People never cease to amaze us

The Beach

Frank's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling like shit. I had woken up a couple times that night, an emptied the acids in my stomach. It was currently about ten in the morning, and I was in the bedroom that attached to the kitchen, so Gerard could keep an eye on me. He was trying to get me to eat something, but every time he brought something in, I refused.

"Please?" Gerard begs. This time hes brought in vegetable broth. "Just a bit? It'll make your throat feel better!" He whines.

"Fine" I groan. "Gimme the damn cup"

"Someones grumpy!" He giggles. He hands me the cup, and I gulp it down.

"Happy?" I ask, annoyed with Gee's efforts to help me.

"Actually, yes" He said. I handed him back the cup, and cuddle into the warmth of the blankets around me. He places the cup in the sink, and lies down on the bed next to me. "Try to sleep. It'll make you feel better" He offered.

"I'll try, but I doubt it'll help at all" I said. I closed my eyes, and thought about us. How perfect Gerard was, and how madly in love I was with him. I quickly drifted off to sleep, with images of Gerard and I together in my mind.

"Frank, Frank you awake?" Someone asked.

"Yeah, why?" I said, feeling a weight being placed on my hips.

"Good, because I want you" The voice said. I opened my eyes to see Gerard sitting on my hips. His eyes were full of lust, and I wasn't going to refuse him. He leaned down and placed a kiss on my lips, before kissing my neck. He nipped at it, and occasionally licked the spot he had left a mark. I moaned like a whore and grew at his touch. His hands worked their way down my tattooed chest, and landed on my thighs.

"Gerard," I moaned. "No teasing" He giggled into my neck and started to pump me.

Wait a second, I had boxers on a second ago, when did he take them off? Oh whatever, I don't really care.

He pumped me slowly, making me groan in frustration. "Faster...please" I begged. He did as I asked, and quickened his pace. "I'" I said, between my ragged sharp breaths. Only then did he stop moving his hand along my erection, and slid his entire body down. He took me in his mouth. He licked the top of my hard on, and I moaned again. It only took seconds more for me to come in his mouth.

Once I had caught my breath again, I said "I love you Gerard".

"Frank, wake up!" He said, shaking me slightly.

"Wha-what are you talking about I am awake!" I said.

"Frank wake up!" A voice said, laughing all the while.

"Ugh...I feel like shit. Why;d you have to wake me up?" I asked Gerard, knowing it was him.

"Because my Frankie dear, look at the sheets!" I did as he said, and I noticed that they were wet.

"What happened?" I said, looking down at them. I suddenly felt that my boxers were wet, and my face turned bright red. "Oh...." I was seriously embarrassed that I had had a wet dream about my boyfriend, when he was sleeping in the bed next to me.

"Come on Frankie boy, lets get you cleaned up" Gerard giggled. He walked me up to our room on the second floor, and flung a pair of his boxers at me.

"Why your boxers?" I asked.

"Because apparently, you didn't pack any!" He told me. Thats right! I knew I forgot something!
"I'm gonna go change the sheets for you while you change. By the way, thanks for eating something. It made me feel better, and I think it may have helped you a bit to" He said.

I noticed I didn't feel like heaving my guts up. I felt a bit uneasy, but not like I was going to vomit any time soon. Gerard was just trying to help me, and I guess it worked.

I put the boxers Gerard had given me on, and walked back downstairs. Gerard was in the small little bedroom changing the duvet cover. He looked like he was struggling with it, so I walked over and helped. "Having a hard time are we?" I asked sarcastically.

"Yes! How the fuck do you do this?!" He yelled.

"Here, babe, let me do this" I said, taking the duvet cover. I flipped it inside out, keeping my hands on the corners. I picked up the duvet, corner to corner, and flipped the cover over it. I placed it down on the bed, and buttoned up the bottom. I straightened it out on the bed, finishing the process of making the bed. "Its easy!" I exclaimed.

He looked at me sideways, and grunted in frustration. "How-When-Did your mom teach you how to do that?" He asked.

