People never cease to amaze us

Every day we learn something new

Gerard's POV

I woke up the next day thinking of Frank. How lucky I was to have him, how perfect he is, and how in love I am with him.

I got out of bed and looked at the clock. It was ten, and it was a Monday. Frank and Mikey would be at school, so I was all alone until three. I got out of bed, thinking Frank might have left me a note. I looked around and didn't see one, so I figured he probably didn't have time to write one.

I continued with my day, taking a shower, cleaning my room, and going upstairs. I stopped at the top of the stairs because something was stapled to the door. It was an envelope. I ripped it off the door and opened it.

" Dear Gerard,
I didn't want to wake you, so I'm writing this note. Mikey kicked me out of his room, so I guess I'll be sleeping in your bed tonight. I know you'll be happy about that, so go ahead and scream. I love you!
Also I just wanted to say I had a dream about you last night. No not THAT kind of dream, but one about our future. I'm not going to tell you anything about it, because that would be really embarrassing, but I will tell you that it was one of the best dreams ever.
Well Mikes and I have to get to school, and there's coffee in the pot if you want it, which you will.
See you when I get home
Love Frank

When I finished reading that I was very curious. What was his dream about? With those questions still running through my head, I continued up the stairs. I went into the kitchen only to find another note. This one was from Mikey.

I am happy you and Frank are back together, but you have to know Frank is too weak to be by himself now. He will come back to you no matter what you do to him. Hes my best friend, and I would hate to see him crushed by my older brother.
Anyway, I told Frank he could tell you I kicked him out. He wanted an excuse to move back in with you. Also, we only have to weeks of school left, all of exams. So what ever you do, do NOT let Frank skip. If he doesn't take his exams he won't graduate.
See ya when I get home,

Two weeks until I had Frank by myself? I didn't know if I could wait that long, but I would have to. I may want to be with Frank every second, but he needs to graduate high school.

My day went by slowly. I slept again until two, then I made more coffee, took a shower, and waited for Frank to come back home. I turned on the TV and watched Stephen's Untitled Rock Show for a while, until the door opened. I stood up to see who it was. It was Frank. Once he had closed the door behind him, Frank ran into my arms and hugged my tightly. It took me a moment but I hugged him back, and he sobbed silently into my chest.

"Frank what happened? Are you okay?" I asked.

"I can't go back to school Gerard, you can't make me" He mumbled. I gestured him over to the couch, and sat down. I pulled him onto my lap, and he latched his arms around my neck, and placed his head in the crook of my neck.

Mikey walked into the house, not at all looking surprised. "Mikey what happened?" I asked him. "Frank is it okay if Mikey tells me?" Frank just nodded his head, not wanting to speak at this moment.

"The guys at school found out about him being bi. They called him some nasty stuff, and I guess it got to him. I don't blame him for crawling to you for comfort, Gerard. Talk to him, tell him he has to be proud" He said. "You know I suck at that kind of thing, so help him will you?"

"Yeah I get it. Now could you leave for a minute? I need to talk to him" I told Mikey. I let Frank stay where he was, but I started to talk to him. "Baby, you can't let them get to you. I had to deal with it for years, and all they want out of you is a reaction. Just ignore them and hold your head up high" I said to Frank.

"But Gerard, its so hard not to do anything about it. I mean they called me a faggot! How can I just let that slide? They make me feel like our love is dirty, like its tainted." I kissed him hard on the lips. There was so much passion in that kiss even I couldn't believe it. For a long time we just held each other kissing.

"Did that feel tainted?" I asked him after we had separated.

"Well no, bu-" He managed to get out before I cut him off.

"Our love is and always will be stronger then any one of theirs will. If they can't accept that then they can just kiss my ass. When they call you a faggot just lift your head up with a smile and say 'Why yes! I am a faggot! Thank you' right to their faces." I told him. Frank giggled at my statement.

"Your right. They can't make me stop loving you, and nothing ever will" He said.

"Thats the Frank I know" I said. He kissed my lips lightly as a thanks for my little speech. I kissed his head once he had placed it back where it was. I whispered "I love you" in his ear.

"I love you too" he whispered back. I put my arms around his hips, and we just stayed there for a little while. After about two minutes we got up went to find Mikey.

