchen, and went two rooms from there into the pool room. Once I entered in the pin code to open the door, Frank just gawked at the size of it. I knew it was huge, but since I had grown up with it, it never really hit my how gigantic the pool was.

"Race ya!" Frank screamed.

"To where?" I yelled, but it was to late, Frank had already stared running off. I followed behind him until he bounded to the side of the pool. He stopped suddenly and looked at the water. As soon as I was standing behind him he turned around, grabbed my hips and pulled me towards him. He pushed his lips against mine, and slowly tipped us backwards. He was facing away from the pool, so we fell into the water holding each other. I continued kissing him under the water, and paddled with my feet to bring us to the surface.

We broke apart, and swam over to the shallow end. He pushed my up against the wall and kissed my neck fiercely. I moaned and bucked my hips into his. Using my hands up pull him closer to me, I ground my hips into his. He moaned against my neck, causing my vocal cords to feel amazing. Once he was satisfied with the mark he had left, he moved back to my lips. I felt his cold lip ring against my mouth, and I moaned.

We continued our heated make out session, and eventually got out of the one piece of clothing we had on. I continued to grind our hips together, making us both moan uncontrollably. Suddenly Frank grabbed my erect length and started to pump me at a teasingly slow pace. "Please....faster" I said, in between my scattered breaths. He complied and started a faster pace. He knew how to drive me crazy, so he did just that. He began sucking on my neck again, right at my pulse. I moaned and put my hands on his back.

"Oh..g-god Frankie....I'm s-so c-close" I stuttered. Moments later I came into the water, and regained my breathing pattern. Once I was breathing regularly, I kissed Frank. I pulled him a bit closer to me, realizing he was still painfully hard. I smirked and started to fist Frank.

He moaned his head off, and moaned "I'm......c-close G-Gerard". He gasped at the loss of contact from my hand when I let go, and I plunged myself under water. I slipped him into my mouth, being careful not to let any water in my mouth. I started sucking him, and I felt him brace himself against the edge of the pool. It only took a few seconds before Frank exploded in my mouth. I swallowed everything he gave me, and returned to the surface of the water. "Wow...." Frank exclaimed. We both smiled and grabbed our one piece of clothing. We slid them on under water, and made our way over to the sauna.

Once we had set the timer for a half an hour, I sat on the bench, and pulled Frank on top of me. He straddled my waist, looking right in my eyes. "I love you" He said, before pulling our lips together. We kissed heavily, keeping our eyes closed.

"I love you too" I whispered once we had broken apart. Frank then sat on my lap, and cuddled into my arms. I could tell he was tired, but I couldn't let him sleep in here. He would overheat, and we would have to go to the hospital. "Babe, you can't sleep in here" I said.

"I'm not, I'm just resting my eyes" He told me, sleepily. It was only a couple more seconds before I heard soft snores coming from him. I sighed and tried to pick him up. I couldn't get him on my back, because he couldn't hold himself up. I couldn't carry him bridal style, because I had to pull the door open. I finally found I could sling him over my shoulder, and carry him to our bedroom. I balanced him on my left shoulder, and opened the door. I turned off the sauna, and walked out of the pool room door. I locked it behind me and worked my way up to the stairs.

"Why didn't I think of this?" I said to myself, as I realized I couldn't carry Frank up the stairs like this. I put him down on one of the steps and thought. I could use the back stairs, they're a little less steep' I thought to myself. I picked him up, deciding thats what I would do. I put him on my back like you would a small child, and held his legs up. Either Frank was dead, or he was seriously asleep. I made my way up the stairs, balancing Frank carefully. I walked into the bedroom, and put him on the chair next to the bed. I stripped off his wet swim shorts, and put a pair of his boxers on him. I got a towel from the closet and dried of his torso, and his hair. I picked him up once more, and placed him on the bed. I pulled the sheets over his small frame, and just started at him.

I changed into some dry boxers and I sat in bed next to him. I played with his hair and wondered why someone like Frank would pick such a destroyed soul like myself. He was so innocent, so pure, so prefect. And I was ugly, ruined, and contaminated. But he chose to love me, and I wasn't going to question that. I eventually fell asleep beside him, but only for about an hour.