"No actually. The maids in my old house taught me"

"You had MAIDS?! LUCKY!" He yelled, extremely immaturely. I giggled and walked over to him. I put my hands around his waist and kissed his lips innocently.

"Your so cute when your angry, you know that?" I told him. "Why don't we go do something today. We're in the middle of a different state, and we have nothing to do"

"Yeah! We could.....go walk around town. Its amazingly beautiful around here. And if you wanted we could go to the beach after!" He suggested.

"Cool. Lemme just put some clothes on and we can go"

"Aw! But I like it when your dressed like this" He whined childishly.

"I know, I do too. But I don't think it'd come off very well to people. I'm just gonna put on a beater and shorts" I laughed. I made my way back upstairs and put on exactly what I said I would. I walked down the front stairs to the kitchen, and saw Gerard collecting his keys from the floor. His back was to me, so I had a a perfect view of his ass.

I walked up behind him quickly, and thrust my hips against his ass. "Mmm someones horny aren't they?" He stated.

"Only because its you" I told him. He turned around and kissed my lips passionately.

"We gotta go before the shops close!" Gerard squealed. I smiled and chuckled a small laugh. He picked up a bag from the counter, and walked out the door that went from the kitchen to the back porch. I followed him, locking the door and grabbing the key, down the street.

In less then two minutes we were in the middle of town. I felt so out of place here. All the shops were full of skimpy bathing suits for girls, or speedos for guys. If it wasn't a clothing shop, then it was selling expensive sunglasses, or bad music. Gerard finally walked me down an set of stairs and I let out a sigh of relief.

There was a Hot Topic, a Hurley store, and a coffee shop. Gerard pulled me into the Hot Topic, and walked around every isle looking for nothing in particular. He picked up a belt from a hook and put it around his waist. It was bright pink, with discharged bullets strapped to it.

"Should I?" He asked, obviously asking if he should buy it. I nodded and continued to walk around the shop. I found a shirt that looked awesome, but I had never heard of the band. Someone called Circa Survive. It was a green, almost brown color, with little toy soldiers covering the upper chest. It had the band name across the bottom of the back, and on the left shoulder.

I put it back realizing I had no money, and walked to Gerard who was paying for his belt. "Ready to go sugar?" He asked. The girl behind the counter looked at us with knowing eyes, like she knew us.

"Gerard is he..." She said cautiously.

"Yeah Tracey, he is. Tracey, this is Frank, my boyfriend. Frank, this is Tracey, my old friend" Gerard proclaimed.

"Trace! Your shifts over!" Someone yelled. She clocked out, and put her little name tag on a shelf under the counter.

"Hi Frank. I'm Tracey, as Gerard said"

"Hi. How do you and Gerard know each other?" I asked.

"We've known each other since Gerard first started coming here when he was little" Just then a girl walked up to her, and kissed her. Not just a peck on the lips, but full on French kissed her. "Frank, this is my girlfriend, Amy" Tracey said.

"Hey. Its nice to meet some of Gerard's friends" I said to her. "You want to come to the beach with us?" I offered.

"Actually, we're going out tonight" Tracey told us.

"Oh please Trace? We can always go after!" Amy whined.

Tracey rolled her eyes and sighed out a "Fine" Amy hugged her waist, and started to jump up and down like a five year old. "We'll meet you there. Which one are you going to?"

"Um, actually its a private beach. Just come to the house and we'll walk from there" Gerard told us.

"Meet ya there!" Amy screamed, pulling Tracey towards the parking lot.

"Private beach? Are you SERIOUS?" I yelled.

"No Frankie, I'm just joking around. Of course I'm serious!"

"Come on! We gotta get back to the house!" I shouted. Grabbing Gerard's hand, I ran back the way we came. People turned their heads to look at us, two grown men, running through streets of which they didn't belong.

I got to the back door, and tried to open it. It was locked! I thrashed with the door until I felt Gerard's hand in my pocket. I stopped playing with the door and smirked at Gerard. Suddenly he pulled his hand out, and held something in his hand. "The key, Franks, the key was in your pocket" He explained. I blushed slightly, and stole the key from him. I mashed it into the lock, turning it as fast as I could. I flung the door open, causing it to crash into the wall behind it.