We checked the kitchen first, thinking he was probably making coffee. We were right. he was staring impatiently at the coffee maker, probably thinking if he kept staring at it , it would go faster.

"Making coffee?" I asked.

Mikey jumped a bit, not having noticed me and Frank enter the room. "Uh yeah. Is he....?" Mikey said, implying if Frank was okay.

"Yeah Mikes, I'm fine" Frank told him.

"So only two weeks until school is over huh?" I said.

"Actually its only one week for me. Frank has Spanish exams that last week" Mikey explained.

"How come you never told me you took Spanish? Do you know how sexy that would be?" I asked.

"No seƱor, pero tengo que hacer" He said in a Spanish accent.

"Uhh, Frank, do you know how much of a turn on that is?" We were ignoring Mikey, and Frank started talking in Spanish again.

"Si sigo hablando de este tipo se le quisiera hacer las cosas sucias para usted?" He said.

"I have no idea what you just said, but I totally want to take your virginity right now" I moaned.

"Umm guys? Your kinda freaking me out" Mikey said, sounding uncomfortable.

"Mm sorry Mikey " I said. "But you, Mr. Iero, are coming with me" I commanded.

"Of course Mr. Way" Frank growled in a Spanish accent. I grabbed his hand and led him down to my room. I took him over to the couch and laid him down. I stripped off our pants and my shirt, and crawled on top of him.

"Do you know how turned on I am right now?" I asked.

"Well, by the size of your boner sticking into my stomach, just as much as I am" He whispered to me. I kissed his lips viciously, shoving my tongue into his mouth to explore. He didn't protest, so I continued.

Frank moaned loudly into the kiss. I could feel how hard he was getting, so I pushed myself downwards a bit. Now my hard on was right against his. I rolled my hips over his lightly, and he moaned.

"Gerard hacer algo, me toque" He whined. I didn't know what he said, but I took it as a sign he wanted some action. I wasn't gonna have sex with him until he asked. I didn't want to go against what I had said. I pulled down his boxers, and he got them off the rest of the way be himself.

I held myself up with one arm, and started to stroke him with the other. I had to make him come quickly, because we both knew I couldn't hold myself up for long. I started to pump him pretty hard, and kissed along his neck. It didn't take him long to dig his nails into my hips, signaling he was close. I pumped him a little faster, until he came.

"Te quiero Gerard" He screamed as he climaxed.

I didn't take Spanish, but I knew that meant 'I love you Gerard'.

"I love you too Frankie" I told him, as I wiped a small bit of hair out of his face. I let myself down on top of him until he caught his breath. "Oh shit Mikey!" I screamed. I ran over to the CD player, and turned on AFI.

I went back over to Frank, and pulled him up from the couch. I had his wrist in a tight grip, and I walked over to my bed. I let myself fall backwards on it, making Frank fall on top of me. He immediately attacked my chest with kisses. The love bites from whom ever it was had faded. I guess Frank wanted to replace them with his own.

He kissed down my chest, satisfied with his marks, and down to my boxers. He kissed my length through my boxers, causing me to moan louder then the music would play. Frank giggled and pulled himself upwards a couple of inches. He licked just above my boxers and kissed my happy trail. He sucked on it a little, and left a mark.

He licked right underneath the elastic to my boxers, and bit the top. He pulled them down slowly, making me wait even longer for contact. "Come on Frankie, just do it!" I yelped. He immediately ripped of my boxers the rest of the way and took me in his mouth. "ummm" I moaned.

He slid his tongue up and down my length and sucked as hard as he could. For a virgin he really knew how to make someone know how to feel good. I grabbed his hair with my hands and ran my hands through it. He laughed a bit, causing vibrations to be sent up my body. I moaned loudly and came in his mouth.

He moved his body upwards and kissed me. He opened my lips with his tongue and opened his mouth. Something spilled in my mouth, and it took me a second to realize what it was. I pushed it back into Franks mouth, and made him swallow it before he could kiss me again. I could still taste myself in my mouth, so I kissed Frank.

I let his tongue explore my mouth, taking my taste with him. This kiss suddenly became a heated make out session. We pulled away for a second to catch out breath, and Frank put his head to my ear. "Would you let me fuck you?" He whispered. He pulled his head away and looked at me.

