Bad Episodes

The Aging Process

On the Enterprise, the storm which had sent Riker into the Mirror Universe also had an effect on Alexander, Worf's son.

Now that the ship is well out of the storm and has sent a report on the accident to Starfleet, the effects of the storm are starting to show their effect on the boy: he begins to age at a rapid pace. Over the course of two days, he's aged from six to sixteen. After that, the aging process begins to slow down, and by the end he's physically eighteen (though chronologically still only six).

Now Worf must try to work out how to raise an already troubled boy who's suddenly become an adult. It becomes increasingly apparent that the aging process has left Alexander mentally deranged, though ultimately harmless and well meaning. Worf is eventually forced to send Alexander back to Earth for psychological evaluation at a Starfleet psychiatric ward.