Time to Dance

Writing love letters to you before the show

That year seemed to fly by, Brendon and I had a few little fights, but nothing major. I think that's what brought us closer, much closer. While on tour with my boyfriend I had gotten a phone call from my mom, seems that she had found her self a boyfriend and they were getting married. Brendon, the others and of course me were invited. It was a beautiful wedding, and during the reception the band that was playing, played I write sins not tragedies. Brendon and I laughed and started dancing to it. It was so much fun. What sucks is Brent left the band. Thank God they found Jon in the nick of time. Oh and there's still all of us dancers. Dancing with my boo. My Brendon's calling we got to go to the show now.

The drive felt long, I don't know why. Brendon being cute like he is, slept on my shoulder the whole way. When we got there Brendon grabbed a piece of paper and a pen, I tried to look at it but he pulled away, smirked and walked off. I put my foot down, crossed my arms and had a sad look on my face. Then I decided to go see Megan and the others. We decided to practice some more, just in case. Then Brendon came back, handed me a note, kissed me then said he was going to practice.

“Let's take a break for now, I'm pretty sure we know it.” I said.

“I agree." Fancy chimed in.

I walked over to where the water was and grabbed one, then I went and sat down in front of the stage to watch the boys practice. I decided to read the note Brendon had given me. When I read the note it almost brought tears to my eyes.

Dear Destiny,

I'm writing you a love letter before the show to tell you something. The thing is this, I won't make any mistakes, can't cause you heartache. You really are my destiny, please believe me. I love you Destiny.

Love Brendon.

I looked up to him, Brendon was smiling from ear to ear. I mouthed 'I love you' to him, and he did the same to me. I watched as he walked backstage, then I realized something, I felt nervous. The kind of nervous that gives you butterflies in your stomach. I really did love him, and it's funny how he can make me feel the same way I felt the first day I met him.

Even though he made the whole pun with my name, I loved it, he was right we were meant to be together. I came back to reality to Megan yelling my name. I looked around seeing people coming in so I ran backstage to get on my dress. For some odd reason I got dressed in record time, I needed to see Brendon before we went out. I found him behind the curtain to go out on stage.



At that moment we embraced, he drew me close and kissed me.

“I've something to ask you before the show starts."

“And what is that?" I asked.

He got down on one knee.

“Marry me please. If you say yes you'll be fulfilling my destiny. I love you and always will."

I hauled him into a hug.

“Of course I will, cupcake."

“Awww.” We hear Ryan and Emz say behind us.

We blushed and the others pulled us into a hug. Then the lights dimmed, and Brendon looked at me and smiled his trademark smile.

“Well Destiny, let's get out there you know why?"

“Why Mr. Urie?"

“It's time to dance."
♠ ♠ ♠
I decided to write the little bit at the beginning as a journal entry, kind of to some up what had happened in the remaining days of touring and such.it's also the end and I hope you liked the story.