Status: Update schedule still to be decided <3


Chapter 3

6 months later, it was decided that Alex's eye would be removed. Just the 1 eye, fortunately. But it didn't help him from stressing out about it.

It was half way through out first year of middle school, and he was determined everyone would hate him.

"They'll think I'm weird!" He'd cry.

"Alex, it's halfway through the year, basically everyone knows you already. They won't think you're weird," I reassured him, "If anything, it'll make you more popular. Hey, maybe you'll get a girlfriend.

We'd both laughed at that, which was good because I had gotten him to smile finally.

We had actually made some more friends together. The first person we'd deemed worthy of our friendship, was this kid named Kellin. He was a master at video games and acted like a hyperactive Labradoodle. Teachers didn't like him very much. There was also Patrick. The boy was obsessed with following the rules. He was known as the goody-two-shoes all throughout the whole school, with a perfect attendance record and 90% GPA in all subjects except P.E. But man does he have such a good taste in music. In fact, it was music that had brought Alex and I together with both of our friends.

"The operation is taking place next week," Alex joined me to sit down on his bed.

"Look, Alex, it'll be alright..." I looked up.

"But what if it isn't, Jack. What if they mess something up?" He panicked.

I reached out to squeeze his hand, reassuringly. "Everything will go fine. You'll still be able to see out of one eye."

"Yes, but that's the thing. I'll only be able to see out of one eye," he looked up.

"Alex, don't worry. Nothing bad is going to happen."

He collapsed onto his back on his bed, and I did the same. looked at each other, staying like that until I had to get up to go to the bathroom.


"Miss West has it out for me," Kellin sat down, lunch tray in hand.

Alex, Patrick, and I were sitting at a small table outside the school. The four of us often say here because there weren't very many people.

"What have you done now to piss her off, Kellin?" I asked, picking at the gushers Alex gave me earlier.

"She asked me to stay back after class to talk about my test. So I do so, right, but she starts going on about how I didn't show my work and all that shit and that, even though I got the answers correct, she can't give me a complete mark, like, what the fuck? So I start mouthing her off, you know, the usual. So long story short, I have to redo my fucking test."

"She can't do that, can she?" Alex asked, passing me half of his fruit-by-the-foot.

"I don't think she should be able to. Like, I got the questions right, it doesn't mean I cheated!"

"Well, did you?" Patrick asked skeptically.

"Hey, hey, whether I cheated or not isn't important. What matters, is that I have to redo the stupid test."

Patrick rolled his eyes.

"So what's up with you guys?" Kellin changed the subject, sighing.

"Well in 3 days I'll only have vision in my right eye..." Alex deadpanned, in which I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Right, that's happening," Kellin looked down.

"After it happens, we're going to hang out alright. I mean, not right after, but when you're feeling better again, we're going to hang out and act as if nothing changed. Because it's not like they're taking a chunk of your personality out, right?" Patrick sympathetically looked over to Alex, in which he received a small smile from him.

"So you know that kid, Vic?" Kellin changed the subject, smiling.

"Yes, Vic, everyone knows Vic," Patrick rolled his eyes, grinning.

"Yeah, so like, he totally talked to me earlier, and asked if I wanted him to teach me some Spanish, like how awesome is that," Kellin jumped in his seat.

Vic was this boy in the grade above that Kellin totally fangirled over and we were convinced he had a crush on him, even though Kellin would deny it to his grave.

"When's the wedding?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"Ha ha, Jack," he threw a cheese string at me.

"Ow," I laughed.

"So I'm totally going to his house tonight to hang out right," Kellin went on.

Kellin pretty much talked about Vic until the bell rang for class and we all went to our classes. Lucky Alex and I got to hear him go on about him for even longer as we entered the science class. Sitting at the desk in the corner was Vic Fuentes himself, funnily enough, and when Kellin realized, I shit you not, he leaped 2 feet in the air. So the 3 of us joined him in the back corner of the class.

"As you can see, Mr. Fuentes will be joining us because he apparently doesn't think paying attention in class is important and that acting his own age really matters," the science teacher, Mr. Davis, rolled his eyes as Vic smirked in the corner.

"Hey, Kellin," Vic smiled.

"Oh, hey, Vic," Kellin sat beside him, not looking away from him once.

"Alex, Jack," he waved.

I know it seems like he's a douche but honestly he wasn't. Like, sure he hung out with popular kids and got into trouble with teachers, but he actually was a cool guy. If he saw you head down on the school yard crying, he'd sit with you until you stopped. He'd share his lunch with people who asked. He didn't really say anything rude about anyone, except the teachers.

As class went on, we were asked to get into partners in which, Alex and I didn't even have to ask, we knew in our heads we were ultimately going to be partners. Obviously, Kellin partnered up with Vic. He even interrupted the teacher in the middle of being instructed to find a partner by standing up and yelling "I call Fuentes right here!"

The teacher quickly ignored him, sighing as he continued. Vic only giggled like a 2 year old which made Kellin freak out and punch my arm.