Running into the bedroom, I turned it upside down looking for my swim trunks. "Where did I put them?" I said to myself. "UGH!" I exclaimed. Gerard stood in the doorway, smiling like an idiot. "Don't just stand there! Help me find them!" I yelled. He pulled a hand from behind his back, revealing what I had been looking for. "WHERE?" I screamed.

"They were in the wash hon. I took them off you the night we came back from seeing your grandfather. You were asleep, and I didn't want to wake you" He explained. I took them from his hands jaggedly, and slipped off my pants. He just sat on the edge of the bed and watched.

"Aren't you going to get your on?" I asked.

"I didn't bring any remember? I'm gonna have to go down to the Hurley store before we go, so I can pick up a pair"

"Oh yeah" I smiled "Thats why they were so easy to take off in the pool" Someone knocked on the front door, and I guess it was the girls. I walked to open the door for them, but they were already in the house. "How...did you.."

"I have a key. Gerard used to come here all the time, so its not like I break into it when no ones here" She explained. Gerard came bounding up behind me, and jumped on my back.

"Oof. Thanks babe. Now lets go!" I yelled. Amy smiled, obviously as excited as I was.

"Wait just one minute now, we need to go down to the Hurley store so I can get a pair of swim shorts. I forgot to pack mine, and I am certainly not swimming in boxers around these two" He said, pointing at Tracey and Amy.

"And why is that?" I asked him.

"Last time he did, I pantsed him while he was in the water, and ran to shore with them. Never trust me when your going around in boxers......" She explained. "Now lets go!" She yelled. We all headed towards the front door, and walked right out of it. Gerard was still perched on my back, having a wonderful time. When we were about half way there, I realized I wasn't wearing a shirt.

I put Gerard down on the cement walkway, and crossed my arms over my stomach. He noticed, and walked behind me slightly. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and sat his chin on my shoulder as we walked. "Your beautiful ya know" he whispered to me. I shook my head, and looked at the ground.

"I'm ugly. Gimme your shirt" I demanded.

"No your not! Your fucking perfect Frankie. And I am so not giving you my shirt" He said. We then walked into the Hurley store, making me shiver as the cold air conditioned waft hit me. Gerard picked up a random pair of swim shorts in his size and took them to the register. I rummaged around the two small pockets in the shorts I was wearing, and pulled something that felt like money out. Nope, just an old receipt. I dug around a little more, hoping there would be something in there. I emptied them onto their contents on a table outside the store, and threw my hands up in ownership of a twenty.

I made my way into the store, just as Gerard came out of the changing room in his shorts. I quickly picked up the first shirt I was, making sure it would fit me, and payed. I slipped it over my head, and returned to the group outside. "Awww, Frankie! Why'd you have to do that!" Gerard whined.

"You know exactly why Gerard" I scowled.

"Okay, but don't be surprised when I peel it off you at the beach" He giggled. We continued to walk behind Gerard as he took us to the stretch of beach. We walked up a small hill, down a deserted forest path, and through someones back yard. We eventually found ourselves on the edge of a beautiful beach.

"Gerard.....its beautiful!" Amy said, hugging Tracey.

"Yeah Gee, how did you find this place?" Tracey asked him.

"I..I ran away one year and found it" He explained. I put my hand around his waist, and put my face on his chest. "Why don't we go down?" He suggested. Tracey led the way, holding Amy's hand. Gerard and I followed, and put a towel down in a place we deemed worthy of us. I lied down on the towel, and looked up at the beautiful sky. Gerard sat on my hips, and wiggled around.

"Mmm Gerard.." I moaned. Amy looked at us strangely, but continued to run with Tracey into the water. "This isn't the time nor place Gee" I smiled at him.

"Awww, why do you always have to ruin my fun?" He pouted.

"Because babe, your fun is always dirty" I told him. He got off me and pulled me up. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"Into the water!"