I contemplated it for a second. Would I let him fuck me even though I had only known him for a total of four days? Well I knew I wanted to, but would I regret it?

"Of course I will" I whispered back. A small smile crept to his face.

"I don't know how to do this, so you'll need to help me" He said. I laughed a bit and nodded.

"There's lube in my top drawer" I instructed. He got up off me, got it, and climbed back on top. He moved so hip hips were a little bellow mine, and I spread my legs a bit. "Lube up two fingers and stick them in" I told him. He did as he was told, and stuck in two fingers.

I winced a bit, and he shot his head up. "Did I hurt you?" He asked, worried.

"No, well yes, but its supposed to hurt a bit" I told him. After a moment or two had passed I told him to move in and out, scissoring his fingers. Again I winced at the pain, and he looked up at me. "We can stop if your uncomfortable with this" I said.

Frank's POV

"We can stop if you feel uncomfortable with this" Gerard told me.

"No, I can do this. I want this" I said. I continued to scissor my fingers as he had told me to do, and waited his next command. He had me scissor him for another minute or so, until he wasn't in anymore pain.

"Pull your fingers out. You can put yourself in now. Just go slowly, I haven't done this in a while" He instructed. I complied with his instructions, pushing myself in. He winced a lot when I first started, so I started kissing him. He shoved his tongue in my mouth and explored. He bit down on my lip and played with my lip ring. Once I was fully in him, he just looked at me. "I can't believe we found each other" He said.

"At first I couldn't believe a guy like you could love a guy like me" I said.

"You can move now" He said. I moved, and immediately moaned. It felt so good to be inside someone. I opened my eyes and saw Gerard looking a but uncomfortable. I blushed heavily and looked down at his stomach. He picked my head up and said "Don't worry, I know what that feels like the first time. Amazing right?"

I chuckled and continued sliding in and out of him. After a while Gerard started moaning with me. "harder" Gerard commanded. I truster my hips faster and harder, making both of us feel good. After a couple loud moans from ma and Gerard, I hit something inside him. "RIGHT THERE" He screamed.

Gerard put his legs around my thighs, and pushed me harder inside him. "Gerard I'm soo close" I moaned.

"Wait for me" He said. He grabbed his length and started pumping himself out of time with my thrusts. I quickly slapped his hand away and replaced it with mine. I pumped him viciously so he could catch up to my state of almost climaxing. Once I had done just that, I slowed down a bit and timed my hand with my hips.

"I'm gonna come Frankie" He moaned. After only a couple more thrusts we came screaming each others names. "FRANK!" He screamed.

"GERARD" I screamed back. Once I had buried my load inside Gerard, I slowed my pace, so we could ride out our orgasms as long as possible. I pulled out after a moment or two, and just lay next to Gerard,

"How could you think a guy like me couldn't love a guy like you?" He asked.

"I don't know. You just seemed to far away to love someone. I felt like you would never love me, because I wasn't good enough" I told him shyly. I blushed at my own words and looked away from him. I seemed to be doing that a lot lately.

"I will always love you Frank Iero. You are perfect in every way, and nothing can change that. Don't ever think someone can change that" He told me. I picked up my head and kissed my lips softly.

"I love you too Gerard. I always will" I told him. I was getting a bit cold, so I pulled the covers over us. I cuddled up next to Gerard and closed my eyes. "Thank you" I whispered.

"For what?" He asked.

"For the best night of my life" I said, looking right in his eyes.

"Then your welcome Frankie" He put his hand on my cheek. I closed my eyes again, and put my hand over his.

"I'm so glad I waited for you to do this" I mumbled.

"Me too, and I'm glad you don't regret it" Gerard said. He stroked my face with his soft hand and I let him. I fell asleep like that, and dreamed that wonderful dream again.

Gerard's POV

Once Frank had fallen asleep, I got out of bed for a second. I cleaned myself off, and turned off the music I had put on. I threw on some clothes and went up the stairs to apologize to Mikey. He was in the dining room eating something with mom and dad.

"Hey Mom, hey Dad. me and Frank were just hanging out downstairs. Mind if I join you for a minute?" I asked. My statement had earned a laugh from Mikey, and a weird look from mom and dad.