As soon as everyone got into partners and had stated working I decided that I had no idea what was going on.

"Um, yeah, Alex, what is happening right now?"

"We're literally just putting the animals into their groups..." He replied.

"But how do I know what groups they're in?" I tapped my pencil.

"You know like food chains and stuff," he explained more.

I stared at him, dumbstruck, still tapping my pencil.

"Oh my- just ok, here is a bunny, here is a bear, there's a plant of berries, and here we have a, um, wolf. Ok, so which out of those would eat all of the rest?"

"Um, the wolf?"

"Jack, is a wolf going to eat a bear?"

"No, but wolves are cooler..." I argued.

"It doesn't matter if a wolf is cooler. The bear is the only one who can eat all the other things, right."

"Ok, yeah..."

"So next on the list, which can eat all the others?"

"The bear!"

"No, Jack, the bear isn't part of the list, oh my god, what grade are we in, 2?"

"Ok, the wolf, which is cooler than a bear."

"Yes, great. Next down would be..."

"The bunny, right?"

"Yes, good," he wrote it down.

"Which means the only one left is the berry bush," I said, proudly.

"Yes, Jack, there."

I leaned over to the other side of me.

"How are you holding up?" I asked Kellin.

"Huh?" he looked to me.

"Are you done yet?"

"Oh, no," he said looking back at his blank page.

"Do you get this?" Vic looked up to Kellin.

"Didn't you learn this last year?" I asked confused.

"Oh, yeah, probably," he said before looking down again.

"Hey I was thinking maybe we could hang out at your house this weekend," Kellin abruptly changed the subject.

"What about Alex's operation?" I asked, nervously.

"Oh, well I just assumed that he'd be fine by then..."

"Oh well maybe he will be, but why my place?"

"Um, Jack, I've known you for like half a year now and I've still never been to your house. I haven't even met your mom!" He complained.

I looked back to see Alex sympathetically looking at me. I frowned and looked back to Kellin.

"Well we can't hang out at my place. You know what I told you, my mom doesn't like having people over, and there's really nothing to do there anyways," I sighed.

"Fine," he stuck his tongue out. "But I'm going to have to go there one day..."

"Not if I don't let you," I turned back to Alex.

He leaned over to me. "Are you alright?" He asked, worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't make such a fuss," I sighed. "Do you think I'll have to tell him?"

"Only if you want to Jack. I think that you'll feel it when the time comes," he looked less worried, but he was still frowning.

"Ok," was all I said and we didn't talk about it any more.


Alex's operation went fine, just as I told him. He refused to leave my side the day after so I ended up being excused from school and we played video games all day. Actually, that's all we did for the rest of the week.

Patrick and Kellin ended up coming over on the weekend and we did exactly what we normally would do. Alex seemed a little out of it ever since the operation, and he'd tripped over a few things, but he insisted he be treated as he normally was. His mom made a cake for all of us which read 'cancer free' and he almost choked on a piece laughing when I started tickling him after he took his first bite.

As that year progressed, Alex became more used to life being half blind, and he did eventually lighten up. At first we didn't think he'd ever be the same again. One night I had snuck over to his house because my mom was in a dangerous mood. Alex always told me to come over if she got too bad or if I was scared it would. But when I reached his bedroom door and heard muffled sobs, I had the feeling something wasn't right.

"Oh m-mom I-"

"It's me, Alex," I closed the door behind me.

"Oh," he cleared his throat and sniffled. "Um, I was just-"

"Cut the bullshit, Alex. What's up?"

"I know I'm overreacting..." he said in a small voice.

I walked over to sit beside him on his bed.

"I just don't understand why this happened. I can't see on this side anymore. I only have one eye. Oh you should see it, Jack. It's scary to look at. I know I shouldn't be scared to look at it, it just makes me sad. I just- I'm sorry I'm overreacting there's n-no need to cry-"

"Alex, you have every right to cry," I comforted him. "You went through a physical change, right, but you went through a hell of a lot emotionally because of this."

He looked down.

"So don't be ashamed to cry about this. You're pretty strong, you know. Cry all you want, you can if you want to."

"I'm-I'm tired," he didn't seem to be crying anymore.

"As am I," I stood up to lay in my sleeping bag that I left here because I slept over so often, but I felt Alex's hand reach for me.

"Just- just sleep on the bed tonight, ok..." He quietly demanded and pulled me down.

The only other time we had done this was when we were kids and Alex found out about my mom.

"Ok," I replied turning onto my side and reaching to turn the lamp off.


As time went by, before we knew it, Alex and I were graduating, grade 8 that is. It was actually a pretty big deal. Kellin and Patrick were going to separate high schools from us unfortunately, but Alex and I of course we're sticking together. I was still pretty nervous about it all. I thought I would attend with Alex and his mom, but my mom insisted on being sober so she could see me graduate. It was of course so she didn't look like a shitty mother, but I took it as if she wanted to go.