"No, no, no!" I screamed, as he pulled my hands. I sat down in the sand, and looked sternly at Gerard. "I am not going in the water! You can't make me!" I screeched. I was scared of the ocean water.

"Oh yes I can! You are going in the water with me!" He told me.

"No Gee! Please don't make me. Please Gee" I pleaded.

"Awww, baby. What happened?" He asked, suddenly realizing I was terrified.

"Nothing. I don't wanna talk about it"

"You can tell me anything, you know that?"

"Yeah, I know...I one but Mikey knows, and its not something I'm particularly proud of" I explained.

"Okay. Well why don't we just put our feet in?"

"Yeah. I guess I could do that" I said, mildly shaking. He took my hand and helped me up slowly. We walked me to the edge of the water, and we sat just close enough so the tide could hit our feet. "Thank you Gerard"


"For not dragging me into the water"

"Why would I do that?"

"I don't know. My mom used to do it, and my friends used to" He let out a barely audible 'aww' and pulled me onto his lap.

"Hey Gee! How long you two been together?" Tracey screamed from the water.

"Two weeks!" He screamed back.

"Really? You two look so great together!" Amy screamed.

"Thanks!" I yelled. Tracey came out of the water, as did Amy. Both of them were giggling and covering their mouths.

"Hey, Gee, can we steal Frankie from you for a second?" Tracey asked.

"Depends on what you want him for" He retorted.

"Just to talk" Tracey said. She pulled on my hand., and took me away from Gerard. We walked a while, before they both stopped me while wild grins on their faces. "So, is he good?" She asked.


"In bed, is he good?" She asked again.

"Why do you want to know?" I asked her.

"Because hes never looked this happy before!" Amy squealed.


"Yeah. Usually hes off getting drunk, or sulking around. But when hes with you hes smiling"

"Really?" I was dumbfounded.

"We just waned to thank you. But you never answered Tracey's question!" Amy said.

"Um.....Do I really have to answer that?"

"Yes! Now tell us!"

"I guess....." I blushed.

"Awww, That is so cute!" Tracey said. I looked down on my shoes, and started at them.

"You can go back to Gerard now if you want" Amy told me. I lifted my head up, looked them up in the face, and ran back to Gerard.

"What'd they want?" Gee asked.

"Nothing" I giggled. A silence fell over us, not an awkward one, but comfortable.

"Would you just try to go in the water with me? Please?" He asked. He turned his head to me, looking me right in the eye.

"Only if you stop when I tell you" I told him.

"Of course!" He said, standing up. I stood next to him, and held his hand. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded my head slowly, and began to walk into the water. As I felt a wave crash over my ankles, my throat tightened. I stopped and closed my eyes. "You alright?"

"Y-yeah, just give me a sec" I told him. I opened my eyes, and found Gerard looking at me concerned. "Okay" I took another couple steps, letting the water reach my knees. I held Gerard closer to me, making sure I could feel his side against mine at all times. The water was now reaching just about my waist, and I couldn't go any further. "I can't do this"

"Thats okay. You made it this far" Gerard cooed. He faced me and looked me in the eye. "Thank you for trying" He kissed my lips and smiled at me. "You want a lift to shore?" He asked.

"Oh yeah" I said excitedly. I jumped on his back, and adjusted myself to I was comfortable. He walked to shore, but we found that Tracey and Amy were on our towel. He put me down next to him, and went to explore what the girls were doing. He walked up slowly and quietly, and pounced on the girls. He scared both of them, earning a scream from both their mouths. They had lip gloss smeared everywhere on their faces, noting both Gerard and I to what they had been doing.

"GERARD ARTHUR WAY! WHAT IN THE WORLD DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!" Tracey screamed, all to seriously.

"I dunno, making you scream?" He said, childishly. Tracey wiped her mouth, and stood up angrily. She moved up under him, so her face was looking right up at his. He bowed his head down, so she could create eye contact. She lunged her face up, smashing their lips together. Gerard lifted his eyebrows, and pulled away.