I woke up at about six thirty to the sickly sound of someone emptying their stomach. I opened my eyes to find the door to the bathroom open, and myself alone in the bed. I sprang up and rushed into the bathroom. I saw Frank doubled over the toilet and I went to his side. I held the loose hair out of his face, and rubbed small circles on his back. "I'm so sorry baby. I don't know what could have done this to you. Do you?" I asked, only hoping for him to shake his head. he did just that, but from the motion of his head, he began a second round of emptying what was left of his stomach. "I'll be back in a second okay?" I said. I left his side quickly and grabbed a towel, a glass of water, and some tums.

I returned to his side, and he was sitting up against the wall. I handed him the water, but he refuse to drink it. "Just a little? It'll make your stomach feel a bit better" He sighed and drank two sips. He handed it back, and took the tums from me. He chewed them as fast as his body would allow him and swallowed. I gave him the towel, and he rubbed his tongue along one side. I laughed and smiled.

"What? I hate the taste you get in your makes me feel sick all over again" He said. I nodded and he continued cleaning out his mouth with the towel.

We sat against the wall together for about five minutes before Frank felt he was able to stand. I helped him up, and took him to the sink. He washed out his mouth with the bottle of 'Scope' someone had left there, and went back to the bed. "Sorry this had to happen now, I was really enjoying our little episode in the water" He said.

"I did too ya know. Don't even think twice about it. You can't help getting sick. And from what I've heard from Mikey, you don't have the strongest immune system" I told him.

"Yeah. It runs in my family. I get sick a lot. And when I say a lot, I mean like every month I get sick" He explained. I laughed and pecked his lips. He tried to pull away, but I put a hand on the back of his neck, and kept him close to me. We moved out lips together, and opened our mouths. As soon as I tried to put my tongue in his mouth he pulled away. "We probably shouldn't. You could get sick too" He said.

"Damn. You have a point there little man"

"Excuse me? Little man? I don't think so!" He growled. He jumped on top of me and kissed my neck. He kissed up my jaw, but skipped over my mouth and worked on the other side. I saw exactly what he was doing, and it killed me. We couldn't kiss each other, have sex, or give head, but we could do anything else. I ran my hands down his chest, and traced one of his tattoos. It was a small flame that said 'hope' under it. "Like my tattoos do you?" He asked.

"I love them, but I could never get one" I stated.

"And why is that?" He said, continuing to kiss every available inch of my body.

"I hate needles. I swear I would hit someone who-uhhh tried to get me near one" I explained, moaning in the middle of the sentence because Frank had started to sunk on my hip joint. I bucked my hips towards his hands, which were now on the insides on my thighs. He traced invisible circles on the soft skin, and continued to suck on my hip. I realized my boxers had pitched quite a large tent, and looked at Frank. He looked at me, and then at my boxers, and smirked. He began to rub me through my newly changed boxers, and worked his way up my body, planting butterfly kisses along the way. When he got to my face, he kissed everywhere but my lips. Suddenly the color drained from his face and he raced to the bathroom.

I heard him emptying his stomach again, and went to his aid yet again. We repeated what we did before, and once again got back in the bed. "Why don't we just have you stay here instead?" I suggested.

"I think thats a good idea. Sorry about ruining our time alone" He said.

"Oh honey, you aren't ruining anything. As long as I get to be by your side I'm happy" I told him.

"I love you Gerard"

"I love you too hon" I took his hand and rubbed over the tattoos on his fingers. I still didn't understand how he could get them, with the immense amount of pain that came in the process. I let him drift asleep once more, and tried to do the same.

No matter what I did, I couldn't get my mind off of Frank's sudden sickness. How could he have gotten so violently sick over nothing? Did he just pick something up? Did he get it from someone else? Or was he nervous about something? I didn't know, but it was still racking my brain.

Suddenly it hit me. We had been in a hospital full of sick people. Since he had a weak immune system, he had probably caught the flu from someone on the same floor as his grandfather. Once that was at rest in my mind, I drifted off to sleep. I cuddled up close to Frank, knowing if I got the flu, we would have to take care of ourselves.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys, just wanted to let you know I'm going to camp for a month next Sunday!
I'll try to update as much as possible in the next week, so you guys can have a bunch to read while I'm gone.
Comments are love <3
Dedicated to Khari says XxrawrxX for trying to help me with writers block!
*gives a cookie too her*
Thank you sooo much!
Suggestions help me so much!
Comments make me write faster =P