Our school gave out all sorts of awards to the students such as Academic, Athletic, Artistic, etc. and they even added ones like 'friendly' or 'best -whatever-' award. I think it was just so everyone would get one.

Suddenly I found myself standing in a tux- yes a tux holy shit -on stage, staring out at the faces of parents, teachers, family, and friends. I managed to single out my mother who sat surrounded by people she didn't know, looking quite irritated.

As they called names of students to grab their certificates, I felt myself shake as it neared my name. When they finally did call my name, I looked beside me a few students down and grinned at a now cheering Alex.

I shakily walked to the front of the crowd of kids, reached for the important piece of paper, and nearly fell I was so nervous. As I walked off, the roar of applause started again and I sat down in one of the many chairs that were in front of the stage on the ground. Luckily we didn't have to sit in alphabetical order so I was waiting for Alex to join me in the chair next to mine.

After waiting not too long, I finally heard it. Alex's name was called and, alright I may have cheered a little too lousy, but what can I say, he's my best friend.

When he walked down the steps over to the chair next to mine, he returned the grin I was giving him. All down the list we didn't take our eyes off each other, except when Kellin and Patrick were called, unable to believe this was actually happening.

Finally, the last name was called.

"I present to you, the graduating class of 2013," Mrs. Anderson, the principal, called out, her voice carried across the gym.

For a quick second, the gym remained completely silent, but a moment later, the gym erupted in applause and cheering. Each student stood up, high-fiving, hugging, or congratulating each other. I looked around the gym at all the smiling faces. Even my mom looked like she wasn't entirely bored.

As I stared at her for longer, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. Looking back, I saw Alex's head peak from behind the arms. I turned around, properly hugging him back.

"We've done it," he whispered, happiness audible.

"We have," I laughed.


After the slideshow, the awards were given out. Alex and I had actually won something together. The 'best duo' award. I hadn't realized other people noticed us being such great friends, but I was excited all the same.

Parents were told to pick their children up in an hour because a school dance was planned for all the graduates in order to celebrate their achievement. Alex, Patrick, Kellin, and I were sitting in the corner on the bench.

"I can't believe we won't be going to the same school next year," Patrick sighed, talking to Alex and I.

"I know... But we'll still hand out," I looked to him.

"Yeah, of course. I'm not letting us fall out of contact," Kellin insisted. "I'm so excited I'll be going to the same school as Vic. It'll be so cool."

"Are you sure you don't like him?" Alex laughed.

"What do you mean, of course I like Vic. He's a good friend," Kellin replied, obviously knowing what he meant.

"Don't be a smart ass, Quinn. You know what he meant," I skeptically shot back.

"Come on even just a little," Patrick pushed.

Kellin looked away, obviously blushing.

"Well... Maybe..." He hid his face in his head. "You're cool with it, aren't you?"

"Oh yeah of course," I reassured him.

Someone was walking over to us who tapped on Kellin's shoulder.

"Hey Kellin," the familiar voice said.

"Vic? What the fuck are you doing here?" Kellin jumped.

"Shhh, I sneaked in here. Don't tell anyone," he laughed and sat down beside Kellin. "So you're all high schoolers now, like me," he leaned forward so he could see all of us.

We all nodded.

"It's a shame you're not going to Westbrook," he frowned.

"I know... But I got a high enough mark to get into this school with a really good academic program. I can join and I'm almost guaranteed to graduate with honours and maybe even a scholarship," Patrick replied, his mood a mixture of happiness and sadness.

"And Jack and I are going to the one that's down the street from us. It's easier for my mom that way she won't have to drive us everyday," Alex told him.

"Well at least you'll be with me," Vic smiled shyly, looking at Kellin who now grinned like an idiot.

"Aughhh," Patrick groaned, hearing the slow song that was now playing. "Why do they have slow songs at things like this?"

"You're just jealous because the whole time you were here, you didn't get a girlfriend," I smirked.

"Well hey you're not exactly smooth with the ladies either, huh?" Patrick raised his eyebrows at me.

We laughed it off.

After the song was over, Kellin and Vic stood up, telling us they'd be back later. What they got up to, I never did find out. It's not what you're thinking. They're fucking 14 and 15 years old, why on earth would they do what you're thinking?

The mood died down and soon the parents were flooding in. Alex assumed his mom was taking me home. He saw my mom leave. There was no way she'd be coming back. So now we found ourselves exhaustedly sprawled out in the backseat of the car, stupidly singing along to 'All the Small Things' by Blink-182 because it was on the radio. I complained that it was really the only song by Blink that got played on the radio anymore, and even then, it didn't get played enough.

"So that was it," Alex spoke, abruptly.

"Hmm?" I hummed, confused.

"We're going to high school."

"Yes indeed," I answered, my eyes closed. "You scared?"

"Actually, yeah," he admitted.

"Same," I sighed.
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Hello hello hello! I'm hoping you're liking this! Ok I don't even think anyone is reading this but whatever ok thank you if you are reading! Byeee