"Trace......I-I" He stuttered. He looked over to me, but I wasn't mad. I knew it wasn't his fault, and I knew he pulled away as soon as he could. "You have Amy, I have Frank" He told her.

"I-I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that.....I-I'm gay right?" She said, a tear running down her face. "I don't know anymore Gerard. I just don't know" She blurted, digging her face into Gerard's chest.

He stroked he back lightly, and whispered things in her ears. The only thing I heard was "Its okay if your bi. Frankie is, and I still love him with my whole heart". I had mixed emotions about that sentence. He had said he loved me with his whole heart, but he had also told my secret, which I trust him with, to someone I barely knew. I was a bit miffed, but I knew it was no big deal. The only problem with me, is that a small problem always turns into something huge.

Amy came over to Gerard and took her away. They headed home, saying goodbye's and thank you's. Gerard came over to me, and led me back to the towel. "Sorry about that. I really didn't expect her to do that. I can tell your a little upset by it, but I can promise you it meant nothing to either of us" He told me.

"Its fine. And thats not what I'm upset about"

"Then what is it?" He asked.

"Nothing, its no big deal" I said, brushing his away.

"Frankie, anything thats upsetting you is a big deal to me" I stood up and started to walk down the beach. It was starting to get a bit chilly, because a breeze had started up, so I shivered a bit. I walked down the beach a bit, just wanting my own space to think. I felt Gerard's warm hands sliding along my arms, trying to warm them up. I shrugged his hands off, and continued walking. "Frankie, please tell me what I did. I can't fix it if I don't know!" He told me.

"Fine Gerard. The one secret I trusted you with, you go and tell Tracey, and have no problem with it!"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't even realize it was that much of a problem. I really am sorry babe, now can we drop it?" He asked.

"No Gerard! Its not an 'oops sorry' kind of thing! I'm not fucking ready for the world to know I'm bisexual!" I screamed. Gerard chuckled at the irony of my sentence. I was about to, but I realized I had to stay mad at Gerard. He couldn't always win things from his 'oops sorry' speech.

"Frankie please! I love you, and I'm sorry I did that! I didn't know you weren't ready" He explained.

"I don't know about you, but I'm going home. I don't want to fight where other people can hear us!" I screamed.

"What, so we don't get attacked by fucking a homophobe? Honey, I'd get attacked by a pack of fucking bears for you!" He yelled, tears streaming down his face. "I almost lost you before, and it felt awful. I don't want to do it again!" By then he had stopped walking, but I kept trudging towards the towel. Today had been to much, to much emotion in one day. I picked up my shirt, and the key to the house, and ran the rest of the way home.

I didn't hear Gerard following me, so I kept the door unlocked for him. I walked up into our bedroom, and changed into my pajamas. I ran down the stairs, and made coffee in the kitchen. I didn't feel like cooking, so I put a frozen pizza in the oven (Who knew we bought one?). I slumped into one of the stools on the other side of the breakfast bar, and put my head on the table.

The next thing I knew, the timer was going off for the pizza, and the coffee was long ready for me. I pulled out the pizza, and sliced it. I gorged myself on half a pizza, and left the rest for Gerard.


He wasn't home yet! I know I'm supposed to be mad at him, but I still love him, and I can still worry. I poured myself a cup of coffee, and told myself he was just out with Tracey, making her feel better. I trudged over to the living room, and plopped myself onto one of the couches. I fell asleep there, and hadn't even finished my coffee.

I woke up around nine at night, and decided I better move to the bedroom before I get a kink in my neck. I pulled myself up the stairs, and shoved myself under the covers. Before I went to sleep, I thought about the events of the day. I had been so happy with Gerard this morning. He had helped me through my sickness, and he hadn't even laughed at me when I had a wet dream. I loved him so much, yet there was so much I despised about him.

I felt myself drifting to sleep, so I closed my eyes. As soon as I did, the front door crashed was Gerard.
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Wow I hate begging, but I'm getting NO COMMENTS!

Again dedicated to Khari says XxrawrxX for talking with me like every day =P
Thanks to everyone who has subscribed xD
I love you all so much!