One, Two, Jump


Many times I have found myself hunched over my desk, pen poised, paper blank, mind ready. Millions of words present themselves but nothing seems right. The words don't fit together in a way that can possibly begin to describe the situation I have found myself in.
Many times, because of this, I've given up.
I love writing, I really do; creating something using my own mind. I've always thought the writings of an author was a demonstration of the strength within their mind.
I had begun to doubt myself in every way possible because it seems to me, by that logic, my mind must be pretty weak.
Then, I began to think maybe it isn't my mind but the way that I am using it. I have been writing about things that really have no meaning to me. I am not a creative person, as much as I really would love to tell you tales of hidden forests and lost love, that isn't how this small mind of mine works.
So today, I decided to tell you about something that I don't tell many people.
My struggles.
They may seem dull and boring to you, but this isn't fiction. This is me, my life, and the people that have found themselves with the misfortune of being a part of it.