Pretty as a Car Crash

Chapter Six

Day Off

made by @ the Quizilla! Forums

“Good morning!” Maria quietly sings into my ear. I roll over, my eyes scanning the room quickly for a clock of some kind. My sight stops on the flashing red numbers on the alarm clock sitting on the night stand.

“Ugg!” I moan, rolling back over to face Maria. “Do you know what time it is?!” I question, pulling my comforter over my head.

“Yes, as a matter of fact, I do! That is why I’m waking you up, yea!”

I sigh, irritated, curling up into a ball as Maria pulls off my sheets. “Mariiiiiiaaaaa!” I whine, opening one cobalt blue eye to glare at her.

“Oh shoosh! You don’t want to wake up the Ice Queen, do you?” Maria asks, looking in Chrissie’s direction. I sit up, looking at the “Ice Queen” as well. Her purple polka dotted sheets are all that you can see, beside one of her feet and lots of platinum blonde hair.

“What do you need help with at 7:30 in the morning on a Sunday?” I inquire, turning my attention back to my best friend while rolling my eyes.

“That’s the spirit, yea!” She whispers excitedly, grabbing my wrist and pulling me out of bed and to my feet. “Last night, after you fell asleep,” Maria begins, dragging me towards the closet, “Peter called and wanted to know if I wanted to have breakfast with him. Naturally I said I’d love to!” she finishes, smiling while she attempts to quietly open the squeaky closet doors.

“Wait, what? How did he get your number?” I question, yawning.

Mar-mar spins around, a glint in her eye. “Now I know you just woke up, Jessie, but please never ask such a dumb question again. I gave it to him yesterday, yea!”

“Oh.” I whisper back, blinking. We are a bit RAWR this morning, now aren’t we? “So, what do you need me for?” I ask, sitting Indian style on the oatmeal-colored, carpeted flooring. Maria merely sighs in response as she pulls out some shirts from her half of the closet.

“I need you,” she starts, taking a deep breath, “Because I am going on a date and I need your opinion on what I should wear. Do I need to spell it out for you?” she says in a manner like she’s talking to a five-year-old.

“No, I do not need you to spell it out for me and I think that you should be nicer to me if you want my help.” I huff, leaning back on the palms of my hands.

Maria’s sight glances to the alarm clock then back to me. “Okay, okay. I’m sorry. We’ve already wasted enough time as it is. So, what do you think I should wear, yea?” She holds up two blouses while saying this last part, a small, nervous smile on her lips.

“Oh, that’s easy. Your white flow-y skirt with the light blue polka dots and a white tank top with your big, red belt. You can borrow my red pumps, too.” I say quickly, standing so that I can search for my high heels. I turn around a couple seconds later, red pumps in hands, to find Mar-mar just staring at me. “What? Did I grow a third eye?” I question, bending down to place the shoes in front of her.

“No,” she mumbles, blinking.

“Then get dressed! You don’t want to be late, do you?” I ask, placing my hands on my sweat pant clad hips. After this last comment, Maria snaps to it and hastily grabs the articles of clothing I suggested, vanishing into the bathroom. I sigh tiredly while I sit on my bed, looking out the window.

The sun is already up and I can see people walking around the campus in shorts and t-shirts. We’ve been having unusual weather for October, but that’s fine. Instead of the temperature being in the lower 60’s it’s in the mid 70’s, allowing for people to still wear their summer clothing. Something that I don’t mind at all.

A moan pulls me away from my thoughts. I look over at Chrissie to find her sitting up, slowly pushing the sleeping mask away from her eyes and on to her rat’s nest of blonde hair. I groan in response, turning my attention to the bathroom door as it opens.

“Okay, how do I look? Good, yea?” Maria asks, spinning in a circle after walking into the room, her curly brunette hair spinning with her.

“You look great! Now go.” I say, smiling while she picks up her purse and heads to the door.
“Thanks a bunch, Jessica! I love you!” she states joyfully, leaving the dorm room in a flurry. I turn my attention to Chrissie who is wide eyed and obviously a little confused.

“Whatever. What time is it?” she mumbles before shaking her head and flopping back down onto her lush pillows.

“About eight o’clock” I reply nonchalantly, crossing my left leg over my right, placing my elbow on my knee, and resting my head in the palm of my hand.

“What time do the stores around here open,” she yawns, staring at the ceiling blankly.
“Somewhere between nine and ten,” I answer, standing up from my sitting position and heading towards my dresser. I can feel Chrissie’s sight burning a hole in my back while I pull out a pair of faded, ripped, light blue jeans and one of my favorite yellow t-shirts.

“What are you doing?” she asks, sitting up and gripping her water bottle from off the floor next to her twin sized bed.

“I’m going to go to Central Park to take some photos, seeing as how I have no classes and today is my off day,” I reply, slipping into the bathroom. I quickly wash my face and apply some mascara and eyeliner before getting dressed. By the time I’m done and exit the bathroom, Chrissie is up and moving around, looking through some of the boxes she has yet to unpack. “Well,” I mumble, grabbing my camera case and messenger bag, “have a nice day.”

With that, I leave the dorm room, brown, patchwork converse not making a sound on the hard wood floor stretching the long, narrow hall way.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter six!
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Pretty please with whipped cream and a cherry on top =D