"Sure, go get yourself a plate in the kitchen and sit down with us" Mom said. I did just that and sat next to Mikey. "So Gerard, Mikey told us you've been getting to be friends with Frank. Is he right?" Mom asked me.

"Actually Mrs.Way, Gerard and I.......We have something to tell you" Frank said. I guess he woke up and found me in here. He was fully dressed, and had combed his hair like I had.

"And what is that?" My dad asked.

"Are you sure Frankie?" I asked him. He nodded his head and continued talking.

"I'm bisexual" He told everyone. Me and Mikey already knew, but Mom and Dad just stopped eating. Frank got very nervous when they did that, because it would mean they didn't want him here.

"Thats great! Oh Frank I'm so proud of you for telling us!" My Mom squealed. She ran over and hugged him. Frank was just like another son to my Mom, seeing as he was always over here with Mikey.

"Thats not all" Frank said.

"Then tell us, we're ready for anything" My Dad added supportively.

"Gerard and I......we...." Frank stumbled.

"We're dating" I said for him. I held Franks hand, knowing both our hearts were racing.

"Really? You boys seem like the perfect couple! Your so cute together" Mom screamed.

"I'm proud of you for telling us son. We love you no matter what" My Dad said. I couldn't believe it. My Dad was supporting us? I guess he wasn't as homophobic as I though he was.

Mom and Dad came over to us, giving us both a hug. Mom looked at Frank and I with a sparkle in her eye, and kissed out cheeks. "I'm so glad you though you could tell us. You have no idea what that means to me" he choked.

"You have no idea how much he means to me" I said, gesturing towards Frank.

"Awwww, now how cute is that?" She squealed. I looked at Frank, and he leaned forward to kiss me. I was a little slow to react, seeing as we were in front of my parents, but once his lips were against mine, the whole world disappeared.

We closed our eyes, and just let our lips message each others. No one mattered but us at that moment. I never let myself fall for anyone this fast, for I was afraid I would hit the bottom to fast. But with Frank, I felt like I could fall as fast as I wanted, and he would always catch me at the bottom.

Frank and I pulled away, looking into each others eyes. "Awwww! You boys look adorable together!" My mom said, excitedly. We both blushed, realizing our most passionate kiss had just been shared with my family. I smiled a bit and kissed Franks cheek.

The family talked for a while. We had moved into the living room. My Mom and Dad were on the couch, Mikey on the butterfly chair, and Frank on my lap in the recliner. We talked about everything from Homophobia, to school. Me and Frank decided we were going to to go to college next year together. We had told my parents Frank was graduating this year, as a Spanish major, and I graduated the year before as an Arts major.

We all got tired after a while, and said our good nights. I stopped Mikey just as he was about to follow my parents up the stairs. "Hey, sorry about today. We got a little carried away with the Spanish stuff didn't we?" I said.

"No problem. I'm going to have to get used to it anyway. But thanks man. And thanks for the music again" He told me.

"Haha anytime. Well good night Mikes, see ya tomorrow"

"See ya" Mikey went up the stairs to his room, and I went over to my door. I walked down the stairs and into my room, but Frank wasn't there. I checked the laundry room, the TV room, and even the bathroom, but he wasn't anywhere. I went back upstairs to find him, and he was in the living room.. I crouched down beside him, and picked him up. I carried him down to my room, and set him down on our bed.

"Whats wrong?" I asked him.

"Your parents were so good about it, even your Dad" He told me

"Yeah I know. Your mom just doesn't know how to handle it. I promise you some day she will regret kicking you out. She loves you Frank, she just doesn't know how to understand that you love someone else" I said. He nodded and closed his eyes.

I pulled off my shirt and jeans, leaving on my boxers, and got into bed next to Frank. I wrapped my hands around his waist and pulled him in close to me. He fell asleep for the second time tonight, and I fell asleep next to him.

I could spend the rest of my life with Frank, and I planned to do just that.
♠ ♠ ♠
Si sigo hablando de este tipo se le quisiera hacer las cosas sucias para usted? = If I keep talking like this will you let me do dirty things to you?

Gerard hacer algo, me toque = Do something Gerard, touch me

Te quiero Gerard = I love you Gerard

Comments are love <3
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